Montag, 29. Juli 2024

Many are surprised about my speech culture and articulation in Persian for 5 years, I am of the opinion that if there are so many Eros Ramazzottis in a clerical regime and dictatorship, then a drunken Adriano Celentano is the right thing and an urgency, you koskesh regime supporter

برو خارکوسده، گفتم بابام، نگفتم من، کوسکش خودم اگر یک درصد خون حیوون داشتم که تاحالا هفتاد و پنج بار ایدز گرفته بودم، والا، با کیر زخمی هم کوس کردیم دیدیم نه بابا آدمیم چیزیمون نشد...! واااااا مگه میشه؟ اوا والا....

From 2002 to today I have not had a single contact or conversation with animal Nasser Farahani, except in 2014, I shouted at him loudly that he should pay back his debts. Because of such bastards like nasser farahani, children become targets and murder victims of the police

Because I am a targeted individual, everything has been taken away from me. I have literally been robbed of life through psychological, financial, and emotional hardship..

I have to go, but as soon as the American anti-human terror state and European mass murder states announce: the databases are empty, then these Austrians will start with mass murder, secretly and with poison, like 45 years of Iranian mass murder

Iranian ancient and native tribes have cultivated the monkey and made it human, and now go to fuck

Sonntag, 28. Juli 2024

the BASTARD in UNO building, amnesty international building, the bastard in international courts is VMAT2 dehumanization and mass murder oriented. darwinist fascists illegally at work

After several court hearings from 2002 to 2004, no judge convicted him, divided his debts or ordered payments. All of my mother's property was stolen and nothing was done. This is VMAT2 disenfranchisement, dehumanization and attempted mass murder

In 2002, he stole the entire company assets with 2 trucks and 4 Afghans and left my mother with 200,000 euros in company debts, which she still has today. No feminist organization or women's rights activist or Iranian is even interested in what he has been doing to my mother for 15 years. This is racial warfare, racial madness, global anti-vmat2 movement and attempted mass murder. Exactly that: dehumanization

for 6 years I have been posting photos, evidence, artifacts and rock paintings that Iran is being genetically attacked by Americans, Europe, Israel, Turkey and Arabs and nobody reacts, Iranian mass murders are contract killings, orders from outside Iran

آقا جوری با کشتار دست جمعی تار و پود ژنتیک مملکت رو ریدن بهش رفت که دیگه مادی ومعنوی و شادی بهم جوش نخورن، ننتون رو گائیدم

I have to go to sleep, but as you can see in Vienna and Europe: when it comes to genetic policy, birth control and sterilization, racial madness Europe has its closest collaborators and friends in Iran.

Do you see this Viennese Iranian woman? this Narges Mohsenis also worked for 45 years in Iran as that, and killed thousands Jamileh Manavi, Parisa Madi and Mina Shadi. here in Vienna she has freedom of action too, also as far as Rana Farahani and her mother are concerned. the pride of Vienna for 150 years and longer

I have been dealing with Nazi blood intrigues for decades and reports of attempted murders and the psychiatrists say you suffer from sociophobia, paranoia and "schizophoria". These absurd voices are the reason for your paranoia, you are sick. There are no such methods in a democracy and a constitutional state. Isn't this the second Mauthausen psychological war against race?

Asshole UNO, asshole Amnesty international dirty judges in international courts: to live without mental and physical pain is a human right, failure to help is a serious crime and crime against humanity. what about Vienna and the second Mauthausen in the form of cyber torture

Science is science. What the inferiority and uselessness from both countries discuss in cybertorture chat rooms: who benefits from this useless science? Well, if their asshole gets pain they immediately run to the doctor who has medicines or alternative methods based on scientific research. Category time travel and travel to parallel universes or other dimensions is more important than anything else, even more important than your asshole pain, cancer or other diseases, a science so that you live better, healthier and longer to do what?

خلاصه ما از..نیروهای بنیادی ایران هستیم (که گاهی آن‌ها را نیروهای تعاملی نیز می‌نامند) حالا کوسکش،،جفت خایه های مارو تو دستش گرفته فشار میده تا این جریان من بیسواد رو حل کنه: مگه میشه؟ : ادغام نیروهای الکتریکی و مغناطیسی به الکترومغناطیسی

I write dehumanization cyber torture and sterilization, but the international judge knows not only the small print in contracts, but also the last atom in the matter of the law

the thing about evolution and development is this example: if a construction worker gets 50 million euros from somewhere, then after two years you will experience this: Bill Gates, are you human? I'm not human? Just wait, I'll show you who I am.

If one of my race is dehumanized, then there will be permanently standing behind him: a young man with a turban, an old man with a turban, and an Elami with a turban face veiled. Balthaser Casper Melchior.... now the 8 million inhuman country says: absurdities are crimes, we should not be human? you human?... you fucking New Rome. In the 4th century you invaded Vienna, right?

Disenfranchisement and cyber torture is a horror and DEHUMANIZATION, I always compare it with the Second World War situation and the persecution of minorities, espionage and hunting. With the aim: depression, paranoia, isolation, psychosis, sterilization, and dehumanization. Dehumanization for murder

Anti vmat2 darwinists nazis are serious criminals, serious criminal leftists and criminals greens with criminal social democrats fascists, nazi criminals

5. 6. and 7/8 district green and leftists bastard districts should leave me alone, otherwise I will take off my mask and piss on the Hague and Strasbourg UNO and Amnesty International

To stop these Nazi crimes in Europe, we need organization, teamwork, concept planning, precise surgical interventions: target: woman blonde blue eyes European origin. EUROPE IS AN EVOLUTIONARY ANIMAL WITHOUT VIOLENCE AND RETRIBUTION THERE WILL NEVER BE PEACE

International courts have declared themselves worse supporters of cybertorture sterilization System than inferior monkeys in UN buildings

Europe America the western states: accept that we will not tolerate certain races. and with birth control and sterilization we will end it. Even the NAZI whore in international courts is in this mafia and mass murder plan

everything that is sitting in this photo is dirtier than fascist women in the Nazi era: blonde blue-eyed against black-haired and brown-eyed. worse conflict than 80 years ago. this Nazi whore that is sitting there

Austrian state always talks about it: 160 years of best relations with Iran! This NAZI state, this flag, this nation is a garbage that recycles garbage in Iran, tribal brothers and sisters, Nazi blood and fascist flesh brood

What VMAT Azerbaijan suffered from over the centuries was also occult Ahrimanic practices, rituals and mass murders, freemasonry that called itself atheist or communist or liberal. So yesterday I met Heschmat at the flea market, he has been laughing in my face for 7 years every time he passes by. He stops his bike and stops briefly and looks me in the eye and grins. The topic of the house is his gift to me and my origins, I have known him since I was 14. He had me in mind for this project: building a house

in the second national socialism, in cyber torture Mauthausen, the Austrians have only Iranian as allies, 10,000 former and current refugees that see their only chance for professional and career advancement in cooperating with Austrians. a horde below average level and IQ