Dienstag, 30. Juli 2024

In 2017 I realized that Azadeh was ready to die for this action and goal, she was trained and ready, then I realized one more thing: all of Vienna insulted me as a cowardly pig because I didn't kill her... all Iranians in this city are also prepared today: we are ready to die, we have nothing, we did nothing, we know nothing, there is no evidence

آقا مردم دارن این بچه هارو میکشن، مردم آشغال کله بچه هارو میکشن، رژیم کیه؟ من کیرم تو دهن رژیم، مردم آشغال کله خالصن، دخترش کوسکش پسرش جاکش، زنش جنده شاشخالی، آقا مردم آشغال کلن، پفیوزن، لجنن، نصف جامعه کثیف لجن آشغال کله است

یکی از دلایلی که من هیچوقت نه دنبال شناسنامه رفتم و نه به دنبال پاسپورت اینه: کثیف آشغال کله ای،، کثیف لجن و نجاستی، بیش از نصف جامعه کثیف آشغال کله ای، رژیم شاشخالی هم اگر سر کار نبود با همین احکام و قانون اعدام و سنگسار و قصاص لجن تر از لاشخور های جنگ جهانی دوم میشدین، خاک چیه!؟ عن تو سرتون شاش و پهن و سنده تو سرتون بیشرف های آشغال کله...

I show the ultimate event in a grail with three balls and still: for 3 years until today they walk past me like zombies and robots: we know nothing we saw nothing we don't know you

Montag, 29. Juli 2024

Three balls of magic were a gift, but the rest has to be earned. How much does Mehran Keshe charge in his institute that nobody wants to pay? I mean the fees

I have to go, but many sick Austrians say: we see big Aryans and small Jewish people on the photos below, well then: what was that? I mean what is written below? of my 38 non-patented projects 15 are magic projects

Pythagoras, through both his legend and his doctrine, had great influence on Platonism, but Plato himself says little about magical practices. That he believed in astrology and other forms of divination is strongly suggested by the Timaeus, and it is reasonable to assume he believed in daemons from what we know of the Platonic School tradition. In his Laws (933a-e) he takes healers, prophets and sorcerers for granted. These practitioners existed in Athens and no doubt all other Greek cities, and they had to be reckoned with and controlled by laws. Plato does add that one should not be afraid of them, their powers are real, but they themselves represent a rather low order of humanity

everything that has joined this action and adheres to azadeh amiri is a gas chamber character enthusiast, a special genetic and brain defect austria, a special kind of killer

There is peace in Europe, "DEMOCRACY" Therefore dehumanization with Iranian, former racial murderers and contract killers tribes from Iran in Europe:

I have to go to sleep, but protests conflicts war and revolution are caused to kill in this confusion and chaos masses: Us. previously marked targets

Israel is watching Arabs and Turks very closely in cases of cyber torture and vmat2 espionage, then they recruit Arabs and Turks with Mossad to murder their own vmat2, and the retaliation is then aimed at Arabic-speaking vmat2. Fuck you both, you shitty terrorists, you never stop with Ahrimanic rituals and child murder. Hamas is an artificial strategic enemy built by Israelis, with the aim of murder

what dudulkhim always chanted:, ahura mazda iran was always a liar and a cheater! that's why i take photos with a smartphone, the photos will be saved online with a click. you are criminals, liars and cheaters yourselves. i mean you arabs too... keyfalhal ya habibi?, Bzzzzz

Urshalim dudulkhim calls himself semite and unique bloodline and sees us as crypto dudulkhim. Ahura mazdaner were never storytellers a whale and his belly never has room for a human. and we never became this superstition with islam, this new quran bible and everything else is your work and that of saudis with a grandiose hatred of iran

My sister has been an artist, DJ, producer, musician since 2005. it is precisely these Ramazzottis who work on behalf of Austria, America and Europe, who insult my sister as a hidden Jew and dirty.... the Viennese provided laboratory reports, the Americans are doing research on this. but it is all a lie, it is a VMAT2 mass murder campaign