Mittwoch, 4. September 2024

Mengele is that also light reflection you sick brain you genetic disease and unnecessary material, you intrigue war mass murder, you child murder, you gas chamber you poisoning, you torture you sterilization in this world, you Austrian you Dr. Mengele

Of thousands of grail photos, this one is special for me, the heart scene was taken in grail standstill mode, i.e. without turning. Nevertheless, several projects out of 38 projects are water projects, but Mengele says: worthless, to be thrown away like your life, disenfranchisement, sabotage, espionage, sterilization, secret cameras, cyber torture, psychological warfare remains.

sterilization of any kind means mass murder, cyber torture disenfranchisement means exactly the same thing as Mengele did: throwing newborns into the wood stove

there are actually Iranians in Vienna who think this way: you were 25 and a flashy dealer, you opened a shop a year later and we always looked up to you, that will not happen to our children. our children will never look up to you, your sterilization is the right Austrian policy. iranian police officer vienna

Listen today, Mengele says today: We live in our homeland and secret cameras and cyber torture are the right, our right

Als Mengele (ein SS-Lagerarzt, der während des Zweiten Weltkriegs unmenschliche Experimente an Gefangenen durchführte) auftaucht, erstarren alle.[

well look at the world: one part bombs women and children, one part is best friends with ayatollahs and hezbollah and one part sucks tits of clerical austrofascism, the national socialist austrian one-legged whore

so isaac lives we live, and the world looks like isaac has failed

A real historical document and certificate and evidence for the grail photo. of course also for our origin ethnicity and tribe

November 26, 2021 I took grail photos for the first time, freely accessible with a smartphone. A buzzard and an old sibling couple, the man bald, the woman with a veil. I only used two balls, the crystal and the lead ball

By 2019 at the latest, I realized that they were going to kill me in this city, with the justification: he is already old, his life is over, reporting human rights violations makes no sense and is nonsense, he should die so that Europe does not get into trouble and problems. So I took strict measures, not only for my own sake, but also for the lives of my sister and mother. After my death, they would kill my family in Vienna more mercilessly and dirtier.

آقا ما بریم، ولی خلاصه نه اینوری نه اونوری ریدم به قاتل احمد کسروی. بی ناموس های مادر قحبه

Dienstag, 3. September 2024

hey israel, do you carry this heritage in you? or was it dna chain cut when "god said kill the goat and not isaac" keep bombing isaac, apparently it is god's will BIBI

and that means: you have the head, why are you suffering? didn't we leave you intellect and intelligence and the ability to be innovative? the perfection of design. well, I answered: you have done something else too: today your cling monkey thinks perfection is a penis length of 18 centimeters or more

For me, half a plate of loobia polo meant a sugar level of 210 until April, a whole plate of 320 and two plates of 480 glucose levels. Today the maximum value is 150 for two portions and extras

I am very convinced of eating therapy, naturopathy and especially of Max Gerson, vitamin mix therapy in addition to eating therapy. In any case, this device and sensor are an indispensable tool if you are aiming for a 6 month to 1 year diabetes cure or diabetes disease reduction. Eating behavior must be treated scientifically on a daily basis, what and which in what quantity

آقا ما بریم بخوابیم، ولی همه چی حساب کتاب داره، همه چی! حتی دو پرس لوبیا پلو خوردن و یه پرس ته دیگ. قندت زیر هفتاد باشه دیگه زیاد زیاد قندت میره رو ۱۴۰ بعدش هم خدا تا صبح بزرگه، انشالله که با نود از خواب بلند میشیم.

clerical austrofascist I am grail race and tribe, from great persian empire, what is with this perfection, what is this shamanic scene supposed to mean? it is shamanism? or am I suffering from hallucinations?

these women in Austria have themselves war, racial war against vmat2 gene dna ethnicity tribe race

Just today I was sitting there in Carla's courtyard and watched an 80-year-old woman. She was sitting very sadly next to a woman dressed in Islamic clothing and first said "Salam" peace be with you sister. I am a Catholic and sometimes I greet my sisters with Salam too. About 3 minutes later: these wars are so sad, so terrible, so horrible, these poor children and women in Palestine, so many dead, so much misery and suffering, so much humiliation and torture, this helplessness.

I see these faces every day and I can say with good reason: no society is as dirty as this society. Even German fascism says that: Austrofascism was dirtier than we ever were. Some historians classify Austrofascism as clerical fascism. It is clerical fascism as you can see today.

Stabbing and scratching at Russian nuclear facilities with index finger, the drone games are female, female national socialist, Nazi whores and son of the bitches

The last 8 years have been proof enough that Austrians (I'm not just talking about the government, but about Austrian people) want to commit mass murder against VMAT2 families and maintain disenfranchisement, humiliation and discrimination based on genes DNA and race. This is a fact and international authorities, including the UNO and international courts, are proving the beast within themselves.

Montag, 2. September 2024

I have to go, but: Stabbing and scratching at Russian nuclear facilities with index finger, the drone games are female, female national socialist, Nazi whores and son of the bitches

Vienna is riddled with defeats throughout history, during the first world war it became really sick, after the second world war an injured jackal crawled into the cellar, hence the name: cellar nazis

I can recognize one face out of 1000 on the streets that is currently active. Even if he or she is a perfect actor, or if they are pretending nonverbally, if they are friendly or unfriendly, rich or poor. This is a mass murder machine that Vienna/Austria organizes and sets up, against the old race against vmat2

right now a young austrian boy is screaming: i will kill you, i will kill you, i will kill you babrbad! do you know why? he keeps saying i am more human than ali gharib, the viennese iranians and amiris, i can earn 500,000 euros online with your private life and sex life material. a madman with 10 euros in his pocket, online earnings: 45 euros

آقا قبل از اینکه بریم بخوابیم: میگم اگر اهالی شهر گلستان و تمیشه همین ایرانی های هندوو آریایی وین بودن، یعنی باند و سندیکا مافیایی بابلی و گیلکی و غیر آریایی ها، پس چاکر و مخلص حسن و حسین و با مرام ها و با معرفت ها

I have to go, but I will not take any photos today, Austria is more criminal than the rogue state and dictatorship country Iran. We are sentenced to death and torture because of DNA, genes, race, ethnicity and origin

I prove the race, the Jew-Armenian-Elami crossbreed, the Grail race, but it passes and says: only your ruin and your torture and humiliation is worth something, it secures our prosperity in the first world

not a single passerby walks past me without being conspicuous: you are scum! I only have white papers in the police and a criminal record. So no pedophile or rapist or murderer. only: my genetic data was published illegally, and only: I AM NOT HIV ILL LIKE MANY IN THIS CITY