Sonntag, 8. September 2024

well, in any case I talk to him or he to me more often than others, today I told him: the new trend is that they don't let Ahwaz and Khuzistan bodybuilders win, rather many are discualized right at the beginning...... he is surprised because of this hatred, more than because of the murder of MAZDAK

I am a very important person for Ahrimanism and Satanism, for atheists and communists, and my sister is too, of course. In the sense that they have always been firmly convinced that we are in contact (with whomever and which beings and which dimensions). Viennese journalism wrote about compulsory vaccinations and on the front page there was a bus station under our house. This vaccination campaign was against VMAT2 and to prevent VMAT2 births. Statistics on miscarriages? We have not been vaccinated even once. I would have actually declared armed conflict at the time because of this dictatorship and oppression.

حاجی ژن خدا پرستی نترس از آب در میاد میشه عن عوضی، چی بگیم دیگه جون تو ای امام زاده رهبر... این پسره تو بار اوردی؟ جنگ نرفته از بچگی موج گرفتست بدبخت

Danger nonstop surveillance state affects only a handful of citizens, no pedophiles, rapists, drug dealers, thieves, murderers, criminal syndicates or money launderers. Only we are under disenfranchisement! and under the abolition and execution of data protection and privacy rights and human rights

Because of nonstop surveillance, Ahrimanism always suffers from anal pain. Rome also ordered Jesus to be monitored as a child, together with the Jews! See what has become of the world over the past 2000 years. Freestyle liber is also nonstop surveillance in addition to state illegal nonstop vmat2 person surveillance

I hope nobody wants to know from a nobody how to get rid of diabetes. A nobody with long-term sugar values ​​13-14 from 2018 to April 2024. My breakfast: a chocolate croissant and an hour later a hot dog with cheese sausage

Samstag, 7. September 2024

I'm actually wondering how the Vatican, Qum and Jerusalem came up with the idea that: clerical Austrofascism is right!? Apparently oral sex is a ritual act of satanism in the Bible or Quran or Torah, or when a woman sits on a tongue and masturbates. What are they showing her with these scenes? That I am a satanist? What immorality were they showing?

hey nazi judge, you idiot, I've become a vmat2 angel, now I always have to have sugar with me because of hypoglycemia, constant alarm: eat sugar eat sugar eat sugar. well, keep showing my clips of how I immorally licked 200 euro vanilla chocolate...

so latest news, diabetes report: last night I ate carelessly, fatty soup, fatty food, white bread and rice. then I saw a value of 256! automatically I said: oh god oh god where is my insulin? where is my insuoin? well a voice sang in my ear: leave it alone leave it alone trust in god trust in god! and in the morning at 5 I got up and I saw sugar level 98! that's like bluse swing and..... mix.... hallelujah

I live in a city with the slogan "Gott ist Tot, i bin hot" and I can't find a woman with five demons, only inferior ones demonized by threesomes..... well, I think that's why I'm still alive.

well, if I don't write for two days then this woman fucks my ears and brain, last night: did you find the woman I told you about? the woman with 5 demons? my answer was: most women that I see have three demons, there is no 5 in the city, only women with 3 or (7)! then said like: you asshole liar since mary magdalene's liberation there have only been women with 5 demons jesus banished and burned two forever, what do you mean you can't find any 5? do you always want me in your bathroom?..... and so on from her, this talk and shouting

Donnerstag, 5. September 2024

I have to go and will not write anything until Saturday afternoon. But: this Austria and its children will not stop thinking about mass murder until they have fulfilled their promises to their leaders, to Adolf Hitler and Himmler: the extermination of the enemy race.

1.5 million people in this city are inside because of money: we don't know what happened, who the family was, how it happened. all because of cyber torture stasi murder money

dozens of hundreds of international and regional laws speak against it. it is mass murder without evidence, cyber torture networks are mass murder. insofar as millions of people are active in the cyber world. in every capital city, 10,000 organized user networks are enough for millions of tortures and mass murders

Everyone in this world becomes crazy because of money, including vmat2. the vmat2 spirit infected by black matter will be taken away by special demons. despite poverty one should remain pure, no one stays. shitty earth fucking world

the reason is: they are no longer holding back, it is openly spoken about in the cyber world: death of the vmat2 families in favor of the global economy. despite peculiarities, despite outstanding potential, despite evidence of mystical events, despite scientific know-how, despite democracy and human rights, despite strict prohibition of breaking human rights treaties

I never addressed this issue: clerical austrofascism plans, or rather the VMAT2 mass murders plans, I never spoke about it until 2018. Do you know why?

5000 political activists know me from 2002 to 2014 as paltalk admin and political activist, shame on you....

unsuccessful inferior scum want to decide the fate and standard of living of vmat2. this will end with death, terror, war, fighting and catastrophes, don't you know that from history?

Germans and Austrians have already attracted attention in a very bad way: they have become donkeys out of sick envy, overconfident donkeys. In my case, the Austrian has become a pregnant donkey out of envy, an inventive evil donkey newbie is on the way

So the device is completely fine, insofar as the sensor data matches the test strips. I ate white bread with meat an hour ago. I have been living for 9 weeks now without insulin injection, tablets and medication in general. Can diabetes be cured or can the disease be alleviated somewhat?

not everyone has the brain for success and career, it is precisely this type of person who consents to murder, torture, ruin, spy, sterilization and burning. billions of euros are promised through the murder and torture of the vmat2 Jewish Armenian race to the masses. foreigners Turks Arabs Iranian Afghans Chechens Eastern Bloc immigrants are easily influenced, especially the children

I have to go, but I am convicted by many people without a criminal record for visiting brothels. I have to say that temple prostitution has existed for more than 3000 years, even in Elam. The philosophy behind it, which Greece also adopted from us: the reproduction of our race, really! It is better that our children of whores and sons of the bitches run more often on the streets than these unbearable evolutionary monkeys. Harems with hundreds of women were also common in Iran during Daraios' time and before: temple prostitution

Mittwoch, 4. September 2024

I am writing with evidence, just look at Austria: the much-loved democracy, constitutional state, human rights city, constitutional state willingly transformed itself into a shitty state because of 3 people from ELAM/LURSITAN, a vmat2 family.

everything is calculated statically as in every mass murder, how many died, number of men and women, number of young and old, social status. result: under 100,000 12 to 80 potential danger eliminated

In addition, according to a Viennese Iranian: I was the hero. In 2009 I shouted: stop sending children and young people unarmed onto the streets! I also spoke about the right to civilian armament and armed defense. Who always shouts: go peacefully onto the streets and protest? Just a political sect with goals and financial interests. I said for one dead Iranian 20 dead bastard Ajnabi "Iranian" there is no other way

I have to go to sleep, but the Amiris had an assignment with their daughter, part of the psychological Stasi war, it was supposed to look like this: why didn't you do anything in your life, why didn't you become anything, why didn't you ever try, what was wrong? why did you become a nobody. :) good night

the coins do not go through, it gets stuck: Mengele threw a baby immediately after birth into the heating furnace, Vienna says until today cyber torture disenfranchisement sterilization is our homeland law

International Court of Justice Strasbourg: where was the life of this mother and daughter valuable enough to move us to do something? Both are EU citizens and Iranian nationals.

this whole story started with this: Mengele was allowed to put a child in a heating oven and remained unpunished until the end of his life. look at Iran, the 80s. bastard american eugenim fascism