Dienstag, 10. September 2024

I have to go, but there is the root: Antichrist Dan Tribe and 79s Iranian Dirty Duck Clan: Mass Murderer Ahmadinejad and Ayatollahs

it is about torture and murder and all Viennese human rights organizations have refused to report anything and have silenced everyone: these human rights violations are causing enormous damage to Europe. the victims are inferior and not worth this whole conflict and escalation

The reason why I haven't asked anyone for help for seven years is that everyone is having a fit of weakness because of corrupt and purchasable journalism. It's about torture and murder and many are paralyzed because of journalists.

Ali rahimi, ahmadinejad, Michael Häupl, SPÖ, övp, sebastian kurz, Javad zarif, Kern. All in vmat2 destruction and mass murder syndicate. fuck you terror state Austria

I have to go to sleep, but I have been writing daily for 7 years and condemning this country for suspending the Austrian constitution, human rights and civil rights when it comes to vmat2 and Iranian semites, the only reaction so far: we are not perpetrators and are innocent, the accusations and lies of barbad farahani are of a criminal nature and he should be punished and arrested.

left behind in the 10th district, Otto Probst Street, opposite the forest. we lived on this street for 7 years. a lot of messages were left there for me, underground and above ground. apparently I have an important universal task and many enemies. these shaman messages warn of attempted murder

Since 1979, Iran and Iranian people have experienced a permanent killing machine with the most absurd accusations and convictions, these methods, Cyberfolter Stasi business in Europe and America or in the West countries is the final solution with the help of Austria

Montag, 9. September 2024

every european american and others that sees iranian semites, vmat2 and native tribes as a financial project and turns them into cyber torture financial project should be punished and arrested. the ayatollahs won't allow it. that to explain my statement dirty 1979 fuck

I have to go, I am but Nice Great Iranian, not after dirty fuck Iranian.

I have to go to sleep, but I am as strong as Merlin and can set up a mega gate in Stonehenge. a native Iranian. yes, an Iranian

I have often shown these phone calls and brought them to the topic: no need was the answer until today. You can also hear Merlin hunters obsessed with paganism: no need either

in the louvre museum there is a painting, the surroundings of this ball are signs of genocide. has anyone thought what this core in the ball is? like my chinese ringing meditation balls. ring ring, ring ring phone, phone

It doesn't matter whether they're German or Austrian, they're religious racial exterminators and mass murderers, that's what history says. In our case, those sitting or standing outside are only looking at the money! How much money will be collected in the future and how will it be distributed?

this hatred towards me and my family is indescribable, especially towards my sister and mother, only bastards sit outside the borders, keep quiet and laugh about it. only bastards, a bastard doesn't necessarily have to be a fascist, but abysmally dirty zombie, actually thoughtless bastards who laugh about everything, they are more careless, cheaper and less useful than fascists. fascism is at least a direction, philosophy, view, position. you scum

Sonntag, 8. September 2024

so I have to go, I hate this country! Austria's reaction to my statement today: please eat less in the evening so that you don't have to get up in the morning.

On average, a coffee machine lasts 5 years longer when filled with mineral water, so no calcification of the water and coffee paths and expensive chemicals to clean it. The cheapest liter of mineral water costs 35 cents. I woke up today with a sugar level of 61, so my filling was also calculated correctly.

I have to go to sleep, good night

well, in any case I talk to him or he to me more often than others, today I told him: the new trend is that they don't let Ahwaz and Khuzistan bodybuilders win, rather many are discualized right at the beginning...... he is surprised because of this hatred, more than because of the murder of MAZDAK

I am a very important person for Ahrimanism and Satanism, for atheists and communists, and my sister is too, of course. In the sense that they have always been firmly convinced that we are in contact (with whomever and which beings and which dimensions). Viennese journalism wrote about compulsory vaccinations and on the front page there was a bus station under our house. This vaccination campaign was against VMAT2 and to prevent VMAT2 births. Statistics on miscarriages? We have not been vaccinated even once. I would have actually declared armed conflict at the time because of this dictatorship and oppression.

حاجی ژن خدا پرستی نترس از آب در میاد میشه عن عوضی، چی بگیم دیگه جون تو ای امام زاده رهبر... این پسره تو بار اوردی؟ جنگ نرفته از بچگی موج گرفتست بدبخت

Danger nonstop surveillance state affects only a handful of citizens, no pedophiles, rapists, drug dealers, thieves, murderers, criminal syndicates or money launderers. Only we are under disenfranchisement! and under the abolition and execution of data protection and privacy rights and human rights

Because of nonstop surveillance, Ahrimanism always suffers from anal pain. Rome also ordered Jesus to be monitored as a child, together with the Jews! See what has become of the world over the past 2000 years. Freestyle liber is also nonstop surveillance in addition to state illegal nonstop vmat2 person surveillance

I hope nobody wants to know from a nobody how to get rid of diabetes. A nobody with long-term sugar values ​​13-14 from 2018 to April 2024. My breakfast: a chocolate croissant and an hour later a hot dog with cheese sausage

Samstag, 7. September 2024

I'm actually wondering how the Vatican, Qum and Jerusalem came up with the idea that: clerical Austrofascism is right!? Apparently oral sex is a ritual act of satanism in the Bible or Quran or Torah, or when a woman sits on a tongue and masturbates. What are they showing her with these scenes? That I am a satanist? What immorality were they showing?

hey nazi judge, you idiot, I've become a vmat2 angel, now I always have to have sugar with me because of hypoglycemia, constant alarm: eat sugar eat sugar eat sugar. well, keep showing my clips of how I immorally licked 200 euro vanilla chocolate...

so latest news, diabetes report: last night I ate carelessly, fatty soup, fatty food, white bread and rice. then I saw a value of 256! automatically I said: oh god oh god where is my insulin? where is my insuoin? well a voice sang in my ear: leave it alone leave it alone trust in god trust in god! and in the morning at 5 I got up and I saw sugar level 98! that's like bluse swing and..... mix.... hallelujah

I live in a city with the slogan "Gott ist Tot, i bin hot" and I can't find a woman with five demons, only inferior ones demonized by threesomes..... well, I think that's why I'm still alive.

well, if I don't write for two days then this woman fucks my ears and brain, last night: did you find the woman I told you about? the woman with 5 demons? my answer was: most women that I see have three demons, there is no 5 in the city, only women with 3 or (7)! then said like: you asshole liar since mary magdalene's liberation there have only been women with 5 demons jesus banished and burned two forever, what do you mean you can't find any 5? do you always want me in your bathroom?..... and so on from her, this talk and shouting