Sonntag, 15. September 2024

نازی ناز نازی وای.. وااااااییییی روزهای آفتابی رو به روم نیار ،دلم گرفته، ویاگرا هم گرونه... وااااییییی.. ، بسته ای هفتاو یورو مادر قحبه ها؟

editing the photos costs a lot of time and money, I send the smartphone photos raw. For authenticity I photograph the grail with a cell phone. Although I can't afford a good camera, sensitive lenses cost 75,000 euros

the gate seal above the old man figure, woman with hood, a light body an angel in the crystal and an open gate. mythology says what about it?

in the case of confrontation of the crime, only a thoroughly sick 1932 Nazi woman says: that was my right, that was our right. these are women's networks of sects that want to execute the Austrian constitution, in this case VMAT2 rights and what concerns native race human rights

میگم اینستاگرامی بشم شروع کنم آهنگ های ضد حال بخونم؟

if you have read brecht then you will understand this too: these are mostly uneducated poor women who want to give themselves an identity with this ideology, vultures in their Sunday best, so to speak. this is supposed to give theft, plunder and exploitation color and shine

I see a dark future for Iran, insofar as the declaration of war has begun within our four walls, long ago, since 1979. Iranian women have history in the National Socialist movement, today a dozen million

Anyone who has studied fascism and national socialism in detail, anyone who has split hair by hair, knows: Iran and the 1979 revolution is a re-activation, a wank Austria Germany: Holocaust denial conference, active national socialist propaganda and freedom, free expression of opinion regarding race and ethnicity. Fuck you Austrofascist

azadeh amiri is a shia muslim, her father and uncles are shia, her relatives and entire tribes are shia, 98% of iranian romani immigrants are shia. You see the state as pimp and prostitution and the money that these families and tribes earn. order from emam ali? a chaste blessed behavior? fuckin 1979 Revolution

I see a dark future for Iran, insofar as the declaration of war has begun within our four walls, long ago, since 1979

I promoted armed struggle for 10 years from 2002, four weeks of armed resistance would overthrow the regime, so I advised hundreds of thousands of protesters to arm themselves and defend themselves. Look at the Israel Iran situation: Sepah Hezbollah are just a fake Gypsy power show, they are only equipped to kill you

باقالی، پلشت، عشق لاتی، حتی کامیون کمپرسی اسرائیلی زور نداره مارو بکشه بالا، تو خودت رو از طناب طیاره زنگ زده بکش بالا.... بچه مسلمون، عدل علی... لول.. کوسکش اجنبی

Iran has as many domari statistics in the north as the population of Vienna, more in Khorasan, Beluchistan, Azerbaijan, Ahwaz and elsewhere. I estimate 15 to 20 million. Many have integrated into the capital and large cities with Persian Arabic names, as Muslims, as academics or civil servants and workers, as mullahs and ayatollahs, as Sepah or Basji or Hezbollah. One unified idea: Iran is our homeland, our origin is Iran, we are "SHIIA NATIONALISM"! Who do you think Austria is using to maintain this dictatorship against me as a non-Iranian or my mother and sister as non-Iranians?

If a dictatorship and killing machine is not overthrown after 32 years then it will remain forever. especially this one: billions business economy dictatorship

did putin make a joke in vienna? I'm not joking you asshole mass murderer tribe and ideology vienna. inferior child and woman murderer tribe, mass murder organizers

I have to go, but it's not just about an individual or a family, for 25 years Vienna has strategically exploited us, it's about international vmat2 mass murder contracts, where all hospitals and laboratories have been included: virtual alarm bell at gene dna code native race indigo vmat2. For 25 years Vienna has worked tactically and strategically towards mass murder and economically wrote a billion-dollar business plan.

Monkey origin I have another 38 projects, 15 of them are sensational water projects, how much longer? How many millions are you still paying to some corrupt assholes in international courts, UNO and Amnesty employees?

On the subject of the nuclear fission grail, do you see the songbird that pulls the old man out of the gate?

To invade the private lives of a mother and sister, of a political activist and businessman, is like scratching at the Chernobyl plant. Vienna is sick scum, always was scum, as everyone knows Viennaand still is as everyone knows Vienna

I never saw it as a joke or a prank, and neither did Vienna. Who would scratch Russian nuclear facilities with drones?

The antiques business was completely dismantled with the participation of the Ayatollah regime through secret cameras and cyber torture. As Vladimir Putin said: You are a dictator, and a short time later he said: a good dictator. The Austrian president grinned, the head of the Chamber of Commerce was flattered. Someone who sees Iran as a democratically functioning state