Sonntag, 6. Oktober 2024

These 20 years were mass murder techniques with the help of the UNO elite, and it wants to maintain this system. The UNO, with 1% of society, threatens the whole world. Cyber ​​torture incineration plants for vmat2 from Iran and Asia

city ​​of Vienna is completely criminal behavior, plundering of private life of citizens, marketing of illegal material and attempted murder, the crime is comparable to a ton of crystal meth trade. the police pursue the victims in order to accuse them of criminal behavior. fascism and national socialism is a justified statement

I am a metaphysician and only deliver sensations, and the police are chasing me nonstop to pin crimes on me so they can kill me more easily. Shame on this world and fake bastards in human rights masquerade

dirty mouthpiece in the hague Prague and strasbourg what glorification is there for the first minute illegal secret cyber torture cameras!? dirty mouthpieces of fascists and national socialists

Viennese scientists and physicists and others, for example theologians and philosophers, know: nothing can be done without kneeling or bending down to receive the juice, either the juice baptism that should use all three holes, or nothing at all. Secret cameras only make you cry, I make you laugh, insofar as this juice also has the power to change or repair biology, or genes and DNA

fascism installs illegal secret cameras in private apartments of vmat2 out of conviction and convinces society of this conviction: we do not use gas chambers but cyber torture to burn our existence, therefore no NS time re-activation. right now illegal state secret cameras are aimed at our apartment with hundreds of thousands of invited users. 100 euros per hour? or 100 euros per day you fascist you police vienna

it's enough for today, make screenshots of my grail youtube clips until tomorrow, and watch how vienna makes me sick, depressed and paranoid and then how vienna kills me

the leadership of all three world religions are willingly involved in the extermination of our race, worse than Romans, pharaohs and pagan Germanic tribes

Viennese churches and priests, as well as the Viennese ayatollahs, acted so dirty against my mother and sister in cyber torture systems that no self-professed satanist or fascist would dare do it.

Therefore, I condemn not only clerical Austrofascism and the associated 3 leading world religions in Vienna, the Imam Ali mosque, or second district DAN kitchen, but also clerical international fascism, against our race ethnicity and tribe

the flying bird photos is one of the clearest screenshots, the reason for death sentence from America and Europe, Vatican, Jerusalem and Qum

Another screenshot from the youtube clip shows a full expressive head and face, on the right a magician and medium. since december the police have been pursuing me because of murder plan, silent death

I can't make sharp clips with my tablet. Nevertheless, I was sentenced to death without the grail show, based on my genes and DNA! And today Austrofascism and its entire international gang want to dry up my line, exterminate a semite ethnicity, race and tribe.

I have several screenshots from youtube, this is one of them.. Zeus and Odysseus

My youtube statistics and grail clip is also a victim of international fascism, the bird flew out during the grail rotations, the uninteresting youtube clip

police fascism and NS re-activation statement is a heavy responsibility, the justification and plausibility explanation is a duty. Vienna police is fascism NS re-activation and racial madness

Samstag, 5. Oktober 2024

it's enough for today, if I continue writing all of my pages will probably be blocked and Facebock will also be blocked: if I write which race feels love for each other during crime torture murder humiliation, it starts with a capital B

When Austria was involved in the murder of 1.5 million children, there were eyes of love like today, strangers met each other as if they were in love with each other, absurd but everyone looked at each other with love. They fought for this love until the Russians and Americans invaded and destroyed the love: we can do anything, love, we are free love! like today

چشم تخم حروم حرومزاده سر این جریان ها به هم دیگه بخوره خیلی عاشق هم میشن، بعد میگن چرا تا امام آمد شدیم ۸۵ میلیون

Because of these anti-human actions and human rights violations, especially concerning my sister, many Iranian men and women in Vienna looked each other very deeply in the eyes, and this is what happened: dozens of people fell in love, got engaged and got married or are going to get married. The police announced: after his death we promise you a huge party for all lovers with special gifts. All together, dear Iranian friends: we have not and had not done anything.

Because of this one screenshot, 500 Viennese police officers are looking for a way to arrest me and put me in a cell to torture and kill me, because of this one clip and the corresponding screenshot

حاجی هم حمله کرد به اسرائیل، بله... حملللللله... مرتیکه بانمک

At some point you read in the newspaper: several Amnesty International employees were killed during demonstrations and actions, or dozens of UN employees were blown up, or two international judges were hanged in their apartment along with their children

I would not be surprised that several 9/11 actions will be launched against many human rights authorities, organizations and buildings. None are genuine or none are real and none are human

we live in a time where free choice of destiny is a dream, there is actually a dictatorship that says: we decide who you are or who you will become! and that is based on illegal DNA and gene research of the person. the "third world" is not yet completely contaminated, otherwise it is the same everywhere. You can also be a target as a manager, gold dealer or artist, successfully even, but at the end of your life you die as a clown, nothing was real, everything was artificial and staged

Every international judge, prosecutor and authority knows: cyber torture system is the current race war system.

Because of this system, European women, especially Viennese women, are at risk of suicide. Just look at the Viennese girls: racial struggle until the last drop of blood....