Donnerstag, 2. Januar 2025
Austria Germany is worthless, on the subject: we are a higher race. it still says today, Germany next to Austria: we are worth plundering in order to live better through other races. is there a more inferior attitude than this? pitiful is this GERMAN. the higher race. is there anything more inferior? than countries like Austria and Germany that claim something like that?, master race? you inferior, vile existence, subhuman with master race desire
Austria is a country where many girls and boys are nothing, have no meaning, are absolutely meaningless existence, but with this attitude: we are the right. What does all this mean anyway? This charlatanism that we are worth something must be explained, what value? Where? Why? How? "We have the right to live better through plundering" This statement must be clarified: what the hell are you other than a nothing and nobody boy and girl
هپلی پس فاشیست از رو عقلانیت خونه خریده ها؟ هاااااا. آخه کونده خوار، مگه ما زمان امام علی کوس خول بودیم انقلاب کردیم که و حالا اومدی با انقلاب سیکیم خیاری ما خودت رو مقایسه میکنی مرتیکه، میگی عقلانیت بوده حق بوده حلال بوده. کوسکش ما انقلاب نکردیم زمان امام علی که تو بیای امروز بگی من عنم آی منم انقلابیم من میگم حق بوده...
هاااااا سلیطه میگه: ما این خانه هارو از روی عقلانیت خریدیم، خوب دیگه پس ببین چنگیز چکار میکنه: یه پات رو میگیره اونور اون یکی پات رو هم اینور بعد یه کاری میکنه که دیگه از این عقلانیت ها از لا پات نزنه بیرون، یا اینکه زده بیرون زنیکه بی رحم؟ چرا اوردیش بیرون پدر سوخته رو؟ زمان ساسانی بود ها، چنگیز هم بچه خودمون بود
Well you see, Amer won't let me sleep: the most inferior beings mobilized, ohlala, viva la france, are you watching live? the half-ape, half-pig wants to plunder, houuuuu, oleeee Spain, are you listening? Ötzi Franzi, schatzi Hansi wants to plunder, plunder... Viennese secret service crap and state police filth. hou houh hou half-ape, half-pig, fat Nazis. Vlad the friend of Amer? Vlad and Bagher?, or was Vlad the friend of Kazem?
you nasty, dirty, lowly creature, to own something like a house requires brain mass. Maurice probably said that too before he died. hey? who was Maurice? haaa! Maurice was led from his apartment straight to the train station, with only a suitcase and a pack of cigarettes. his last pack. The last time he smelled a cigarette was when they thought he was dead and buried him with hundreds more behind the walls of the Mathausen. A Polish Jew smoked a cigarette, the gravedigger, the collaborator GOOD NIGHT
I was buying tobacco, Amer flew with me and said: at this time the stench starts in Vienna, until the morning. Because this scum sits in your four walls and that is the only thing they are afraid of: our properties! The four walls are constant thoughts, not death or corpses scare them but: our properties and apartments
Yes, yes, Mr. Frahani, these women made sure that you never found out what happened to you, Mr. Farahani. These women, Mr. Farahani, tried to make it clear to Austria: what we are, who we are and where we are. Mr. Frahani, these two women lived off of it without necessarily seeing how it would be justified! So to this day we are waiting in vain, the long one is gone, the short one is still thinking! Mr. Farahani
the whole shitty action was only meant to conceal one thing: woman, no matter feminism, women's rights struggle and everything else, is a potential half of man and cannot assert itself independently. So racial torture and murder economy. For example, it cannot buy a house on its own, it cannot build up excessive wealth on its own. Simply half
Everyone knows that these women and girls in Austria and Germany are paramilitary underground organizations that block the police, state police and judges, but themselves kill silently vmat2! The euthanasia program, death after eating and other consumption. Today's girls and women in Vienna are NAZI PROLAGANDA LIKE IN THE SHITTY ADOLF TIME
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