Sonntag, 5. Januar 2025

19th district slut with 18 district slut are you looking for michael or patrik now? not even yakuza dragons can be as unreasonable as both of them are. take care of yourself

when I was 16 I heard muddy water, even then I didn't think about grass, I hated it like muddy water. to this day I hate grass like vienna, the white stuff and crystal is for it: when you become a pipe, everywhere. kiwara still chases me strictly stay empty stay empty stay empty

فهمیدی یا نه هپلی، نشستیم خوردیم پیر شیم مثل تو پیر کفتار بمیریم، جوونی دنیا پاک میخواد، کیرم تو این دنیا با شما ها! این بود جریان که توبه نکردیم، حتی ماه رمضون، ای کودن

many gypsies in vienna are bought up in vienna, do you know how? tax exemption! not in iran, so the heads of all gypsy clans in austria are contaminating iranian gypsies, those who are not bought up: vienna: we draw knives for vienna, why don't you for us?

بچه ها میخورن که دردش هم بکشن، بزن بزن خارکوسده بزن، بزن بکش نامرد، نامرد نامر بزن

حاجی درد امام حسن حسین و حضرت عباس رو با شیشه عرق ریختیم تو خودمون سینه زن شدیم، نامردش نمیخوره!

I am a person who does not write about anything without documentation and evidence. There is only one shaman, with this terracotta pot there. The others have stopped doing so in his honor

‌Well, Cia Pasqual (production 19th century after immigration) that wasn't her either. The private jet story reminds me of 3 days of crying because of her. But Pasqual, shit happens

well, no Gabriel and no better vodka than Absolut. I'll mix something, maybe it will be Mongolian vodka that my shamanic friend is drinking in the steppe. do you know it? Terracotta pots covered with intestinal membrane. if I hadn't been preserved in the last 10 years, I would sell two black diamonds today for a private jet flight and 3 nights in the desert. I would cry more in those three days than at the moharam in Tehran

So, the truth: a little autism is also in me, and with this feeling I go to buy vodka: final fantasy: the seller will hopefully be Gabriel

so abe, haram and halal is a tragedy and worth nothing anymore, take the 500 note and stick it in your children's throats as the last supper. so now I'm going to buy vodka

I still walk past this house several times a week, sometimes I sit in front of Spar in the summer and drink a coffee in the morning Bobby, the house in Schönbrunner Strasse. How often I hoped that you weren't a Judas! I once even sat on the stairs of the house where she said: I love you, but I can't ever leave him in my life!

so bobby never understood why azadeh, after such a night with so much love and power with him, comes to me the next day, sits next to me with love and sends him away. Well, Bobby, we were 19, when I was 20 I was friends with Patrik, he would do it like this: hide me under the bed and then surprise azadeh with a threesome so that she either stays as mary magdalene, our worshiper, or disappears. you Juddas Bobby

Well, that would never happen to me in Aksaray, but in places where a short two-hour stay costs no less than 400 euros. There was only one incident near Aksaray: Angelo sent his suit to be cleaned, with a forgotten 500 euro note in his side pocket, and the worker had put it aside in the package. That impressed Angelo and not me. I would wipe my ass with that! They ruined my whole life and you think you can save yourself with this note!?, Siktir abe

and the fact is: when I was in Turkey in 2008, with Angelo/Parisa and/(...) many girls in clubs and bars shook their heads! just one look and two seconds shake! everything is not normal, everything is not normal! '-) in Austria there is not a single individual. also no indication of what Americans and exiled Iranians are in Vienna. a piece of wood with shit on one end and gold-plated shit on the other

بیا گل شیفته هم کنار یه کله خر دیگه نشسته، اومد بگه مادر جنده گفت کوسکش به ما، باباش دختر بزرگ کرده، به به

well, I'm scared now, the streets are empty and I hear this song from Vienna's 16th district: Well, Mr. Farahani, the question of who the father is will cost you your life! My answer: I only collected the stones, I didn't make them. There's a romance on the shelf, even if it costs my life, it was just a romance and everyone loved the child

Hey Vatican I'm leaving now, without a cell phone, stay seated Claudio, his shit pile was older than dinosaurs

Na, Before I go, a few parents know this in Austria: already at the beginning of elementary school, in the second grade, their relationship to parents changes. The parents complain: our child is being taken away from us! No, it is not that, but the child compares his shit with the parents: Indian almonds and dinosaur piles

so 2 cents Nationalism Vienna, I'll be back at 8, I'll get a better bottle today. the small print in Marxism needs to be refreshed. a good bottle of vodka I think

Na,, Heas Oida, des Büld nenn i A Akademie Büld gegen Eich oida, Fickerei Fakultät wien oida.... :-)

that is precisely the reason for my insult to Austria with its 2 cents of nationalism: she or he may be born of Thiel and Nadia, but she and he will be made into invalids with depressive illnesses, already starting elementary school! date and file in networks: "she/he/ is one"

For decades the primitive Turks have been trying to tear these women to pieces, but whoever says to a Turk, "Donkey" is himself Eshek: it understands: Without these women we will experience a downfall, a downfall! Isn't that right, Ghomboli Bala Erdogan?

Well, both still despise and detest Jewish-Armenians today, who put Amy on the list? Israel or the Vatican?

something different: what the neo-religion Judaism despised we made into queens in the time of the Kianian. So the great empire of Persia and the fall of Israel! Today it is not possible in Iran either, apparently only in Istanbul!!!! isn't it, godfather? Aisha or Nilu?

والا ما هم عن داریم، خارکوسده هپلی: هر کس با کیانیان در تماس و ارتباط باشد حرام است، خط کیرمیز ما ارتباط با زمان امام علی است

It is unfortunate what an Austria is, less than a bimbo! China is fucking the world as an imperialist, even the USA, has multi-digit billions in debt and the Viennese see the Chinese as more "tschusch" than the Turks Arabs and others. It is only like that in Vienna, nowhere else. The sex workers are a phenomenon and alien and the Viennese run to Romanians and Bulgarians or others. It's just how the upper class is caught up: "There were real Chinese in the Ming Dynasty and even up until the 18th century, what came with Mao is a (...) ". BIMBOOOOO FRANZIIII

The date of the conviction of Austria because of MAUTHAUSEN and BUCHENWALD concentration camp methods was: 01.01.2006! What happened afterwards was my show

Story of the day: Michi, you've kept me alive until today, you asshole, so that you can poison me with your hate even more than Adolf did back then. I don't give a damn why he didn't die in his office, you filthy scum. Well, then he died. I gave up the business in December. 29th December. Shortly afterwards I was in AKH: exotic unknown virus. Cured by itself

No, I didn't die, I just need a deep sleep. Things get critical from bottle 5 onwards and then there is a risk that a Viennese doctor will kill me: the resistance you Jews have is unbelievable, how do you deal with alcohol poisoning? Why can you break down the poison, isolate it and excrete it?

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