Montag, 6. Januar 2025


I have had a political file in Vienna since 2002! I also had up to 1000 listeners every day, including activists and politicians. All of my data is stored. You damn old pig in the Hague and Strasbourg

I was demonstrably politically active, a political activist, topic: armed resistance against the Iranian regime. Under my leadership, look what the police are doing: attack us first, we want to fight with you, Jew. So it screams: Barbad Farahani, you Jew

an attack on the street, illegal action, and I will visit your kindergarten or nazi children of the future! pissing on future generations makes more sense. fascist laughs loudly and talks too loudly, right?

The big bang mafia in Azerbaijan is already known to us from the time of Kianian. Indefinable enemies who call themselves the heirs of Arasch

it just occurred to me: patrik could be in azerbaijan, the son of the bitch. crazy idiot

why azerbaijan? well, a piece of free homeland? as long as the ayatollahs rule, nobody can get me there, even for 5 grams of coke a day and 15 women. I'm trying to sleep now, turn off the cameras. Amer is not a cool guy like me

Fascism is a genetic disease, biological difference, this is how the country proves: if we can't kill, then we'll draw 100 million viewers into your apartment and show who you are! Someone, somewhere, will kill you. Last year I wanted to travel to Azerbaijan, I thought it would be a nice death in an opium den with two sex workers. Well, luckily this phase of depression and hopelessness is over.

so, I still can't sleep with so many eyes, like sick corns, like Ahmadinejad. these Anunnaki parasites! no matter: the police officers are not stupid but helpers of the people. in solidarity they just want to keep the illegal fascist money in their pockets. so, what was the money made of and why was our ruin so valuable? Greece one day after the horrible and unwelcoming Calimera! I'm still insulted, she was the right mother for my children. she cried then

well today I should actually be dead but: the country would never hurt itself because of people who come to us and are of low value

2004, my friends, was really more dangerous: Apparently we can't make it clear to you: we don't want you here, on my soil no one rises from the ashes, no pig and says I'm somebody! spö, very dangerous people

Next question 2003: why do you look like you are someone. Or are you Jewish? We only know this arrogance and superiority from Jews. You are Iranian, aren't you? We will find out.

That's where the minute started in 2001. Reason: It never makes sense in my life to wear clothes costing between 1,000 and 2,000 euros every day. Why are you doing that in front of our eyes? With custom-made shoes and shirts and...

One minute of secret camera action is a criminal offense, dealing with the material is an even more severe punishment... so 6 months to 2 years in prison. The police are currently examining a sweater of mine for remaining traces... LOL

Pathe, are you listening in America? Not even concentration camp guards behaved like that in 1940: uniformed police officers were shouting right now: through wanking through wanking not through....

I don't understand it at all: since when are perpetrators allowed to evaluate what they have killed? Two of my children. In 2017, I was 42, in 2008 I was 33 years old, in my business and shop I was 27 years old

So if you need help: from 2008 to today, these 20,000 alone would be 8.7 million euros. I studied, you just wasted your time at university. Then people get upset: why do we earn too little, why can't we buy a house! I say yes, I am an academic without a title. And you? You title, Dr. zero

Na, Anscheinend ist der Barbad doch jemand, nicht wahr Ella? Wie oft wollte ich zu dir ins Spital kommen und sagen: Ella, Ellaaaaa, die Liebe ist anders. tue es nicht

Being quiet and whispering is no use, eats the racial murder money like the last supper. It is so dark, everything is gloomy. I hope it will end

I am stunned and cannot sleep, Amer tells me that this state has commissioned people to determine the value of existence that has been ruined and reduced to powder for 25 years. His sex life to a sterilized state and panic sick, sociophobic that is justified, until the end of his life.

Sonntag, 5. Januar 2025

Apparently it all has no meaning, even the stones that I have collected. Hera sends me messages: look for a noble body like the one I created so that I can take it over, and the beautiful and noble one begs for only one thing: don't give any proof. It wasn't us

well, I'm really going to sleep now, but that's another story, the creation of Hera and Zeus

well, there is only one glass left, I'll leave it and see it as a gift to Zeus and Hera! the last time I saw betrayal, she looked at me as if she was about to cry, she was booked with extras, two hours. die alexander! good night

even darius said to alexander: you will never know what it feels like to kiss betrayal while she was crying. shortly afterwards alexander died. but before that the coinage

Asshole you are inferior than this to understand why this beytral is to love: only my lord jesus understands it

I listen to Hotel California on repeat endlessly, and the doctors and nurses on night shift look at my site instead of being idealistic and unreasonable in another way: Barbad nobody knows you because nobody understands why you were with her for 25 years. :-)

the tragedy is if no one knows me as what i was next to azadeh, then vienna will kill me.

If by tomorrow there are no 500 emails with just one confirmation: Eywal! then I'm giving a shit about Iran and my projects! I'll register myself as stateless and register my projects as: last kianian., com

بچه ها از کاخ سفید دارن نگاهم میکنن، ایول داره یا نه؟ یه شیشه داره تموم میشه و خلاصه، الان دارم میرم تو فاز یه شیشه دیگه، ما ریشه سگ جون داریم داش، میفهمه یا نه!؟

godfather, I did everything right, what did you do in Hollywood? my script is a millennium of love

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