Dienstag, 7. Januar 2025

Capo that was in the Siberian cave a kind of brutalism that should never ever live on and exist, emigration to Europe was a tragedy. My bracelet is what they call Scandinavian brutalism, Patrik's idea from somewhere else and another time

جاکش پدر حسادت دختر و پسرش جنایتکارانه تر و کثیف تره، پخمه تخم‌مرغی های نازنین چتی

والا به خدا شاه مونده بود ما وزیر بهداشت میشدیم، میرفتیم واستون از اوکراین وامونده کود اورگانیک میگرفتیم زیر قيمت بازار نصف قیمت کود شیمیایی! البته منتظر کونی ممه پشمالو هم میشستیم بینیم کی سر وکلش پیدا میشه، همونی که الان وزیر بهداشته و میره از چین کود میاره! !

این طایفه امیری هم اینجوریاست ها، دختره خودش رو کرد آذا کلفت از اونجایی ضربه بزنه که جهان بگه ایول. ما هم با اداره بهداشت راضی، بینیم کیه ناراضی

جون تو اگر غلام رضا تختی دو کلاس مثل ما درس خونده بود شاه میکردش وزیر بهداشت! دید نه فقط یه ماتحت میبینه، یعنی: آنچه در زیر باشد مقابل مافوق

the best dance I've ever seen in my life, after 18 hours and a phone call. Hi Patrik.. I'm.... ❤️

you see capo, Michael will never allow a don to be raised against a windmill under rainbows! and patrik will never be like that: like his companion and servant. so secret society of the Israeli Templars in Byzantine times failed, not him capo. he fucks you

A car industry that calls itself Tesla has a vision of the future: how should consumers consume? Thanks to Kian and others, this can be achieved. Isn't it?

یارو دفتر فاکتور فارسی ساعت هفت باز میشه، برو چایی بخور

I said it in my room, a discussion round in Paltalk about euphoric conditions in Greece: if in the belly of the Kalitalism socialism could win then only with RAF strategy suicide. So don't waste my time

you joke, you son of a bitch, how often have you sat here in an opium high and fantasized and laughed? Friend, we are not pistachios in a praline, but asparagus in a pork belly roulade. shame on you, shame on you

آقا ما بریم، دفتر فاکتور بسته شد تا ساعت ۷،محصولات بادمجان همدان رو خوارشو گائیدم

واقعیت هم اینجاست: درسته که عزیز جون آبجی ملوک جون بود، ولی به قول محقق های برجسته روس: اعیلام کلفتش بود، فامیل پپه. شما بزغاله، گوسفند وگاو و الاغ هارو ایلام آدمتون کرد با نعل و میخ. ولی خوب امام آمد و گذشت.

البته به فامیل نامحترم هم یه چیز بگم، ها، این همدانی که با چمدان و ممه دان اومدن پدر بزگ های مارو گرفتن یه رگ اجنبی خیانت و نیرنگ تو ممه دونشون بوده! بنده خدا نصرت یه نگاه به خلخالی کرد یه نگاه به این ملوک همدونی خارکوسده،، جون تو زد به سنکوپ، کی اومده و کی با بقچه بادمجون کنار ما نشسته...

خوار این تریاک رو من گاییدم که هرکی رفت توش بی غیرت شد و خوار مادر مارو یکی کرد، والا به خدا، پدر بزرگ ما که مرد ما شش هفته گریه کردیم، میدونی چرا؟ از خلخالی جاکش ترسید گذاشت کنار، بعدش هم سکته کرد چطوری مرد بدبخت، ای تو روح اون انقلابتون و تریاکتون سگ برینه مادر قحبه ها

well you asshole, my message I'm already buying your adidas in Caritas, only you understood, where is my lawyer? the fucker can't be held back anymore

well, imagine what a shitty world this has become: the heroes: Aisha is in hospital because of a third nose surgery, Patrik is scratching his balls all the time, and I am in police custody and a hostage! Well, there is only one Michael left, son of Khashayar and Anna, he has changed his color to black so that the white can scratch him every day to the core, the white

so I'm awake again, I don't give a shit about whoever is still sleeping, and that's Patrick! I went on a trip yesterday, the firebird appeased old spirits in Baku, well I insult people more dirty and much more in my sleep too, but I found Patrick in an opium nest. idiot. what do I do today? really I'm in the dirtiest situation and he's scratching his testicles because of the excessive opium in his blood. so of the bitch

Montag, 6. Januar 2025

yes, Angie, I saved the brown one from yesterday for you today. good night

جناب سروان شما هم که هنوز بله، میگم.... بهتره نگم،. خاک تو او سرت سروان

Heas, kiwara wie gehts Da mit dein scheiß schädl in mein oarsch du koffer

so that's it, I'm going to sleep. but the saying in the script is not to be compared with Marxism, capo, no! but with magic from Avalon Arkadash!

another tragedy is: there is no Marcello Mastroianni in Hollywood today: hey, if you think you can talk to us like that then you're just an ass! we're in the middle of work and who are you? I love this answer from me now capo, but this saying is something special in script 23. what a pity

the tragedy: if I leave then the police will kill you with other rich people, only me and Capo have a little respect. well we had three shops , what kind of shitty chaos system is this. is it still called capitalism? or syphilis. hey baby syphilis is good, this Viennese syphilis bimbo nazis, they come back and back and back

Come on, Angi, tell me about your mental problems and the treatment with secret cameras: we, we, we have to live without tits because we are at risk, because we have inherited it genetically, and and and and and oh my goooood, ohhhhh shitttt, look, he has been smoking for 35 years and is healthier and younger than me. That is not justice, that is not good, we should all be equal, pleaaaaase, ohhhhh goooood

the vienna police want to cause family conflicts and psychological war by secretly sending illegal material, the reason is: they give a shit about every austrian baby, child, teenager and student. that was the case in paris. only the parisian police had a hint of honour, he killed himself, the vienna below all standards as far as is known

fuck you too, my script not yours, I still have 68. an ernesto gives everything to argentina as a gift and doesn't give a shit about hollywood! yo bebe, that was good

STOP THE GENETIC MURDERS OF RICH BASTARDS, STOP MASSACRES!!!! A rich boy lousy biology sits next to angelina, he begs for my murder

everyone has two legs, right? even dinosaurs had two, so heavy, and only on two legs. only assholes can't come to me on two legs when they want something or want to know something, only assholes!

the Vienna police allied,the Vienna police are bringing Hollywood into our apartment for one reason only: MURDER. RACIAL MURDER and money of course