Dienstag, 29. Dezember 2020

the viennese whores collectives. Vienna always created chaos, the 30 year war was a massacre, first world war, second world war, and today Austria says:we crush together with ayatullahs, europe, america human rights and buy the UN, international court of justice and public prosecutor, vienna destroys jews, vienna is higher than elami jews, and the elami slave will never report criminal charges or human rights violations because of terror and fascism. vienna is the scum, and has been chaos since the 12th century. the red dragon

persian fire and smoke against chaos, the dragon, reptile, bird and predator, the tribes

this mother whore, sister whore, father bastard town is the matter of psychopathy with its three world religions, women with burqas and headscarves are worse than the whores in swinger clubs.what did you want from my mother and sister?

zionist lobby media mafia. the austrian state and the ayatullahs want to solve this terror, fascism, dictatorship and racism action with a hail of bullets, because of tens of millions more euros with world zionist finance media mafia

amncient stones austria, vienna. ahrimanic state austria, jezebel and hostility to 12 persian tribes ahura mazda, the ancient civilization.

the islamic government of iran, fake imam ali mosque, the ahriman house and the iranian embassy have been trading partners of the secret camera campaign since 1998

In 1998 my mother restored carpets for almost 10,000 euros a month. Orders between 500 and 5000. She sold carpets up to 80,000 euros. the bitch, fascist and shitty Nazi woman in Vienna said:when this elami negro becomes wealthy then we kill ourselves.Son of a dog franz and wolfgang two animals immediately installed cameras with secret services.I'll piss on your corpses

die österreichische fotze nazi hure nazi drecksau, scheißdreckweib und faschist sagt:iranische elmais sind "neger", wir dürfen "neger" ausbeuten, wiener zionisten und antisemiten helfen uns auch.naja, der elami darf euch auch nachher die köpfe abschneiden wenn das so ist

in vienna many say:we also live on 900 euros. yeah you can't do 16 professions and you're unproductive creatures, you weren't an antique dealer, hobby archaeologist and art collector

holly wood, state and state poison killer mafiathe mafia cartels and al capone syndicate treated the state mafia differently, they had cut off peter's testicles and given alev to eat. they shit in the mouths of arasch and maziar and pissed on their eyes, they put azadeh's right leg in the ali's mouth. the state mafia and killer of innocents do not understand other ways and behavior. just like the judges and their families

old spirits and lotus, tablet photo, 30 minutes ago, raw

Alexander had exploited Elam for 100 million dollars, but a fever fucked him,

elami race in austria and dirty alexander animals and dogsi see the corpses of michaels son, sebastian, HC guddenus and other austrians as dog shit and graves as dog pound.In 1998 fran vranitzky started with jörg haider, wolfgang schüssel, and michael häupl with a secret camera action. so that I can occupy 16 professions and not be able to exercise business potential. because of my race. today they write to me:you have no professional years you have to live on 900 euros

For me, ghassemloo and other regime opponents, the viennese kiwara is a branch of hizbullah and revolution guard, the nazi proletariat in uniform will be true nature with hizbullah, a dog without a leash, the constitutional protection do not work

elami stones, luri stones persian stones from sheep, goat, horse, bull, cow, ibex are also coded.stones from viennese cemeteries 2 meters deep

At the beginning of February 2019 I was the first person to publish on facebook:a leonardo da vinci, michel angelo is coded, it depends on which fragment and part you work on, 18 layers fill and work. the coded field is important

incompetent romani iranian, Austria only praises the inability, 40 years because of the Ayatollah's inability to lead Iran, and 20 years Iranian gypsies in Vienna because of looting and robbery with azadeh amiri.potential and talent is elam / susa, beluchistan, kurdistan, lurisran, gilan, azerbaijan. europe says: destroy god genes, the old race

du hundesohn du drecksau, du scheißdreck hund du plünderer mit traditiondu hundesohn plünderer

austrians nazi dogs and iran.du hudesohn du scheißdreck burlidogs tribe fascism, satanism, sadism, psychopathy, alexander party politics:we exploit you with ayatullahs and hizbullah, we plunder the resources and we say afterwards:you are not human, you are poor. like in khuzesran and ahwaz. and this is what the blue eye monkey says to creation

Montag, 28. Dezember 2020

the vienna police, secret services, politicians and the upper class wait until this second with a stiff cock:he will kill at least 30 people, we will jerk off and cum on the corpses and report terrorism.that is fascism ape psychopathy sebastian Kurz, pürstl, schüssel, pilz, häupl and HC

40 years of khuzestan/shusha. why do you become an international target?because the kefalonia mass murderer calls himself ayatullah today, hizbullah, vienna police, secret service, politician, leftist, right-wing, liberal, neoliberal, socialist, communist, human rights activist, UN employee, amnesty activist, judge and international prosecutor. only because of politics DNA and genetics

میان ‏دو ‏کس

سخن میان دو دشمن چنان گوی که گر دوست گردند شرم زده نشوی.

میان دو کس جنگ چون آتش است

سخن چین بدبخت هیزم کش است

کنند این و آن خوش دگرباره دل

وی اندر میان کوربخت و خجل

میان دو تن آتش افروختن

نه عقل است و خود در میان سوختن

در سخن با دوستان آهسته باش

تا ندارد دشمن خونخوار گوش

پیش دیوار آنچه گویی هوش دار

تا نباشد در پس دیوار گوش

from a cemetery, two meters deep, a ruin and jezebel spirit. The life

do you know how vienna works? Vienna is a family of 180,000 people, police, secret service, public prosecutor and judge, these families have different political ambitions, left, right, middle, liberal, fascist. nevertheless, 1200 to 5000 euro salary. They all have one problem in common, drug money, especially in ORF buildings. a gram of cocaine 100 euros, and a gram of ice 80 euros. Lack of discipline and money leads to multi stalking and the stasi method with a secret camera

it is not uncommon for stones to have negative and positive energy, are you a sinner? it works like the holy grail. it depends on who drinks it

This one work is based on the work of an undertaker, two meter shovel in a cemetery

for editing

Spirit, on saturday i was at a cemetery.I was given a single stone and a nut was also given to me

the only thing is: Austria has deep psychopathy because of our genetics,that's why immigrants are testedbecause of the DNA and genes

there are thousands of arabs, turks, iranians and others in austrian prisons, i have had no police files or convictions since 1986 to 2020. to date. the vienna police are in networks with heroin sellers because of the stasi method