Samstag, 26. November 2022

quartz, or yellow sapphire., lol babylon tower

i lived in favoriten between 1986 and 1999, i never saw a jew in favoriten, but in butterteich there were many diamonds, the cut millions of years old. they don't want that anymore, this old grind isn't worth anything anymore

MK ULTRA is as old as this stone: an anti VMAT2 and anti goat and deer tribes. an ahrimanism that mixes with jews and says: i am a jew, so that we are in checkmate, the slightest criticism is insulted with anti-semitism. 1.5 million children were murdered with this cooperation

i'm back as a coded citizen, we all have a code, ours is MK ULTRA, markus gospel, hope never dies. these whores talk every day in front of the CIA/NSA Mossad, mi6, interpol and europol in chatrooms: why do the targets still see any meaning in life after we leave nothing behind in their lives and destroy everything? why are these people still alive? why no suicide?, do we have to do everything? shall we kill? like back then

Freitag, 25. November 2022

I have to go, will be back in the afternoon

i live in a country where i have been saying for years before i leave the house: bismillah, bismillah, alhamdulilah: there is no hezbollah, no trace of mirollah. the tragic thing is: i only see women and girls laughing when they walk past me and give murder signs in amusement. the weaker human race, evolution human feminism is more enemy than hezbollah

international authorities and the UN are trying to establish this behavior with amnesty: the poor aryan race bought houses and provided for their children and a family, an asshole barbad farahani wants to take everything away, the poor children and families with their houses and properties, the poor families , the bastard: barbad farahani

if you stand at the checkout in the supermarket and are cheated out of 5 euros, then there are three behaviors:1. Are you kidding me? 2. do you want to cheat on me?3.ohhhh dear are you tired and confused? keep the money, I didn't notice anything. it all depends on the non-verbal behavior and facial expression and appearance of the supermarket employee. as far as evolution and creation are concerned, getting third option thought was a big mistake. we deceive ourselves, it's cheating, meanness and deceit. pity was always fatal

I have to go out and will be back in the afternoon

viennese police secret services, european police organization, interpol europol have become worse than ayatullah regime: there are 8 million exileranians, small part of them are old race and native, real estate financing is a privilege and duty by the death of iranian jew families, with european aryans Iranian help

Donnerstag, 24. November 2022

i live in a country where in the 21st century i am afraid to go to the doctor because of accidental death.I was coughing up blood for 2 weeks in the morning, I called the angels and they came when I looked at the clock: 11:11, 22:22, 12:12, 23:23. today everything was clean, white mucus

please prove the jewish religion in vienna, older than 4000 years, what was in vienna? an old enmity? correct history and stop vmat2 and old race mass murders. millions on all continents are enough. today with financial project and real estate purchases? vmat2 is a target for prosperity and wealth? wiener stones 10th district

خلاصه حاجی اومدیم با این وضعیت رب انار بخوریم، دیدیم خدا رو خوش نمیاد زود بریم، هی نشستیم در حال حاضر روشنگرائی میکنیم هم در مورد ایران ما و هم در مورد خانه ی ما: این عن چجوری اومد به خانه ای من!؟

Himmler's art academy was just like the academy of great general alexander, the "strategist" "tactician". Whoever put the tic tac sweets in his mouth is exactly the one who also puts sweets in the mouth of Himmler and Sebastian Kurz. old enemies new writings, great teachers, black wehrmacht "jews"

a salary person chooses his profession himself and must be satisfied with his salary life, himmler's academy of arts asks why? we have opportunities and hope and future for you, why do you want to suffer? without future prospects with limited existence? you have the opportunity to build a house for 400,000 euros with a salary of 1800 and 1500 euros.

we have been made international stasi victims because of genes and dna and race/ethnicity, with our names, without money and we are in poverty, come towards rana's apartment and i will also show you an animal, not from hell but from the white hole against ahrimanism, nazi satanism, fascism

the viennese police and SPÖ are doing this lynching financial stasi action with the support of the current fascism and nazi scene in iran against my person and my family, because of vmat2. current iranian fascism, against vmat2 with viennese animal network society, animal origin network society

Mittwoch, 23. November 2022

the biggest crime in vienna, the second national socialism: we have to arrest and imprison the terror victims for spreading lies, there is no evidence, they insult the country. of course for chemical experiments in concentration camp 21st century, in a cell

this austro fascism and nazi research in laboratories with SPÖ AND BSA is dirtier than the first national socialism, it is worse than himmler's academy of arts: the art of motivating people to kill dozens of millions

i have to go to sleep, but first: i live in a country where a tobacco seller, construction worker, vegetable seller, social worker and teacher has himself genetically examined for comparison, he and she wants to know: am i superior or other races? if one comes to vienna and is superior then we are all together as a unit and collective

in 2018 i was in an office of the police headquarters in the first district, which the policeman said after half an hour: do you want a coffee? tell me why nobody tells you anything about happenings in vienna? did you think why? isn't it better if you leave vienna? there had to be someone to confirm your claims...there is someone: god: you are creation and alone

I have to go, have a nice day, I'll be back in the afternoon

this austro fascism and nazi research in laboratories with SPÖ AND BSA is dirtier than the first national socialism, it is worse than himmler's academy of arts: the art of motivating people to kill dozens of millions

This mineral stone hides sociobiology signs in depth, parasites and mind control signs, I don't have any equipment for editing and photography yet

can someone explain why tens of thousands of christians were arrested and murdered and why mary magdalene and black sarah traveled around with free tickets?

Dienstag, 22. November 2022

the ingenuity of the mind control program, society control, lynching and business is neurolinguistics first, jezebel's voice, deceit, fraud and betrayal: any monkey can fuck me, you are superior and stronger. Then of course the Ahrimanic sects and national leaders with other vile methods:Transmitter and receiver not based on the model of Shannon and his gang, but based on strategy and tactics from old books or writings, hidden in Vatican's basement, in Jerusalem and Qum

without evidence one is an ass towards ahrimanism and its monkey society. this mineral stone from austrian mountains grew well millions of years ago

6 million killed, 1.5 million children among them and it still says I am human: this family is not human, we can torture and kill, we are master race, we are strong, we are shit, we are garbage, we are trash , we are animals in vienna, we are scum we are fucking shit, scum origin, animal origin. dirty mother fucker blond blue eye animals

I can prove it: being purely Aryan means being trash, mixed race is the master race, empatie race with or without vmat. Elam art 4000 B. C.

european garbage origin, garbage origin bastard european aryan race, bastard animal garbage