Dienstag, 15. Oktober 2024

this indicates: french fries and straws also called big brother is actually fucking you with state secret cameras, with Zionist networks and mason lodges

well, mixed Masonic lodges in Vienna, straws and french fries, magic and alchemy Dastur o Amal.the meaning?

If I claim that Vienna is looking for ways to kill all three of us quietly, then it is a realistic, reasonable claim after this anti-human action and mass murder establishment, insofar as the voices of friends in my head also have a face and character. I have to go. Good night

I will post the photos tomorrow, but look here, my old friend and spy, who is constantly talking in my ear, on my blogspot the eyes, nose and face character can be seen more clearly

I'm taking grail photos again today at midnight with my smartphone, this one I took with my tablet, there is no water inside yet and a lot going on

this man had at least a little honor, politicians in Austria and even the political Austrians are more criminals, more involved in establishing mass murder and more dirty next to the Ayatollah regime than this man.

this country, this Austria is not my country, my identity, my name. this Austria is radically anti-human, anti-vmat2, anti-race and anti-empathy. this country is a black spot in history and the passport is a disgrace for me. so nobody has done anything, nobody knows anything, and there have never been any violations of the law or human rights, nobody has any evidence of this

By the end of 2018 at the latest, Vienna wanted to kill me so that something like this would not happen, so I started collecting stones in Vienna's 10th district and 14th district. I also motivated my mother, she found this piece in the 14th district. in the forest. before smoke and fire and especially grail action

black sick spot is justified, I explain why: right now, tens of thousands of Austrians are sitting in chat rooms in some rooms and chanting: he can only become a world wanker, only a world wanker, we work on it every day! Austria's internet police, secret services and the Austrian military are there live and grinning, with this statement: our people know how to deal with such statements and slogans, slogans from someone that are worth nothing

I don't want this sick black spot stuck to me anymore, sick black spot. I am and was a career person, and I still have a lot to do

all the medication we have received in these 34 years should be administered with care, caution and with the note VMAT2, because of tolerability, especially antibiotics or psychotropic drugs. The country takes nothing into consideration with this statement: you are normal and average like our people

I must be given the opportunity to shake off the name Austria or Austrian. Otherwise something bad will happen. I need an international passport as a world citizen, and I don't want an Iranian one either. Does anyone understand that or not? I want to implement my projects as a former Iranian and new world citizen

The lodges all over the world are filled with straws, French fries and solettis, which are the pillars mentioned. The actual "masons" were the 12 Elamite kings, and to this day no one can explain how the Bosnian pyramids were built 34,000 years ago.

The worst event in this country was when the Habsburgs fell, and the country lost all prestige, class and sophistication. A country led by the proletariat, regardless of their political ambitions, no Nazi crimes would have happened if that hadn't happened. Look at today's SPÖ ÖVP FPÖ AND LIBERAL AND GREEN politicians from humble backgrounds, corrupt, narrow-minded, with a beggar culture and fascist tendencies.

on october 14, 2023 i took this grail photo. and that was it. what else happened: cyber torture terrorists went on holiday three times until august 2024, cost: 15,000 illegal euros

شاید هم همین سنگ فروعونی باشه، البته ژنتیک از فرعون کمتر نیستیم. مگه نه حاجی

حوصله ام سر رفته، ولی خوب انگشتر جدید گیرم اومد، ولی حاجی خداییش انگشتر های من از انگشتر های تو گرون تره ها، متا فیزیک نه. ه. ه. ه.ه. ه

I am still at home, I am leaving soon, but I never rely on interpretation of state science, or "academic treatment of artifacts" I rely on my own research. two more tribes have immigrated. so seven

حاجی آلفرد بچه خودمون بود ها، میگه واسا خوار این عن ها رو بگام بعد میام پیشت زولبیا بامیه خوری

I have to go, Alfred Kubin drawing

in kandoo movie, it's about who pays for my drink and meal, or a visit to a brothel. the main actor was humiliated, tormented, and injured for weeks as a child when he ordered an ice cream as a child, ate it but then couldn't pay. for me as a child it was about who ties my shoelaces, who bends down in front of me and ties my shoelaces, I put people to the test in Iran when I was 7 years old. few, otherwise there was only insults and beatings

Montag, 14. Oktober 2024

don't wait I have to go to sleep, a more important journey than grail tonight, maybe tomorrow I'll do some

Kandu is an old film, a nice one, but if Ebi sings for him on the 7th door of hell, then it can only have been the secret society with his lackeys. The good thing is: nobody will ever sing for me, I hate sarcasm. I'll post photos again in two hours, after a break of months...... I think the last time was July 28th

I have reassembled it and poured fire and water on it, let's see how long it lasts this time, if enough has been turned then it will separate itself again... I don't make the decision

ما که معلم اخلاق دیگه نیستیم، جازمن هم تاریخ مصرفش تموم شد، ولی بذار بگم این کیه: این روح همون رفیق قدیمی قدیمی ماست، یه زمونی تو این دنیا بود یا اگر هم الان اینور بود از اتاق بغلی پول ژتون مارو هم میداد، خلاصه هدایتتون میکنم به فیلم کندو... ما که از اتاق بغلی پول ژتون عباس و قاسم رو دادیم، ولی هیهات هیهات که یه رفیق پیدا نشد پول ژتون مارو بده، مگه نه آزاده!؟

He who shows his back to the dagger knows something about this world and knows something about the other world; modern man and Satanism in the 21st century are particularly afraid of this.

Sonntag, 13. Oktober 2024

I have to go and will be back late today, but do you know how I filled my paltalk chat rooms as an admin? Before the topic of armed struggle I started criticizing about spices, vegetables and Persian food, after 5 minutes I had 78 women in the discussion and then automatically 200 men and political activists.

So, experiment completed: if the chilli is on a scale of 7 (01-10) you should drink the juice of three lemons, eat half a cucumber and a pomegranate, so you will have a pleasant bowel movement the next day. This is roughly how Austrofascism strategically planned the torture and murder of Jewish Armenians vmat2, with this statement: my ass won't burn afterwards, no, our ass will never burn again

So I ate something very spicy for the first time in 3 years, with lemon cucumber and pomegranate for dessert, let's see what happens tomorrow. What always remains: Austrofascism remains on the side of Israel, it will never end its course. Firstly, in the 21st century, bounties and vmat2 cyber torture are the national interest, and secondly, Austrofascism is hoping for a strong Iranian counterattack. It lost two world wars but does not want to lose this one: final solutions on all continents through diplomacy and "neutrality"

חבר ותיק, אתה תוקף את טהרן היום או לא? תקפת אותי לפני שלושים