Sonntag, 31. Januar 2021
this darkforce never ended:Austria Germany intrigue in Iran:Banana sellers, watermlenons sellers, and vegetable sellers are honorable people, 5 million luris and elamis are inferior.the same politics as vienna does with an accountant, kebab ali, drug hussein, and other uneducated gypsies iranian:you are valuable, everything is allowed with luris
a month ago i thought where should i go, iraq is contaminated with uranium ammunition, syria, iran, lybia, afganistan, kurdistan too. europe is forbidden because of stasi action and persecution, vietnam and thailand a mousetrap, honkong a cooking pot because of my blood and meat, america a cemetery for marmots
Do you understand. an organic pizza is enough a day, the unemployed salaries are more than 800 euros 917 euros. but:the monkey demonstrates on the streets and says I'm worth more. i am not starving, but i can work and pay tax, i am worth more. what the fuck is that? why did you install secret cameras for my ruin for 20 years? international campaign for me that I should live with 917 euros?
that ayatollahs are part of the world intrigue, and that iran is integrated into the world system, proves:ayatullah rouhani said last week: why should we pay pensions, people have worked at some point and received their wages, what else should we pay. and the japanese economy minister says: older people have to kill themselves and die earlier, what's the point of your life !?by that the assholes mean humans and not ape society collectives
waschbecken, elam und luristan falkon
I write English badly and incorrectly, but what else can I do?
deep ritual depression of the iranian gypsies, austrian state, politics, authorities and judges, police is: the stasi money is not smeared with blood. there is no terror or stasi evidence, but he is not dead either, we and Veronika Weiß and Nasser Farahani want blood money in our plates, that's the ahrimanic tomato sauce, with parmesan, organo
the relatives of my two grandfathers and mothers were in mauthausen, lure from malayer, lure from hamedan, elami from tehran, i have 89% bloodline plus 11% extra elegance, extravagant IBEX. the ötzis are afraid that I will open a gate under a tree and pull Bunny out with my thumb.In this city there are police, judiciary, judges and public prosecutors, but the entire anti-Semitic and racist system turns taxi drivers, kebab houses and street sweepers into chat rooms as police, public prosecutors and judges for lynching
Mausthausen 1945. The judges, politicians, managers, police and secret services, the rich elite has a genetic deformity, a perverse existence and a terrible origin, which shows the behavior of 1938, and the behavior of today. the judges are evil, the politicians are satanic marionettes, and the elite the animal sect.
the action in vienna is still psychological torture on the streets, public places, buildings and supermarkets, the police and secret services control all social networks and instruct people in psychological warfare, with non-verbal and verbal behavior, because of the black stasi capital for animals , animals vienna police, authorities, politicians, parties. these animals only understand the bullet language because of the ahrimanic murder ritual capital
the shaman of vienna knew what would happen to vienna in the 21st century: what was programmed in genes and bone crystals, brain and psyche: I'm upstairs, I was right, he's the criminal, look what the snake behind me says: he has to be arrested for the truth, it is a crime how these people know us, they are not humans
Samstag, 30. Januar 2021
In Iran, some motorcycles drive past cars quickly, if the car window is open then they tear gold earrings and gold necklaces, with the risk of death and injury. today these people are former or current refugees in vienna and say:the state of austria knows who we are, valuable members of society, theft and looting is our right
The anti-Semitic, racist and anti-human behavior and politics of Vienna, with all religions and nationalities, shows:we are still involved in genocide, today with stasi show interludes so that it is also tasty for young people, with black, dark matter, ahrimanic capital. young people kill for a new cell phone
in 1938 even street sweepers persecuted and killed Jews without any interest in money
Vienna is a city with ritual murder, part of society earns money, the other part chases us in supermarkets or it is the supermarket employee,
that wants to murder the race by poisoning, viennese ritual psychopaths. in 1938 even street sweepers persecuted and killed jews without any interest in money
Iranian government and Austrian politicians are ritual killers, psychopathic ritual killers, which proves the murder of children on the Iranian streets and stasi murder rituals in Austria.This woman started in 2000 with a salary of 1200 euros, her last salary was in 2017: 2600 euros. Everywhere where this woman lives with her family and relatives the money is stolen and plundered with stasi murder ritual.1.5 million, and 3.5 million, with 8 real estate shares in Iran and Europe and presumably Canada. an ice cold killer for money and prosperity
veronika weiss has 5 children, insignificant, insignificant, unimportant and untalented, what did you want to do with your children with intrigue our ruin and death? what is austria anyway for 100 years for the world, what are your children for this world besides hate human, racial hate, genocide and scum
my mother divorced in 2003, because he cleared the entire apartment and stole the valuables from 2 shops, with 3 trucks. the judge wrote: nasser farahani is guilty of theft and tyranny. but the judge did not write: the police are supposed to get the valuables back and he has to pay maintenance. for 10 years he has been in austrian, european, gypsy iranian ritual against my mother and sister
Bulgaria/austria/europe....europe has been a place of satanic and ahrimanic rituals for millennia, one of them is the ritual with uterus of 8 tribes ahura mazda. sometimes with the slightest anomaly in the uterus it is advised to operate it out, the operarion probably brings 10,000 euros for the doctor, the sale for ritual 30,000 more. there are also poisons for disorder and infertility, disabled children or dead children
there is a reason why I rant: the Viennese have shit in their veins, blood and head, amiris, gharibs, hizbullah and ayatullahs, austrian governments have plundered and stolen from our lives, and these viennese say: Congratulations to jackpot and blackjack, we have to steal the stones from the apartment and then kill the two, that's our aryan and indo-arian culture with iranian gypsies
آقا یک روز اومدم خونه، کلید رو انداختم رو میز، دیدم اه، یه جزوه رو میزه و روش نوشته آرشیتکتور، معماری گنبد های اصفهان، گفتم گنبد اصفهان چه ربطی به تو داره سینه مرغی، بعد خندم گرفت گفتم ای بیتربیت. خلاصه اینکه خودش هم اومد خونه، گفتم: عزیزم جریان اصفهان چیه؟ گفت هیچی مامانم اینها گفتند یک دختر هست تزش رو میخواد ترجمه کنه به فارسی، منم گفتم باشه. آقا ما نشستیم به خوندن تز، بعد روز آخر گفتم: ببین: ترجمه کردی؟ گفت آره، گفتم ببین الان بهت میگه گرون گرفتی، گفت چطور؟ گفتم ببین، گنبد آخه ....... حالا جفتشون ۱۰ ساله رفیق شدن باهم سر گنبد های دیگه، سند پیدا کنم آزاده خانم؟گنبد های ننت در چه حال هستند عزیزم
Sneaky fascists doctors and doctors from hospitals distributed in networks and police networks:Barbad is a genetic miracle, with this statement causes and sends the nazi envy to the recipient, 22 year old police children, so that a wave of hatred and fascism breaks out through the envy. the police say: we don't work for these people, who are these people? they are worthless
this is the femminism of the 21st century and emancipation:we women have shit on our heads, dogs shit and cow shit, our brains are inferior but we need a lot of money. we have to buy houses through murder, poisoning and stasi shows, we are inferior, elamis are highly intelligent, we are scum like azadeh, we plunder and kill
genetische drecksau huankinder und scheißdreck österreicher, du abschaum der geschichte, oh du mein österreich. joseph chap says: with doctor pilz and hc strache and wolfgang Schüssel we have allowed the ayatulahs / vienna zionists and israeli fascists to earn money with the mother and sister of a political activist and seyyed bloodline. as tribal law and blood law. joseph chap, where does the austrian constitution say that one can do financial business with ethnic minorities? except in Austria in 1932 and today in iran
Do you understand the situation: 40 million Iranians have the creation bloodline and live in holocaust, but 8 million put on costumes and say: we are chosen and important, our existence is important, if you say something against us it is anti-Semitism.fascism and anti-semitism 1932 has existed in iran for 40 years. you asshole israel, europe and america, and today in vienna against my mother, sister and my person
the bottom photo is a persian fire ritual by the river.the viennese jew lobby wants to kill because of this history. great elam luristan kurdistan, ahwas, azerbaijan, gilan and other areas in iran, where would the jews be if the elamis and luris, the creation had not existed !? we are the special chosen people
holy wells and relatives visit. from 2001 to 2014, i decided now and then to explain iran and world politics under a microscope, not often, rarely. if 2900 are hanged today, europe and austria say:we have to make it clear to iran that this path is an inhuman path and that iran has to respect human rights, then politics goes home, take 2 grams of cocaine and jerk off because of the corpses:Jews died again, Jews died again, Odin I cum and cum, help me to defeat Odin,
Illegality and unlawful until this minute when I leave the apartment.there should be a murder case, that is what the police, authorities, judges and secret services want, everyone is waiting for murder, for ayatullahs, and secret Austrian racial psychopathy society, and because of millions of stasi income
Freitag, 29. Januar 2021
شیصد سال شیر آب سگ رو باز کردن به سوی ایران، حالا اومدن خارج از کشور از حق و قانون قبیله ای استفاده میکنن، چون ایران سرشون رو میبرن برن تو نخ مردم. اتریش آلمان به سگ و شغال به اصطلاع ایرانی حق قبیله بر علیه ایرانی های بومی میدهد، آئین سگ های شاش خالی میگویند: ما باید با بومی ها زندگی بسازیم، خانه سازی کنیم
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