Montag, 23. Mai 2022


Circe was a beautiful woman-a seductress or temptress- whom Odysseus visits on her island and who change his companions into swine. It is not clear why she does this. Perhaps because she hates men; perhaps because she represents a more ancient matriarchal society; perhaps because she is just a semi-divine power left over from an older culture, a relatively harmless power if one keeps one's distance, but very dangerous if one comes within her reach. Although Circe changes Odysseus' companions into swine, she has no power over Odysseus himself, because of the magical herb, moly, that Hermes had given him. Not even Hermes, however, can protect Odysseys from Circe's physical charms; when Circe realizes that she has no power over Odysseus, she offers him her bed, they become lovers, and he stays for a while.

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