Sonntag, 22. Mai 2022


It is said that whenever tourists take things (stones, dirt, etc.) from that area, she will cause them to have bad dreams or some disasters in their life until they return the items back. The tourism board in that area get hundreds of parcels a year from tourists mailing things they have taken and requesting them to place it back in the area. The Hawaiians have special rituals to her and pray to her as she is known to be very quick and effective. Of course we do not need to pray to her as she is not an enlightened being as far as we know, but it is nice to know about her and such myths and legends to expand our knowledge. We also now know not to simply take things from Mount Kilauea. It’s important to respect special divinities, land gods, elemental spirits. This post is to introduce you to the beautiful and rich culture of Hawaii. You can do more research on your own on this. Do enjoy.

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