Freitag, 29. Juli 2022

fish eagle

God did not create that majestic creature to sit in the comfort of its nest or to walk on the ground like a chicken or a turkey.

Nor was it created to flutter about, flipping from limb to limb, flapping wildly like the sparrow against the winds of a storm. No, an eagle is created to soar!

It has been specifically designed to soar above the heights! That is an eagle’s created purpose. 

And believers, I hope you are getting this because you have a created purpose too. You were not created to be bound to the world or to struggle against the storms of life. You were created to soar in victory!

The method by which an eagle gets a mate is pretty interesting. You see, it is not just about "love" for the eagle. It is also about future stability.

The male eagle gets interested in females around three to four years old. For us, that would be kind of young, but for an eagle, that is the point of maturity

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