Samstag, 6. August 2022

wappler sigi, kiwara sigi

When I was 19, I stood at the Westbahnhof train station, to my left a police officer came up from the escalator, he passed me and went down the escalator to the right again. i was talking to two girls i met by chance at the station and we laughed. two minutes later the policeman came back up the escalator to my left and came straight to me and said: empty your pockets! the two girls looked desperate what he wants. in any case i said: we go to the police station you write a protocol why you suspect me and what should be in my bag!? he said no, empty your pockets now, i asked if he wants to die? do you want to die beppi? or seppi? or are you monkey sigi? it ended with 6 police cars, no record and no criminal charges, only i never saw the two girls again. I should have sent him to walhala, better 20 years

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