Barbad farahani
Dienstag, 4. Oktober 2022
being iranian means empathy, european animals have shown their origin on iranian streets for 40 years up to now: europe, evolution and animal
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The disease was caused by ethnic researchers, race researchers, and gene and DNA researchers: paranoia, stalking, persecution. And from this swamp, the simple, uneducated, unimportant officials, like the police, judicial officers, and hospital staff, are also watching us. It's hard to believe that even the lowest hierarchy of police officers threatens violence, threats like murder, arrest, or armed force, so they can keep the cameras running, and even watch innocent people in the toilet and bathroom with civilian participation. There is no deeper, blacker envy and misery than in Vienna with its officials.
In the 70s at the age of 24, my uncle DAVOOD bought a house with two floors and a yard in southern Tehran, through bookselling and antiques trading, his knowledge was unlimited, it started: he smokes opium, he smokes heroin, he is addicted , he is a bad person. Ultimately it was all because of this: no one in the family had a son like Davood. nobody is from our tribe. all were poor until the age of 50 or until today
Son of the bitch in Iran, has become an organizer too with the Iranian government, instead of reducing this fascist country to powder after 25 years of holocaust secret camera system, Iran blackmails Austria to continue the action. That is also the reason why I am alive, Dirty fucking luck in a dirty fucking miserable situation
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