Dienstag, 31. Januar 2023

With America there is a world dictatorship as far as human vmat is concerned, 85% of the American authorities are prepared for it. you see that with the viennese authorities and journalists too, everyone is adamantly ready for a race struggle

you understand, i came to vienna when i was eleven years old, i heard the conversations between kokab and roghie and later between herta and klaudia. the two cultures can hardly be compared, the topic of funeral feasts struck me in particular: roghi and koki cried for seven days, even if it was only the father of a neighbor who was four streets away, herta and klaudia only talked about this: i noticed that in the restaurant the daughters wanted to show an immoral host with slices of apple between pieces of käsekrainer on skewers, why i went there i still hate it. what did the daughters want to show of themselves? you understand, in 1932 it was because of the stomach and intestines, today because of the stomach, intestines and house. the whole existence is based only on the most primitive needs: stomach, intestines, house

I live in a first world country, and right now in chatrooms monkey whores are talking, blond with blue eyes and green eyes: what else are we supposed to do with this high inflation, how are we supposed to afford anything!? creatures and flesh that are worth less than shit for this world. like 1932, worth less than dogs shit. i pray to emam zaman's spirit for global incinerators for ape origin

this death factory is a long-term strategy, the main perpetrators chant: we bought five houses, the secondary perpetrators don't chant and only show one house. the whole thing is supposed to justify and glorify vmat2 and native murders with iranian gypsy families, romano race rahim amiri, soroor shams, gharibs and others

I have to go and will be back in the afternoon

austrians are GESINDEL society, this society wants to keep illegality forever, with ayatullah dictatorship and american world dictatorship, with israeli racial fanaticism: we are the chosen 12 tribes, only we are human

Während ich male, lasse ich meinen Körper draußen vor der Tür, wie die Moslems ihre Schuhe vor der Moschee. – Pablo Picasso

austrians are GESINDEL society, this society wants to keep illegality forever, with ayatullah dictatorship and american world dictatorship, with israeli racial fanaticism: we are the chosen 12 tribes, only we are human.

Montag, 30. Januar 2023

("with CIA agents that today also work with gharibs and amiris/shams, tudeh and aksariat party. elami human degree and study means early death")

the americans have thousands of bases on an international level, with illegal genetic database pionage, every laboratory, hospital and practice is strictly controlled, the only problem they have is iran, therefore birth certificates are not issued in parts of sistan beluchistan, shushtar, hormzgan, and luristan and ahwaz and abadan, no school attendance possible without a birth certificate

ever since the ahrimanic world order saw nikola tesla, it has firmly believed in emam zaman and armageddon. one person and one button


آقا سینمای ایران: آمریکایی ها بیشتر از دیگران خرافاتی و کوس مشنگ ترن، جون تو. ما هرچی آخوند زر زد خندیدیم و  آمریکایی از حرص و ناراحتی گندید، میدونی سر چی؟ میگه امام زمان علم غیب داره، علم الهی داره، امام زمانه. این گوز مشنگ های اروپایی آمریکایی هم سر این جریان دنبال خط خون پیغمبری میگردن و میگن: نکنه یه چیزی درست کنن و با یک بیز برینن و تررررر بزنن به دنیای اهریمنی ما، دنیای عشق و تمدن. مادرقحبه ها

the fact that the americans won't leave me and rana alone since the 90's is that they murdered my aunt with gypsy iranian. after her double degree. Her body was put in a car and a car accident scenario was created. with CIA agents that today also work with gharibs and amiris/shams, tudeh and aksariat party. elami human degree and study means early death

I didn't ask for any service, work, money or funding from 1989, or credits until 2009. What is that other than psychologically absurd animal behavior!? what did I ask of you bastards? the exploitation from 1998 until today is animal psychological evolution behavior and attempted murder. you shit scum animal


Rana and I cost this bastard state zero cents from 1989 to 2009 and the state earns hundreds of millions of euros with us from 1998, with racial torture and because of: ethnic creation origin

the world, including 20% east and west europeans, is faced with an absurd threat: either we were all monkeys or there will be no human left. as absurd and psychopathic as this statement is, the absurd psychopathic origin of these beings is too. paranormal incomprehensible robots. at the forefront of this threat are still vienna and berlin, as they were 80 years ago

I have to go and will be back in the late afternoon

my honor is loyalty to our roots, darius the great and elam., bosnian pyramid stone

There was a Nazi propaganda slogan: "My honor is loyalty" and a foreign NSDAP honor medal. Otto Habsburg and the founding of the EU. just as far as race vmat human and prehistory is concerned. on an international basis today, with the presence of interpol and europol

Sonntag, 29. Januar 2023

my last posting today: the fight between alexander and dareios was a race war. the animals always beat down their opponents where no man does it, they take women and children hostage and kill them

our race has the problem: for generations, for hundreds of years, this psychopathy has been teaching even its infants: we have natural enemies, these parents are european jews and european "fascists" racists, anti-semites, xenophobic, as a goodnight song

european race has a deep psychopathic illness as far as our race is concerned, otherwise at least story elam would be confirmed in bosnian pyramids and carlos race, the race mixture, god chosen 12 tribes. yellow, black, white, asian race.

by disenfranchising my family and myself in europe, prosperity, real estate, excessive spending and luxury were financed. International Court of Justice, UNO, Amnesty International and Hunan Right Watch have no files with evidence. evidence of humiliation and attempted murder of a native family

کیری تر ازهمه اینها میدونی کیا هستن؟ هوادارن نظام پادشاهی، از سالی که محمد رضا پهلوی از ایران رفت بیرون تا به امروز، فقط با یک مورد تفاوت: بی خایه، تفاوت اینها با خلافکار اینه: خایه ندارد فقط رژیم را دارد

معمای چشم سوم

معمای چشم سوم میدونی چیه؟ اینه:
 خلافکاران زمانی که رژیم برخورد مخوف و جنایتکارانه با سیاسیون دارد استوار کنار رژیم می ایستند، زمانی که پلیس و نیرو انتظامی به خلافکار ضربه میزند، خلافکاران مسلح با هزار ادو اطوارضربه های مهیب به پلیس میزنند که ما تابه حال نزده ایم، ولی باز زمان اعتراض مردمی کنار رژیم می ایستند. حتی اعدامی خلافکار در زندان هم فریاد میکشد: "بکشید این مادرقحبه ها را". منوچهر بچه ماست، بیچاره منوچهر، از ما هم ضربه خورده، گلوله اش رو هم از پلیس. منوچهر مثل قاسم و محسن قاتل ما هستند، مثل محسن و قاسم، چون که!؟ گفتیم به ما نزدیک نشو مهدی کریمی، پول هم از ما نخواه... یا آقای حامد، پروانه، پروین، اعظم، فرزاد تلفن به ما نزن، چیزی نگو یا نخواه، یابه خانه ای ما نیا

Ahrimanic materialism has a deeper meaning and influence than Rudolf Steiner describes. it awakens sleeper genes

i have to go, but before that: the sign animal, whatever it is, points to the ahrimanic tribes and thus to human and animal crossing experiments and manipulation

the genebiologists should make a random sample of us, vienna has already done it: there is no animal in us, no genetic manipulation and no ahrimanic laboratory experiments in the prehistory, no rat, snake, fish and other oddities that the aryan race is so proud of it. certainly not chimpanzee genes

that is actually the sign of collective unity when both become killers in solidarity with each other, the head and the body. through mind control program. elamis were gene researchers and americans and europe slowly learned prehistory technology from the 18th century

so she is an iranian citizen, my mother got her current birth certificate when she was 14 and she was registered in her passport as a daughter. what was and is in iran is the scum collective, network society in the service of international fascism. more whores than men, scum meat that calls itself: heir cyrus the great

anti forced hijab movement for me was a metaphorical meaning: they are breaking the walls of silence. i throw plates and dishes and say to this movement: go to fuck. Setting up a movement and then using mind control program to represent the interests of the CIA and international fascism in Iran is an old genetic disease

Glazed earthenware bowl with leopard depiction confronting serpentine figure, Northern Iran (possibly Tabaristan region), 10th century CE (Source:Facebook page ‎باستان شناسی و تاریخ مازندران- Archaeology and history of Mazandaran).

Samstag, 28. Januar 2023

آقا ما باید بریم بخوابیم، تا الان هم بیدار موندم و شستم رو کرده بودم در پریز وایرلس ببینم چی میگن مردم، خندم گرفت، اکثریتی کونده چادری چترومی فوری برای ما واژه پیدا کرد: آشغال عتیقه زیر خاکی. دهنتو نانجیب

کتاب تقدیم به سینمای ایران، پدر سوخته های آشغال و دوست داشتنی. پفیوز تواب آشغال دوست داشتنی بود یا اعدامی!؟ بیناموس، بی همه چیز بی نمک، تابلو های 40 ساله فسیل

what is written inside is far from explaining natural hatred towards vmat2, or fear of superiority, fear of greatness and charima. in vienna, 20 years ago, 80% green party sleepers were recognized, and 90%, viennese "leftists" under the sleeper, anti-semitic anti vmat2 movement with national socialist system and ideas as far as vmat human is concerned

Reza pahlavi and his followers have been a regular guest in my PLATALK (JAZZ_MAN_) chat rooms since 2003, along with hundreds of others, many of whom have learned political speeches, even populism, from me. without having studied populism history and neurolinguistics, just a copy of me also when it comes to armed struggle

It was the case in 1932 as it is today: the disenfranchisement caused many citizens to find in themselves psychopathy and killer instinct, I'm talking about activating sleeper genes again. Disenfranchisement means lynching in the 4000 year history. disenfranchisement is murder

Freitag, 27. Januar 2023

I have to go, but the other mystical eye against other dirty eyes, the pyramid system eye. you know which ones

i have to go to bed, but before that: the earth in vienna is like a fish tank that if you throw a goldfish in, a shark will come out later. what are people complaining about? I mean these lousy fascists!?

. Am 1. Juli 1943 wurden alle Juden im Deutschen Reich unter Polizeirecht gestellt, so polizeilicher Willkür ausgeliefert und völlig entrechtet, ebenso wie ihre Helfer


I have a message with today's photo: do not smoke and do not fuck without a condom, without ahura mazdanian protection you will die

why did the persians leave these artefacts? for zoology? for natural science? animal species research? or for information: avestan description of ahuramazdan rebel spirits?

a hundred million euros for 3 executions in western democracy and the rule of law, so that it says: we were right about mass murder for 40 years, we are the law and order

it is mojtaba khamenei with his israeli, american turkish and european friends that promises another 100 million euros to the vienna police for a coup d'état, exceptional status and execution because he has monkey blood and is not a seyyed, a prophetic tribe lineage like most israelis