Dienstag, 31. Januar 2023

you understand, i came to vienna when i was eleven years old, i heard the conversations between kokab and roghie and later between herta and klaudia. the two cultures can hardly be compared, the topic of funeral feasts struck me in particular: roghi and koki cried for seven days, even if it was only the father of a neighbor who was four streets away, herta and klaudia only talked about this: i noticed that in the restaurant the daughters wanted to show an immoral host with slices of apple between pieces of käsekrainer on skewers, why i went there i still hate it. what did the daughters want to show of themselves? you understand, in 1932 it was because of the stomach and intestines, today because of the stomach, intestines and house. the whole existence is based only on the most primitive needs: stomach, intestines, house

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