Sonntag, 30. April 2023
when the american says: no one cares how much the iranian regime has earned through terrorism and attempted murder of a family in the west, then it has a meaning: for 40 years we were involved in systematic native mass murder. the american is employed in all international authorities as a mole. stronger in UNO.
i have to go to sleep, or prepare for sleep, but this psychopathy from rahim amiri, from political iranian like toudeh and aksariat party is the psychopathy 1979-1988. rahim amiri was active in evin prison for 12 months in the 80s, not as a politically ambitious but as a torturer. look at his files next to mohsen darzi, his friend in sweden, the former comrade
when the austrian (i also mean 90% austrian women) says: we can control each other and i cannot control myself then there is a reason: apart from earned illegal nazi money, the country has to pay damages, alone 15 million euros for the crimes between 2002-2006. instead, the country has paid 160 million euros to hush money to international key figures and international authorities.also to iranian opposition leaders
many secret signs have one main meaning: we are in the majority with billions in capital, we can afford anything, and our heads have a priceless value on our bodies. the result is: a 0815 academic with a salary of 1800 euros claims the same and sees herself as a nazi perpetrator of the same standing as an industrialist. also unemployed academics
Samstag, 29. April 2023
i have to go and will be back in the afternoon, politically active since 2002, with the reasoning: genocide and mass murder can only be stopped with armed struggle. Vienna and Tehran are an example today, as they were in 1932-1946. both have even turned international courts into nazi houses with cunning and intrigue
what i have observed in my political activism for 20 years is: human rights activism, political activism is tribal culture within culture conflict with the emphasis: iran was aryan, iran is aryan and iran will always remain aryan. this probably means: we romano aryan from the balkans, india, pakistan, georgia and romania
i have to go, i need an hour for sleep preparation. today i will go into deep sleep as a pure being. fortunately my reputation has not been damaged on the other side. hafiz says:
خوشتر از فکر می و جام چه خواهد بودن
تا ببینم که سرانجام چه خواهد بودن
غم دل چند توان خورد که ایام نماند
گو نه دل باش و نه ایام چه خواهد بودن
مرغ کم حوصله را گو غم خود خور که بر او
رحم آن کس که نهد دام چه خواهد بودن
باده خور غم مخور و پند مقلد منیوش
اعتبار سخن عام چه خواهد بودن
دست رنج تو همان به که شود صرف به کام
دانی آخر که به ناکام چه خواهد بودن
پیر میخانه همیخواند معمایی دوش
از خط جام که فرجام چه خواهد بودن
بردم از ره دل حافظ به دف و چنگ و غزل
تا جزای من بدنام چه خواهد بودن
The Spleen Chakra: Where Energy Meets Body
I have performed almost all the rituals in the last 3 years and I have also written every day, every day in this hide evidence system is human rights violations, mental and physical torture, insofar as everyone in Europe America, Iran even Turkey are afraid of closer contact or physical contact or friendship contact. I only had contact with the other side
what prevails in iran and outside of iran is racial hatred, cultural struggles and anti-semitism, with the most primitive statements: if your face doesn't suit us and doesn't resemble us, then you're not from us or iranian. today they do it with europe through secret laboratory tests:,jewish armenians race is not from us, we were and are aryan
Freitag, 28. April 2023
what i have observed in my political activism for 20 years is: human rights activism, political activism is tribal culture within culture conflict with the emphasis: iran was aryan, iran is aryan and iran will always remain aryan. this probably means: we romano aryan from the balkans, india, pakistan, georgia and romania
When I was in kindergarten, the teachers played a game at lunchtime, there was only a silver spoon with a huge crown on the top of the handle, so it happened that I was under torture for 20 days. It was an honor for everyone else, but I was only insulted as TAGHOOTI (aristocrat), SAVAKI (spy child) and "KALEHGONDE" (bighead) for 20 days in a row. it happens again
what i have observed in my political activism for 20 years is: human rights activism, political activism is tribal culture within culture conflict with the emphasis: iran was aryan, iran is aryan and iran will always remain aryan. this probably means: we romano aryan from the balkans, india, pakistan, georgia and romania
my mother and sister were disregarded in the ahrimanic sadism system that calls itself democracy and the rule of law. two women not in islamic state. stoning was intended for dragon mother collectives or female demons collectives, also women against vmat2 women. These two below are murderous for black stasi money. Also as far as hide evidence is concerned, both are for punishment of the victims
Disenfranchisement of the Iranian "Jewish Armenian" race in Europe
I have to go 😂
Donnerstag, 27. April 2023
I wrote for 6 years, we have elamite bloodline through bagher, my mother's father, hence the hate against my mother, sister and myself. Viennese secret services, police, judges, politicians are still 20th century fascism. racial madness with secret cameras on the hunt for phenomena
i just woke up and started translating russian into german, first i thought: not another romantic stalinistic story about the empire of persia, then i saw: it is based on research by many viennese, elam researchers: elamis have secrets, something special, mystical, special capabilities. that explains the secret camera stasi action for 24 years
Austria has thousands of cases of pedophilia a year, 90% of pedophiles are repeat offenders and are a potential danger for children and society, where and when was there a secret camera in one apartment? or tracking with state cameras? or non-stop surveillance. all enjoy data protection law as citizens
iran has dozens of concentration camps, kahrizak was one of them, for recognized genes, dna and race.The Austrian government sets up concentration camps with live cameras, secret camera isolation techniques, physical torture and psychological torture, for daily street thater and mental suffering, because of genes, dna and race, and because of vmat2
Empaths vs Non Empaths
When we look at the larger Galactic picture of consciousness enslavement, we see the NAA's many pronged agenda to target the brain, CNS and thought forms of every person on earth. Through the agenda of Transhumanism, we see the promotion of hybridization and synthetic integration with artificial neural networks for control over the CNS and Brain. What is starting to surface with more clarity is that our human Neurobiology is wired for empathy, which connects us to higher consciousness and has a spiritual function. The NAA and their minions of soulless AI infected synthetic beings do not have the bio-circuitry for empathy. We are in essence, in a struggle between human EMPATHS, and alien hybridized humans and extra-dimensional aliens that are NON-EMPATHS. [3]