Freitag, 28. April 2023

I have to go 😂

The brown-skinned warriors could have belonged to the mountain Elamites, who bear a strong resemblance to the present-day Lurs living in the north of Susiana, and to the Faili-Lurs living in the east and southeast of Bakhtiaria. Lurs are overwhelmingly black-haired, with brown skin tones. They are a strong breed adapted to life in the mountains, somewhat taller than the inhabitants of the valleys. But they also reveal an admixture of foreign blood, so that they cannot be ranked among the "pure Elamites." However, impurities in them are felt less than among the Elamites of the plains, and their mixing occurred not with the Semites, but with the Indo-European peoples, mainly with the Persians.

This mixing with the Persians ultimately led to the fact that the Elamites-Lurs have been speaking since the Middle Ages in one of the Iranian dialects. Back in 1000 AD. Arab geographers met in some places of Khuzestan a completely incomprehensible dialect. "Khuzi" was apparently the last remnant of the Elamite language. The name "Khuzi" dates back, by the way, back to the ancient Persian period: Darius the Great (522-486) ​​no longer knew the name Elam, but only Khuja[9] . The Khuzians probably belonged to the Elamite tribes, known to the Greeks of Alexander the Great as the Uxii, who caused them a lot of trouble. Mountain uxii inhabited the land between Behbekhan and Fahlian and thus controlled the Susa-Persepolis road. When, out of habit, they demanded that the army of Alexander the Great pay a toll for passage along this road, they were refused. Although with great difficulty, the army eventually managed to force its way through this area.

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