Freitag, 14. April 2023

I have to go to bed, you are a shame

Witnessing the Harm Committed

The most challenging aspect we are facing is that we will be given the opportunity to see up close and personal the inhumane treatment, the deliberate brutality and torture that humans have been subjected to by the choices that have been made by others, whether human or nonhuman and for whatever reason. How many people have refused to look at where intentional harm is occurring because it is believed to be too ugly and dark, and yet in silence, continue to allow the slavery or torture of humanity and children to continue unchallenged and left unaccountable. The world power structures, the governments of this earth have monetized the suffering and torture of humanity. The world economy is dependent on the suffering and slavery of humans in order to produce mass profits based in the continual complicit behaviors of engaging in criminal conduct and inhumane treatment. Many of the storefronts or shill organizations are dressed up and labeling themselves as serving humanitarian causes, receiving massive amounts of contribution money that is not given to the people that need help, but instead to the corporations that make massive profits from disasters and war. Multinational child service charities connected to powerful politics that are so compartmentalized that they secretly are fronting massively profitable pedophilia rings.

Therefore, we will be faced with making choices of consent in what we are willing to know as the ugly truth that exists in the hidden situations impacting our lives surfaces into our view. More of the large pieces will be connected in perceiving what happens in the macrocosm that is impacting us directly by trickling down into our own living rooms. Are we willing to see what it is that really operates behind the world economies, what kind of people and storefronts are used to continually perpetrate harm, and how that degeneracy impacts every structure that exists in this world? Or will we refuse to see it and deny the harm it produces? Humans are at a crossroads of making the choices to become more ethical, to stop allowing the lies of omission and to live in congruence with our spiritual source and higher values. During this phase we will be led to remember our true nature as empathic humans, so that we can learn to live in harmlessness, in any way we can in current society. Thus, the quickest way to evolve and clear energetic imbalance is to be of genuine service to others and attempt to show sincere kindness and Harmlessness to everyone.[1

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