Montag, 24. April 2023

Wesa Tunnel, Fake Aktivist UNO and Amnesty international. ELAMi rock art. 3500 B.C.

The Wesa Tunnel is the inorganic wormhole that was used by Black Hole Entities that used advanced AI technology to connect from the fallen parallel Wesa system by ripping black holes into the fabric of space and time in order to gain access into our Universal Time Matrix and the Phantom Matrix. The Black Hole Entities that originate from the Wesa system are the self proclaimed ancient enemies of the Christos races, and comprise the Anti-Christ Universal Shadow races.

These Phantom Fallen Angelic races that exist within the damaged areas of the reversal 11th dimensional fields connected to the Wesa Tunnel leading back into the Wesa black hole system, are Phantom Shadow Creatures. These Phantom Shadow creatures are extremely advanced in the use of technology such as brain-machine interfacing, and thus they have developed themselves to be extremely mentally sophisticated via consciousness assimilation with AI inorganic technology. These particular Phantom Shadow creatures are essentially black hole entities from a parallel fallen system, that became entwined with the Phantom Matrix system in our Universe when they entered the black hole that was generated from the Fall of Lyra. These particular black hole entities source from outside of our Universe, yet, when they entered the black hole which was formed from the exploded Lyran stargate, they were absorbed into the antichrist fields that make up the Metatronic Spiral and reversal polarity currents. As a result, the Wesa fallen black hole entities became extremely polarized into factions of antichrist hatred and warring, even fighting amongst their own factions while targeting the races existing within our Universal System. They appear to place blame upon founder race lines for their consciousness decline and the predicament of ongoing genetic deterioration without an option for Ascension. They hold the primordial seed of the antichrist gestalt’s seething hatred for the Christos in which they seek revenge by attempting to annihilate the diamond sun timelines and by targeting the Founders and Christos race lines.[1

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