Dienstag, 30. Mai 2023

7 demons

OK, that's not an electron jump, but the relationship between stone and crystal is an old story. so schizophrenic i am i chatted up with this old man and asked him? Isn't it better to have a whore with 7 demons than a woman without demons and not a whore but a city full of envy as an enemy? because the nonempath and black ego must have the opportunity to relieve themselves, the whore is a good address!? not true?
he asked what do you say sinner? I asked: wouldn't it be better to smear magdalena's head with shit, give her a few slaps but keep her with 7 demons? you see I'm still alive and I'm talking to you. I never got an answer back but I have this old man as a regular guest and he keeps looking at me angrily and doesn't say anything

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