Donnerstag, 18. Mai 2023

Solarmind. ELAM reliefs 5000 B.C.?

Solar Mind

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Transcript: Moving on for a moment into the 10th dimensional layers and recognizing we know that 10D is also very important for Krystic architecture because the 10th dimensional sphere is what broadcasts the frequency of our Avatar Christ Self. We've got to have an attunement in our neurology and in our lightbody to be able to receive the transmission from our Avatar Christ Self. As we know many people on the planet today may not be having that high of a frequency experience in terms of a majority of people. The goal to hope for is really getting them in the archetypal mind at the fifth dimensional level but for those of us obviously that are part of the Krystic families recognizing as well the embodiment and the changes in solar star, Solar Mind and recognizing the importance in the avatar transmission and the Christ consciousness healing that has to occur at that 10th dimensional level and how that of course connects into Lyran Codes, the Cradle of Lyra and the 10, 11 and 12th dimensional 

destruction. As we know there was a 12 dimensional stargate that was destroyed in the Lyran harmonic universes and that's what blocked our access into in the Andromedan or Ascension Earth in the Seven Higher Heavens. That was the destruction of the the Christ Consciousness because that was the avatar mind, the access of the Diamond Sun and 12D field. The stargate for that access was exploded when Lyra was exploded, and is very painful for all of us. So that really holds the seed of the Antichrist/Christ battle, if you will, in this Universal Time Matrix.

Recognizing that those three layers obviously come together to create the Avatar Mind but the resonance of the Solar Mind and all the 10th dimensional issues we know of. First of all the reversal 10 and then we start to recognize why they are using reversal 10 because this creates blocks in our Solar Star and it creates all of this horizontal grid distortion that we know of in the Golden Eagle Grid, which is the Iran and Iraq stargate and the battles over there to keep Blood Sacrifice and keep this Solar Mind communication blocked in the planetary body. Now obviously, those of us that do our individual work or grid work get beyond that but as a whole most people on the Earth cannot connect to their Solar Mind for this reason. You have to actually work on this in order to have that construct in your Lightbody so you can receive the communication and your body can actually translate it. It’s like saying they've done everything to reverse split the union of the of the avatar male/female androgyny and to interfere with the avatar transmissions which is a particular frequency that comes into the Solar Mind.

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