Mittwoch, 26. Juli 2023


Most may think it impossible for one man to invent all of this technology in one lifetime and challenge the fact of his existence. However, Tesla did not invent these technologies in the same way humans did not invent math, it was discovered when in the process of observing the nature of reality and reverse engineering what he observed as well as accessing memories from the past. His mission was to rediscover the principles of free energy in accordance to divine laws and bring them back into the collective awareness to help raise human consciousness that had been mind wiped from this knowledge. He was morally opposed to war as a humanist, and attempted to prevent the world wars by negotiating to supply the governments with force field protection devices. Instead, they rejected his proposals and ended negotiations by attempting to steal his blueprints, which soured his relationship with the governmental authorities for the rest of his life, as he refused to further cooperate with them.

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