Samstag, 30. September 2023


Well, I'm back from the safari, it's really harder to get kamagra or Viagra on the black market in this city than cocaine and meth. no man says: “I have Viagra at home”.
Reason says: look for women on the black market. In any case, it is extremely dangerous if you are aware that you are a Stasi Nazi victim and then have to go to a urologist. You look at him while he puts on his gloves and tries to test your prostate with his finger in your ass! a nazi pig with hide ecidence! Weren't these 20 years enough of a finger in the ass? Well, in any case, right now I see everything blue and cold, and everything around me shines and shines. Hey Geneva and Hague, where are the tits tonight? after three kamagra, is it human rights violation number 369?

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