Sonntag, 1. Oktober 2023

day dream

When I met a Japanese woman at the flea market yesterday, after a secondary touch I experienced a vision, the total head cinema day dream:
If you don't come to Japan we will kill you or your family! yakuza of course.
Well then I traveled to Japan and was welcomed into a yakuza villa, the first conversation: how many projects do you have? we want to do something that no one has achieved yet. I asked how many geishas do I have available? They laughed and sent me away with 12 women to a larger villa. Somehow I woke up and heard a geisha crying: you can never caress your soft hands over my skin again, you love of my life. well, I noticed that my hands and feet are missing, and the yakuza says: you just say what we should do, you don't do anything, we do everything, you're just the parrot between two worlds. and only this one stays with you until the end of your life

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