Freitag, 31. Mai 2024
آقا ما بریم، ولی جون تو این آلمانها یه زمانی چوب بستنی که برای هم زدن مغز ترک دستشون گرفته بودن فرو کردن تو کونشون ببینن این آلاسکا خشک شده رو میشه کشید بیرون یا نه!، آدولف زنگ زد گفت: مادر قحبه ها ما گفتیم نژاد و برتریت و اخلاقیات تمیز و سالم، این چه گوهی شما دارین ترکیه میخورین با این بدبخت بیچاره های ارمنی.. و روز خوش
آقا یکروز داشتیم نهار میخوردیم، یک دفعه لوبیا قرمه سبزی تو گلوم گیر کرد، دیدم یه کرد وایساده وسط اتاق، یهو دیدم ناصر هم پرید همینطوری با لگد پرتش کرد از خونه بیرون کشیدش مثل جنازه تو خیابون، کمی گذشت و ما فهمیدیم یارو امین بود، سر کارگر این یکی بیناموس. آقا ما بچه بودیم ولی خیلی زود فهمیدیم جریان دهاتی نو فاشیست و بیناموس شهری فاشیست چیه، بزرگتر که شدیم تازه فهمیدیم به رضا شاه بدبخت اصلا چرا میگفتن رضا قلدر... خوار جفتتون رو من گاییدم ... والا خیلی مادر قحبه ای
This should be the most incredible thing that every person between the ages of 7 and 90 has ever seen in their lives, phenomena in a grail and the grail cinema project with a 4 meter diameter gate. What Austria is doing is what the whole of Europe is doing: we cannot afford to be enthusiastic, it will cost us hundreds of millions of euros. This means the illegal cyber torture money, not the national capital, tax money and assets.
As early as 1998, the Austrian military, mainly ABC defense troop officers and secret agents with the help of the police and other two secret services, informed the established middle and upper classes: protect your daughters. Well, then they filmed me in the Beverly Hills Club: look what he's doing: he pays 500 euros for champagne and 800 per woman..... cockroach bastards: this danger zone must also be eliminated, stop the money supply, it's a son of the bitch danger zone. Messiah delusional idiots
Donnerstag, 30. Mai 2024
جامعه ایران یه جوری شده، میدونی چجوری؟ بیش از هفتاد و پنج درصد هر کجا برن و بگن ما ایرانی هستیم طرف میگه خوب به تخمم که ایرانی هستی.لول....به من نمیتونن بگن، میدونی چرا؟ به قد و قواره و قیافه و ابهت هم زیاد نیست، به اینه:، چهار کلام حرف حسابی، و در هر شاخه ی علمی دو کار عملی حسابی و نو، خط دارو یکیش...
Iranian opposition is a disgrace in that there is no one of Iranian origin left inside. They kill children, nobody is there, they kill women, nobody is there, they kill old men and women, nobody is there, they kill Toumaj, nobody is there, fascism fucks me, nobody is there. No matter leftists, right-wingers or monarchists, all of them are cowardly Aryan disgrace, no original Iranian
the vienna police, officials and politicians, the judges and politicians are absolute anti-racial psychopathy, especially when they observed that Nasser Farahani stole all the family property and capital in September 2002, and I opened a shop in October 2002 without capital and goods. It was like an armed defense announcement against the Islamic Republic of Iran: mobilize, organize, I am on my way to Kurdistan! 6x6 number of testicles. Taking over a shop without capital is 6x6 number of testicles
In 1997 I was in Italy, I worked for a few weeks on a building site, a baroness's luxury home. She never left me alone, she visited the building site five times a day because of me: you're lying, you're a student, you're lying, you're an actor, or do you have a master's degree and are a secret agent, tell me who you are? is Mahmoud really your uncle? what are you planning to do in Italy? why are you renovating my villa? most of the time I laughed and said: I'm a magician! the last word she said was: you're an Iranian in my country, I don't trust you!
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