Freitag, 5. Juli 2024

an Indian was next to me today, when he saw me eating sausage and bread he came up to me and asked about my sugar levels, I said it was 300 to 600, today it's 120 to 200. He then said in German: do you have a wife and child? I nodded no, he then said: Kir (he said it emphatically in Farsi) will soon no longer work, never take a wife. I switched around for a while and then he started again: you can activate your pancreas with certain breathing exercises. Then I said: you Indians have ruined everything in Iran from the 15th century to today, culture, language, traditions, eating habits, genes, DNA and everything else, then he got really black: you killed more Indians with NADER SHAH than anyone else... you are racists LOL

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