Sonntag, 1. September 2024

Cyber Terroist and VMAT2 mama and VMAT2 sister hunter Thomas

No matter what political "ambitions", color or costume, I grew up in a society of crazy people. I was 19 and was in Thomas's apartment. On my first visit I was surprised by the two fancy chairs next to the toilet door. On my third visit my curiosity piqued and I asked: why do you have two expensive fancy chairs next to the toilet door? Why not in the kitchen or bedroom or apartment entrance door. He replied: decent people always have chairs like that to the left and right of the toilet door. I sat down and asked what now? He said thank you for the politeness, I have to pee now, and you have to promise me that when you go to pee you will sit and not stand, the tiles are coated with gold leaf and must not be splashed. Years later, I found out from his ex-girlfriend: Thomas grew up with foster parents and has been in therapy for years. His mother told him during the first visit: you were the product of a one-night stand in a disco toilet and I didn't want you then and I don't want you now either. Giving you away was like an abortion.

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