Samstag, 30. April 2022

i live in a banana country, with judge monkeys police monkeys and rich kids monkeys, with this statement: we are not fascists,we only looted one shop not all shops in vienna

this is science, genetic crossbreeding, mixed breed, multibreed. 3 holy kings blood combined with 9 other races, with vmat a miracle

jakob is old you asshole, jeroboams is older, jeroboams fucks you, jesus fucked you too, 80% of biblical truth lies under vienna's underground tunnels and cities. Jesus drew his sword

the second world war joke: jakob they won't dare to kill us with our diamonds and capital. today the scum of Viennese officials, judges 4000 euros salary with police elite 2200 euros salary: we are the owners of this family, all phenomena including his stomach air belongs to us! Inferior monkeys and scum, blonde blue eye dirt, come on say it before my eyes. 3 seconds action

آقا یک عمری گفتند: ایرانی ها ماقبل از اسلام حیوان بوده اند، تو به کوس ننت خندیدی الان موضع عوض کنی و بگویی ما همه با هم آدم بوده ایم، مگه دیوانه ای.

hey, FBI NSA CIA: that's my sane idea of stargate, transmigration of souls, then someone write a manuscript that no one understands

i feel good today, düdurudüru dürü. i just can't emigrate to nicaragua, venezuela cuba, dudurü durü durü, there are too many hizbullahs and ayatullahs with stasinazi viennese black money dududurüdururu

heas chicken wings i hör die per wirless gerade jetzt, wos glaubst wos an herrrasse ist, chicken wings

15,000 nazi whores in the inner circle and 50,000 outer circle and vmat2 killer with 5000 thousand wehrmacht jews in chat rooms and networks are a taboo subject in vienna. To this day, Viennese journalism does not write about killer women and vmat2 torturers, as they did 60 years after the war

I show it a hundred times, and the judge in Vienna says: it wasn't us, it wasn't genetic, we have the right to live in luxury with black money and vmat2 trading. dirty fuck wehrmachtjude israel.

with shia nationalism we tried to save ourselves, and now look: aryan race gypsy race from balkan countries fuck us with our own idea

i bought silver today that is worth 20 euros for 45 euros and set a sign that nationalism always fucks itself voluntarily. my cigarette money, maybe I'll stop smoking,This wanking actually has good sides too

Freitag, 29. April 2022

siblings artifact great persia, the light over the light, vmat2 woman and man. old ahrimanic business and ritual. victims

in austria we only have potters with small print names that make fun of us

vienna i am native naive. native naive realism

stone and crystal, the reason!? vernunft? vienna, master race, aryan race,

How many Immanuel Kant and Rene Descartes does Vienna have? where is the reason deep inside

iran paltalk JAZZ_MAN_

I have activism since 2002. with 25,000 hours of discussion about struggle, systematic action and liberation struggle to prevent mass murders. in thousands of rooms as admin. to prevent dictatorship. the austrians, israelis, americans, english and israelis oppressed me with secret cameras, as humiliation: what do you want to prevent!? everyone is looking at you and your family in iran

the austrian police and secret services 1200 to 2400 salaries animals speculate about my inheritance, estate, inheritance after death or murder by order of the state, while hizbullah and ayatullah get bloody diarrhea because of Nasser farahani his family, brothers and relatives: they are dirtier than fascists in vienna europe and America

kranke heinrich gross kinder, die ziegen. bis heute sagt spö: arschloch kinder

wiener "frauen" wir vernichten aberglaube, wir vernichten vmat2 fantesie welt, wir vernichten mit pyramiden system, folter, erniedrigung, wir kaufen Immobilien für unsere kinder, gesunde ohne gott gene kinder. blonde affen und schwarze affen solidarität

this is your database, fucking database: kill innocent and buy houses, buildings, pyramids, dirty origin, dirty genetic origin, kill families and buy houses, pyramids, with blood money

Do you understand? i was and am poison, i am anti 666, anti blonde race europe. since 2002 disrespectful. As a native Iranian, I know the history, but more importantly, the prehistory and your origin. shit nazi anti vmat europe, america, shit mass murderer europe america, israel. shit ayatullahs

این رژیم ایران هم جنده صهیونیسته، اینم باید مثل جنده کیرش کرد. تازه منم اینرو نمیگم که جنده امپریالیسم و صهیونیسم است، این میگه، این، میگه جنده کون نده، بی آبروی غیر ملی، مادر قحبه کون نده. به ما هم حکم ترور و اعدام بستن، مادر قحبه جنده

روسیه، و تابلو های نقاشی من

آقا یک روز زنیکه از روسیه به ما زنگ زد: گرسنمه، پول هیچی ندارم، تو پول نهارم گیر کردم!
منم گفتم چشم، صبر کن الان پول میفرستم، دیدم زنیکه گرسنشه دوزاریش هم کجه، آقا ما هرچی النگو گوشواره، انگشتر طلا داشت بردیم فروختیم 800 یورو گفتیم نصف نصف. خلاصه، بعد از 2 هفته زنیکه برگشت و از ما سوال کرد؟ گوشواره های من کجاست؟ النگو؟ انگشتر؟ گفتم عزیزم سرمایه اهریمنی آخر عاقبتش اینه. لاشی خانوم هنوز دوزاریش کجه

wien will wegen geld eine vmat2 familie foltern und töten., wegen geld

antifa, marxists, leninists, maoists, left movement, anti-imperialists, social democrat, earns money with know-how and science. earn money like human you perverse Viennese bastard child, you scum child, not with vmat2 trade with SPÖ. I shit on your May Day march, bastard red animals, bastard red animals on May Day

tazhib minakari, vmat2 humans in shah time, 12.000 tooman salary. dirty fucking austria with ayatullahs

while i was buying this piece, i remembered today iranian ministry of culture, maryam my mother's friend, in tazihib minakarai department, i was in the department often, and looking at the hands, delicate old hands, sometimes i looked into paint pots and wooden panels and grinned, the miracle was there first.

a girl who after 20 years of stasinazi action and torture, passes me by and says: pigs! is genetically ill, blond with blue eyes, genetically ill, scum genes and race, scum without empathy

This country is not genetically curable, just like larger parts of Europe, that's why they want to destroy all humans because their origin genetics are not curable