Donnerstag, 27. Juli 2023

the illegal stasi money does not belong to any state, organization, authority or police, citizens are the owners of their private lives

the chalice, also the grail, where many poets and writers wrote about it, also in the 12th and 13th centuries, was described as a connection to god, a connection that cannot be described with a human tongue. in vienna it is used to lead me into psychosis and depression and isolation: we see nothing just a persian with nonsense and unimportant fairy tales.


آقا ۲۰۱۹ تا ۲۰۲۱ کونمون جر خورد سر سنگ پیدا کردن، یارو از سازمان اطلاعات میگفت: جازی نه خودت رو کیر کن نه مارو، دیوانه کوسخل شدی رفت، شدی امسال دیوونه لر پالتالکی. لول

what austrians do to me and my family in vienna is impossible without the financial participation of the police and secret services, that also applies to iranians and israelis, without the financial participation of the mossad and iranian secret service, without the participation of the rabbis and ayatullahs, no torture business is possible

آقا بعضی اوقات این بچه های سازمان اطلاعات امنیت ایران از کنار ما رد میشن، جوری هم عمیق تو چشم ما نگاه میکنن که انگار حضرت آدم رو در وجود ما جستجو میکنن، منم خندم میگیره چی به اینها بگیم، بگم: سیرابی بچه بودی چند تا بچه گربه خفه کردی تا آدم بشی دوزاری روانی کوسکش. لول

anyone who goes up the escalator in vienna and has been earning money through crime and racial torture for more than a decade is this person here: we hate jews, we hate arabs, we hate black people in ELAM... we hate islam

This escalator system that was developed based on gene dna and race is the most dangerous and biggest crime globally, some go up and on the other side others go down, both sites look at each other disinterestedly, this stasi financial system and illegal real estate financing through race torture switches the speed faster, poverty is hereditary like wealth

when america israel and europe say: we shit on democracy and plato, then it's time to say: you are of ape origin and we are human, always have been

Persian Magoi and Anahita.....

Pythagoras, through both his legend and his doctrine, had great influence on Platonism, but Plato himself says little about magical practices. That he believed in astrology and other forms of divination is strongly suggested by the Timaeus, and it is reasonable to assume he believed in daemons from what we know of the Platonic School tradition. In his Laws (933a-e) he takes healers, prophets and sorcerers for granted. These practitioners existed in Athens and no doubt all other Greek cities, and they had to be reckoned with and controlled by laws. Plato does add that one should not be afraid of them, their powers are real, but they themselves represent a rather low order of humanity

آقا ما بریم، اینم جاده خاکی ما با ابی... سینمای ایران نه. ه. ه. ه، هه هه هه.

حالا دیگه تو رو داشتن خیاله..... دل اسیر آرزوهای محاله... غبار پشت شیشه میگه رفتی... ولی هنوز دلم باور نداره.... حالا راه تو دوره.... دل من چه صبوره... کاشکی بودی و می دیدی... زندگیم چه سوت و کوره....

many understand this approach of showing terror scenes almost weekly, the networks globally understand it, few understand nothing: we do this and that, and everything, these people do this, look at the planes, look at the two buildings, we do this, and they do this here... so doctors and hospitals were concentrated on controlling society alongside judges: nobody is allowed to talk. these are insane, psychopathic and religious fanatics with no evidence of nazi satanism. where are the portals and the masses?

my sister is in mortal danger because of iranian austrian nazi satanism psychopathy, and the police are still holding 100 million euros in front of the eyes of viennese society!, illegal black money through race murder attempt. in addition, 9/11 is condemned with outrageous media manipulation techniques to this day

Mittwoch, 26. Juli 2023


Most may think it impossible for one man to invent all of this technology in one lifetime and challenge the fact of his existence. However, Tesla did not invent these technologies in the same way humans did not invent math, it was discovered when in the process of observing the nature of reality and reverse engineering what he observed as well as accessing memories from the past. His mission was to rediscover the principles of free energy in accordance to divine laws and bring them back into the collective awareness to help raise human consciousness that had been mind wiped from this knowledge. He was morally opposed to war as a humanist, and attempted to prevent the world wars by negotiating to supply the governments with force field protection devices. Instead, they rejected his proposals and ended negotiations by attempting to steal his blueprints, which soured his relationship with the governmental authorities for the rest of his life, as he refused to further cooperate with them.

i have to go, have a nice day. I never lie and never talk about anything without "Evidence"


Nikola Tesla incarnated into the area known as Croatia with a specific incarnating mission, he is a Christos Starseed from the future timelines on Venus that was sent to Earth to reverse engineer the lost free energy technology used from Atlantis. He is connected to the spiritual families of Christos masters that incarnate into the Sirius B lineage, thus he was also connected to the Jesus Christ mission, to lay the groundwork for the iron age Christos-Sophia by supporting the architectural repair of the Giza Solar Gateway. For those of us on the same mission in a different timeline, we recognize him as a greatly loved and valued team member.

NIKOLA TESLA: Born and raised in the Austrian Empire, Tesla studied engineering and physics in the 1870s without receiving a degree from viennese LOL

no one is more mad about ethnicity and tribes iran than geneva and international authorities and courts in europe, after 45 years of crimes against humanity in iran, the blonde idiots are more radical racists than second world war as far as iranian tribes and ethnic groups are concerned

if police and secret services attack me here then it is premeditated racial murder or attempted murder. because of me and my family, this criminal state has no rights because of state violence.

austrians are racial madness and gene crazy in the worst way, for you: you monkey origin and I human

آقا جوان بودیم رفتیم نشستیم سر میز قمار خواستگاری واسه آبجیمون و سر میز قمار شوهر خواهر پیدا کنیم، هی سوال میکردم از خودم: مارو ول میکنن یا نه؟ بیا دیگه، با کارت شش وبش از ما برد، مگه ما سر خونیم آخه کوس ننه، کوسخل!؟ مادر جنده ژن پیدا میکنه میشه مثل ساس تو خونه آدم، آی کوس ننه جنده هرچی میمون زاده ولدزنا تو این دنیا

that we are jews is an intrigue and a lie, that jesus was a jew is also a lie, the persecution of christians was eugenics fascism, the whole tribe of jesus had special "supernatural" abilities. magoi were native iranian miracle workers.

In the centuries after Homer a number of individuals with supernatural powers emerged who cannot be labeled or classified precisely. They belong partly to the history of Greek philosophy and science, partly to the realm of Greek religion, but they are also magoi, or miracle-workers.

Perhaps the three most famous Greek magoi, between Homer and the Hellenistic period, when magic became an applied science, were Orpheus, Pythagoras, and Empedocles. All three are strikingly similar, but each clearly has an identity of his own. Pythagoras and Empedocles lived in fifth century BCE Orpheus was a more mythical figure, but Orphism, the religious movement named after him was very real and influential.

Orpheus and Pythagoras are associated with important philosophical and religious groups or schools in the history of Greek culture, while Empedocles remains more of a solitary phenomenon, though he did have disciple. All three individuals are known to have expressed their ideas in poetry and prose, and at some point many of these compositions were probably written down by their followers, but few of these writings are extant. What we have are fragments or substitutions by later authors. The similarities among these three figures suggest that in Greek civilization existed a type of miracle-worker who was also an original thinker and a great teacher, someone who offered a philosophical theory to explain the universe and the human soul-macrocosm and microcosm-and who may also have been a poet.

Orpheus is first mentioned in the sixth century by the poet Ibycus of Phegium, who speaks of "Orpheus of famous name." For Pindar, he is "the player on phorminx, father of melodious songs." [3] Aeschylus described him as he who "haled all things by the rapture of his voice." [4] In a vase painting he is depicted on board a boat, lyre in hand; and he is expressly named on a sixth-century metope of the Treasury of the Sicyonians at Delphi. Beginning in the sixth century the iconography of Orpheus becomes continually richer: vase paintings show him playing the lyre and surrounded by birds or wild animals or else by Thracian disciples. He is torn to pieces by maenads, or he is in Hades with other divinities. From the fifth century, too, are the first references to his descent to the underworld to bring back his wife, Eurydice.[5] He fails in this because he looks back too soon or because the infernal powers opposed his undertaking.[6] Legend makes him live in Thrace "a generation before Homer," but on fifth-century ceramics he is always represented in Greek costume. It is in Thrace that he dies. His head, thrown into the Hebron, floated to Lesbos, singing. Piously recovered, it served as an oracle. 

Austria tagged me with fake material clips, rumors and lies worldwide. later they said: as a dangerous vmat2 jew, and the state says today: we are not interested in what happens to this citizen and his family. jews blood. with 100 million invited viewers worldwide

we have been killed for 45 years, and austria wants to make us jews too

for establishing more murders in iran says austria, three austrian secret services and politics:, iranian jews passport and birth certificate

اگر ما همه ایرانی هستیم پس این هم پاسپورت و شناسنامه، کثافت اجنبی ضد ایرانی، دوزاری نازی، ناز نازی. اجنبی یعنی چی؟ یعنی غریب

عزیز بومی، ای هم قبیله، چه به تو ریده منم گائیده ه ه ه ه

what vienna has established: you are 0815? you have no money, menial job, salaried person? kill the primal race and buy houses