Sonntag, 27. August 2023

i have to go, photo: last night. smartphone photo raw

Cultivated turkish psychopathy

yesterday i stood at the flea market and looked at several old photo albums there were rare photos and well documented sorting, an austrian came by quickly and asked i pay 200 i pay 200. i looked at the turkish seller, i looked at the austrian and the sale was done. there was a nazi propaganda booklet next to the albums and i asked how much? he said 5 euros! I said I'll pay three euros. he denied it and i left, he shouted behind me: learn from austrian he pays, he pays: "you will always live in a 15 m2 room. LOL i laughed and thought of a photo under 40 that was worth 1800 euros and whispered : and you always remain a cultivated turk with 200 euros

laziness and inertia brought into darkforce stasi darkness and isolation. imprisoned and taken hostage. smartphone photo raw

I took 50 more photos, now I'm going to sleep, I want to go in there today if I can, I used Chinese meditation sound balls for the first time today... these mythical creatures are also a bit Chinese to me

آقا ما بریم بخوابیم، ولی ببین یار دبستانی من، ما که تو رو ۳۶ سال ندیدیم حالا هر خارکوسده ای شدی شدی، نمیدونم، ولی حواست رو جمع کن، اگر نکشتنت با تخمات بازی در میارن، تخمات رو سفت بگیر دستت بدبخت..... کوسکشه این امت. لول... تو هم حالا ناراحت شدی بگو کوس عمت با این بچه هاش

takes a lot of time to edit the photos but raw material is enough for rational healthy brains

I drank the water, currently the vas deferens, testicular lobules, testicular tubules are being examined, fucking shitty insulin from Nazi doctors., smartphone camera, photo raw.

genes and brain invalids austria shows no evidence of the perpetrator, not a cent from the illegal race trade and no remorse, this genes sick and brain invalid tribe will never change, even after mauthausen and 1.5 million murdered children, vmat2 children, VMAT2 EXPERIMENTS, VMAT2 EXPERIMENTS, VMAT2 GENOCIDE

6 years have passed and gypsies iranian and NAZI Austria have prepared everything for murder: there is not a single piece of evidence of cybertorture and attempted murder, torture, humiliation, persecution and marketing of race, so illegal vmat2/private life and pornography trade. native iranian persecution with iranian gypsy networks

well, last night the dwarf said kiss and kiss you frog Barbad... this Stasi bubble really makes you too frog. Raw Smartphone camera

بینم حاجی ما چکار کنیم از دست شما ها، یه نجف هم نمیتونیم بریم... در کل با این ۶۰ هزار میلیارد سرمایه گذاری آدمیزاد رو ممنوع الورود کردید به نجف. آقا ژن ما همه جا داره ورود ممنوع میشه ها، والا، میگن شما ها بیاید جزایر برموداس کشتی های غرق شدتون رو پیدا میکنید، اربعین هم بیاید نجف دست بی ناموس های جهان را رو میکنید. بینم صیغه کون دختر بچه 9 ساله رفتار و پرستش شیطان است یا نیست، مثلا روزی مانند امروز. یعنی جون تو سر بریدن حال میده همچین روزی. صدای آه و ناله و گریه بچه به گوشم میرسه حاجی! کثافت ها صدا گریه اش همیشه میاد

with a good camera, the photo would be priceless like a dali, the monkey says: we know what you took photos of, we know all the mysteries and secrets, we alone know the meaning. a lotus grows in slums next to a garbage container too, you lotus.

I sometimes cut away calluses on my heels with a knife and say over and over again: someday I'll go to the dermatologist, for 18 years now. it's the same thing with money: eventually i'll save money and put it aside, for 25 years now, but i've always felt like a perfect human being, so i keep forgetting it year after year. the monkey says: that's because you don't know any self-love and self-respect

all support iran refers to evolution and not evolution. iran has been under an embargo for decades, on the other hand billions of euros are laundered for the iranian regime every year... who is affected by the embargo? and billions of wealth to whom? which clan? in vienna we are under embargo and torture, the money was distributed among which sects/groups and families or individuals?

vienna has been active in mass murder actions in iran for 45 years, vienna proves it with paranormal hate against mother and daughter, both vmat2, both apolitical or not politically active. without these evolution eugenics nazis in iran vienna had no chance of murdering hundreds of thousands from 1979 to the present day. kurt waldheim UNO and austrians next to germans

Austrians are mass murder junkies, an 8 million country, concentration camp and mass murder junkies. nobody wants to do anything. with billions of euros project all were bought to realize the dream of 1000 years of empire: death of all vmat2 carriers, that's the new nazi austria slogan

the whole country says to a family and three businesses and a music career: we don't give rights to this inferior family, who is inferior origin? you spider monkey and stalker, you mass murder junkie

the answer to exaggeration:you inferior ahrimanic beings, you darkforce bastard

in vienna, the state scientists argue as perpetrators, perpetrators from 1998 to the present day, as well as viennese journalists. The reason for this action was and is genetic research, right from the first day of arrival in Austria, because of migration control, eugenics control, birth control..

magic worker was a normal occurrence in greece and persia, what were these skills and where did they come from? like moses

we were one entity and society in atlantis, what began 5000 years ago was an intriguing lie and distortion of history, in large part because many mated with evolution who lost their abilities and became slaves. there is no jew blood line or armenian blood line, only prehistory creation origin

آقا به کوس ننه جنده هرچی خوارکوسده شاشخالی که بگه من، یعنی شخص بنده فرزند کوروش نیستم، مادر کونده کوسکش قحبه

after 20 years of nazi crimes in austria, and 45 years of ethnic cleansing and genocide in the name of political activism and opponents of the revolution in iran, vienna compulsively wants to get rid of the accusation of fascism: it has nothing to do with anti-semitism and race, we just wanted to have fun by ruining an iranian family

مادر جنده چتی، پفیوز اهریمنی، اگر گذاشتم از کوس ننت بیای بیرون

آقا ما بریم بخوابیم، بینیم این جام میتونه روح مارو پرت کنه به دهه ۵۰ یا نه، آی تو اون روحتون برینم، آی تو روحت برینم، همون یک دونه خاله طاهره کافیه، مادر قحبه ها با اون انقلابتون... با کی مملکت شده 90 میلیون... فیلمنامه تقدیم به سینمای فلان بهمان شده ایران

so hafiz said don't exaggerate, this grail (JAM) is like poison grail for your existence.

Samstag, 26. August 2023

nobody really understood this propaganda article of mine, i'll tell you why: if you call our bloodline with religion, then you have to protect us, joint action with anti-semitism and eugenics fascism, and evolution nazis means: you are not from us anymore, old prehistory genes and dna, moses and abraham race. we lived together as one, as a race with different religions, remember?

i have to go, i have a hard time with a shopping list, i woke up today after a deep long dream, a scene: the supermarket clerk said: please write a list before you come to us, should I always say what you don't have enough at home? LOL have a nice day.

آقا ما بریم بخوابیم، این جام غبوق و صبوح هم حاجی یه معرکه ایست قبل از خواب و خلاصه سحری بعد از خواب. لول.... دیوانه ها

what hafez writes about is this: exaggeration makes you inferior ape origin, so that's what he says to ayatollahs, exaggeration is ape. what the monkey is: deep envy, hatred and greed, the desire to kill, to torture and humiliate, to spy on and to destroy. you monkey origin. good night