Freitag, 8. Januar 2021

timeline.the future vision was: at some point the soldier comes and says:hey ariel, caeser, don't ever say we never existed, for silent genocide. what is the reason for war, terror and murder?

nobody, no one, nobody's, means these people were worthless, not worth being on our soil. blood, soil and honor. ground right.the honor says:horse and ibex tribe never existed, then and not today either. mythology and mythical creatures only exist in fairy tale books like avesta, quran, bibel. there has never been anything like this in europe.these people didn't exist then, nor do they exist today. And this stone is a fraud, it doesn't exist on our soil

Zion Nazis, UN elite, Austria Germany, Europe America had from 1945 to 2006a dream, an addiction to see, a desire, when can we end the ritual that lies and denies:we hadn't done it, we hadn't done it.With nobodies, nobodies, we didn't, we didn't. with nobodies.the iranian regime was given billions for this, and fascism and zionism whitewashed dozens of billions in europe.It's been the same with my family for 20 years, denial despite evidence. this time the ritual will be completed in vienna. we didn't do it, with nobodies, we didn't, we didn't, with nobodies, we don't do anything, there is no rana, barbad and zari. we're not, we didn't, with nobody

corona and infertilitythe genocide of the french revolution is now gene laboratories. society is controlled with secret DNA and gene laboratory databases, some pairings are prevented or the uterus is destroyed, or the person is sent into isolation by the stasi method

once i saw a genetic conspecific, i thought baby 4 children are too few, she looked at me, at my 4000 euro dressing gown, and made this non-verbal remark: you bourgeois pig.i have a partner and friend

Gang bang politics from Ahrimanic Monkey Envy is:beautiful humans are not allowed to rise, we will destroy your career

Between 2001 and 2002 I saw 5000 people on the street every week, against the ÖVP FPÖ government, around that time that the government has started action against my family with a secret camera stasi action. with leftists.I realized, of these 5000, 1800 are gangbang and group sex leftists, just uniformed for gangbang, today these gangbang robots are killer for hizbullah and hussein gharib and amiri family, in left uniform, drugs and sex and beer needs a lot of money

the landscape of stone relief from persia can also be found in viennese stones. elam killer, mother fucker alexander psychopathy

i live in a vienna that a peter pilz negotiates with mojtaba khamenei:We don't answer because of racism, anti-Semitism, stasi camera action of both countries and financial project, UN killers are our supporters

system and module.the full scene is the full editing.sometimes i touch the 1 centimeter stone slab, the pebble, i get a warm feeling, i can't edit it, it takes a lot of time and i need special equipment. The bird's stone is easier to work with, she made it with strokes

Donnerstag, 7. Januar 2021

Austria has the potential for absolute obedience, in Iran thousands die every year, with the help of America and Europe, no mercy, kills humans, resistance is futile, we have to achieve a collective and unity for 1000 years of empire. the earth should become ape planet

In Iran, hundreds of judges sentenced innocent people to death, the government, the police, and Hezbollah execute the sentence. sometimes some people from society save the austria, the judges unofficially sentence innocent people to death, and society the whores and nazis carry it out.In iran there are many humans, in Vienna only murderous fascists animals

i live in a country where the austrian whore in the supermarket watch and stalk my shopping cart: for poison and natural unknown death

آقا کلاس آلمانی پدر مادرم نشسته بودم، ۱۲ سالم بود، یه دختره تازه از ایران اومده بود، اسمش نیلوفر بود، شوهرش هنوز از ایران نیومده بود. از کلاس رفتیم بیرون طرف قطار دیدم داره سیاسی حرف میزنه، میگفت: رفسنجانی اگر الان جلو چشمم بود با دستام خفش میکردم، همون لحظه دیدم یه پیر مرده داره رد میشه از کنارمون، دیدم داره به اون نگاه میکنه حرف میزنه با دستاش، گفتم لعنتی تو این رو کشتی با حرکت دستات، رفسنجانی کجا بود. خلاصه همون لحظه شوهرش علی ندیمی داشت تو زندان فکر میکرد: ما هیچ وقت نمیدونستیم همچین آدمهایی وجود داشته باشن، کف پاش لخته خون آویزونه و داره با رفیقاش میگه و میخنده، ما کی هستیم اینها کی هستن، اینها از کجا اومدن داشت پیش خودش فکر میکرد. حالا فریدون و حمید بگو بخندشون این بود: فکر میکنی علی افقی کون میده یا عمودی آزاد بشه!؟ علی هم ۳۴ سال بعدش ثابت کرد چه جور کون داده: دمر و دراز کشیده. با انگشت شستش هم کمی پوستش رو کشیده شکافش باز بشه.

azadeh amiri. For 7,000 euros a month and a total of 800,000 euros to harm my sister where it is only allowed in fascism, is not the work of every woman and it does not happen in every country, only in a country that has killed the race in iran for 600 years . 10 million iranian 1918. Austria England Europe Alliance

the last few minutes with tina was:she was in fear and worry. she pressed her paws to her eyes in pain and cried.then she looked at me with big eyes; the animals want to kill you, all three. then she died in worry

azadeh her family planted the seeds in vienna:He doesn't want to work like us, he wants to buy something for 5000 and sell for 15000. and we have to live on 1500 euros

The psychopathy collective in cities, today on internet networks is systematically and genetically coded, police and secret service psychopathy is more dangerous than national socialism, it kills and destroys silently without sound or evidence

Knowledge of antiquities and hobby archeology is depending on your credit rating, a name as a trader and a job that you can practice for a lifetime. besides hiznullah and ayatullahs, the vienna police ruined my existence worldwide. to buy houses and to finance luxury living. apparently everyone is ready to die for it.

the dragon from vienna guards and protects an egg. for 1000 years, adolf said 1000 too

the police say: the last 20 years we have made a lot of money because of politics and DNA targeting and paid installments for houses, if he has evidence of 20 years we kill the jews like in 1938

tribes. as far as women's rights are concerned, many are western oriented. emancipation and career.the whole thing is a curse and the machinery towards racism and fascism and alien politics. if these women are the political leaders, then there is a mother and daughter

زنگ تفریح داشتم سیگار میکشیدم، یکی از بچه ها دیدم اومد با عصبانیت سیگار از جیبم ورداشت شروع کرد ۴ تا پشت سر هم کشیدن، گفتم؛ اوهوییی، پولش رو مادرم میده نه بابام، بعد چپ چپ نگاه کرد گفت فیزیک رفوزه شدم، شیمی هم ۴ گرفتم، گفتم تو که خداشی، بنگ منگ زده بودی؟ گفت نه بابا تئوری خودم رو دادم شفائی ردم کرد، گفتم نگفتم قرص نخور اینها آدم نیستن، باز ناراحت شد اومد سیگار ورداره زدم رو دستش رفتم، گفتم آدم باش ۲ ساعت دیگه من هم خمار میشم. دفعه بد بگو مههههه مهههه رفتی سر امتحان. دنیا اینه: درس بخونی گیری، نخونی گیری، یکیش خایه مالیه اون یکیش بی اعتنائی، سرور جامعه کوس مشنگ درس خونده دولتیه، بالا ترش قبول نیست، بدون مدرکش هم رفوزه. حالا بگو بینم دکتر کدوم دارو کرونا قابل اعتماده؟

Iran and Austria government and secret society is an anti-Semitism that should remain secret, the DNA and genetic origins. also the reason for racial murder, female murder, oppression and turning iran into hell

the austrian state distributed medals to hundreds of iranians in 1952, today austria rewards iranians for harming my sister, with career, jobs and freedom for illegality, on behalf of the ayatullahs

a mysterious object of thought is :A clean shot in a monkey head 300,000 years ago. found in africa.the mysterious is a reality: fascism terrorism and stalking against my race. the monkey does not understand any other language

as long as this stone, 300,000 years

this woman has learned to draw a knife, learned to draw a pistol, learned various chemical compositions, up to black chocolate, there is one thing that no one said to her:you've been around since chocolate is also available that long

two women were presented to the public illegal as sexual objects in the 21st century, the feminist movement all branches, israeli women and jews, amnesty and the UN say: they are not humans. elami jews are not humans, no human rights, no humans. michael häupl said jews, muslim jews bloodline

two work needs 70,000 euros for lenses and 120.000 for a camera.monkey copies me, but I will never be reached. the edits are a color system and an unusual order