Donnerstag, 14. Januar 2021

hizbullah europe was involved in this camera action, CIA NSA fucking american embassy and government say:the terror organization earned money alongside us, we can't do anything. like the UN, hizbullah needs terrorism money.UN supports fascism and promotes anti-Semitism for the murder of innocent people

fick dich du hund du scheißdreck österreich du huansau du huankind ist kein straftat nach 20 jahren antisemitismus, faschismus, terror und mordversuch. du scheißdreck huankind neonazi kurz du dieb du scharlatan du drecksau

خفه شو ‏کونده، ‏تو ‏گوه ‏خوردی ‏با ا‏روپا، سنگ ‏پا ‏قزوین ‏رو ‏دزدیدن م‏یگن ‏مدرنیسم

امپرسیونیسم، فوویسم، کوبیسم، آینده‌گرایی، اکسپرسیونیسم، دادا و سورئالیسم حیات خود را مدیون مدرنیسم (نوگرایی) هستند.

bagher's cock gives a third eye, the anaconda europa is the natural enemy

Austrian judges, secret service, secret society psychopathy, German and European psychopathy is this:the problem is not Bagher, but your mother, she has two children, ayatullahs came too late to the power, they should have killed you. carpet dealer in vienna? civil servant in iran?your dead is better than living

I went shopping today and came home again, I put the coffee on the table and saw these 6 stones. I remembered the american girl when she passed by with her boyfriend, she smiled and bowed her head in agreement:It was me. the non-verbal behavior spoke long:when do you want to understand, we'll do everything with you, you mustn't complain.i looked at the girl, a civil servant with a maximum salary of 1800 euro, and saw her in chat rooms, her demands and part of this action is not money, but only that she is noticed by 20 people. just that she is seen and sees, just for attention, she drank from this black poison cup, murder, intrigue, torture, terror, only to be noticed for an hour, I belong to you, and talk to you, I am important

austria / ayatullahs let society earn money in the dirtiest way so that the last bit of empathy and humanity for race is gone for next projects. camibalism and capital

the european leadership and america, with the ayatollahs and the UN, destroyed everything that was holy in my life, because of genetics and ethnic origin, in a country with the dirtiest kind of fascism 1932-1945

du huankind kiwara du neonazi und judenmörder du giftmörder, wo sand ma jetzt du mörder, du judenmörder du scheißdreck österreicher du abschaum du scheiß kiwara mit hizbullah und UNO

perpetrators are not allowed to present any evidence or material in front of me. police and hizbullah want to die because of terrorism against my family and my person with their wives. no terrorist or fascist was arrested, 20 years

unfortunately bariwood has no better camera for the movie,

ibex breed. shamanism and medicine

medicine is metaphysics, knowledge is like intellect from roots. stored information.Ahrimanic powers always need the chemical composition, for 5000 years they looked like donkeys:how do these children of god find the basis for mixing

It seems that the second national socialism was born with the UN: we have to kill this race, we need the money. This is what the UN says about 3 EU citizens

genetic behavior research and developmental psychology should examine the unorthodox science. no orthodox science of neo-fascism states. then my thesis about genetic scum will be confirmed. Of hundreds of thousands of murdered children between 1938 and 1945, there was not a single person who was not examined by doctors in Vienna. what are the vienna doctors proving today with secret cameras !?

The reason why the whores of Vienna still laugh no matter what position they are in today is this:we had our collective and no one is talking. our aryan friend azadeh did the rest. the collective of parasites always needs guidance, in this case ayatulahs and hizbulah, and Iranian doctors. 16th century gypsies and 1850 gypsies. we stole keys !!!

attempted murder, ayatullah terror, austro fascism and dictatorship. between 2003 and 2015 i was in hospital 12 times because of my sister, panic attacks and stress and weakness.nazi doctors mengerle whores and bastards knew my sister. heinrich gross psychologists whores and bastards knew because of psychotropic drugs, medicaments, the networks of these whores and bastards have nevertheless worked together with iranian terrorism. we live in racial struggle and fascism in 1938

well.dozen were killed, do you want to kill thousands? science is also written in stones in mitraism visual language

what sociobiology can explain is xenophobia, natural hostility and dark force against a house or country or dynasty

what azadeh amiri, sebastian kurz, hc strache, michael häupl and pürstl, ayatollahs do with my sister is attempted murder against race, my sister had 5 years of psychotherapy with medication. Austria knew that

the policy of ayatullahs has been for 30 years: pay the families of political activists for black propaganda, against MEK, mojahedine khalgh and others. this terrorist action in vienna was nothing else, the family members were bought, paid for from the app and promotional business. tens of millions of euros, nasser and his brothers only got bones like dogs

آقا آمریکا میخواست از همه شهروندان شمارش آمار ژنتیک و د.ن.ا بگیره، این حکم واجب رو ایران باید داشته باشه، که چرا تاپاله و سنده به خودشون اجازه میدن به شقایق بگن حجاب را رعایت کن. ما فاشیست و راسیست نیستیم، فقط دشمن ایرانی ستیز زیادی داریم، این رفتار هم میشه ته و توش رو از زیست جامعه شناسی درآورد

fucking europe and america, fucking ahrimanic bastards

this animal and son of the bitch was convicted in 2003, in divorce proceedings, for tyranny, bodily harm and violence, sadism against his daughter and wife. today he has been working for ayatullahs and fascism for 10 years, a reward of 500,000 euros, and 3 million for veronika weiss for 10 years

huankind drecksau österreich was ist das? du drecksau rassenmörder und faschist mit geheimkameras

کیر سگ های تاکسی رون مادر جنده، با آزیتا ممد و مجید چطوری اومدین خونه و مغازه من دوربین مخفی کاشتین، میگه با چاقو اسلحه و نارنجک بیا ببین چرا، ما مادر کوسده تر از این حرف ها هستیم

today you can see culture and tradition in vienna: malieh, nayereh, hussein, ali gharib. abdolrahim, abdolazim, andolkarim and atefeh amiri and family shams say:if the austrian government allows we have the keys, we cut the heads off of this persian family

ahrimanic capitalism does not plan strategically for the next 10 years but for 150 years.In 1850 the english, austrians and european said; we need you as ayatullahs for the 21st century and 1979

chinese imperialism wants to buy many persian islands like in africa, the gypsy government is not allowed to sell our land, gypsy government without roots, cut off the head of every chinese on iranian soil. this imperialism wants to set the last blow against genetics. japan wasn't enough

رژیم خوار مادر کوسده کوچ کولی کوس کولی چاه های نفت رو خشک کرده، حالا امروز میگن از ایرانی اصیل پول در بیارید. رژیم خار مادر کوس کولی کوچ کولی، آب کیر سگ های اجنبی