Montag, 18. Januar 2021

I live in shit and dirt land where 20% say:our ape brains can't afford houses, we have to follow the path of our father adolf hitler:jews boycott and murder for houses, this time with iranian gypsy race in vienna

ask austria why austrians have been talking about my death since 2003, some say it must, some say stasi method. 3 hospital stays, due to poisoning and self-healing.tumor in leg, lung, and colapse 2018

es gibt 560 geheimdienstler in österreich, wehmachtsjuden mit extrem psychopatie, hass und feindschaft gegen goat und ibex rasse, Die jüdischen „Rassenmerkmale”: Zur Geschichte der Anthropologie der Juden:

the judges fascism networks europe say: we move outside the rule of law, democracy and human rights, there is no evidence for victims, there is evidence only with an act of violence. And then we act legally, Jew slavery economy and capital is not given back like in 1945

if the old makes compromises, then the old becomes a neo monkey,

after moses no jews had testicles any more, everyone was ready for dialogue and compromise until 1945.children cyrus the great and ahura mazda fight to this day

the jew boycott policy and system has been converted into goat ind ibex boycott system, because the blood count in ibexe and goat is much higher than israeli jews, israel has atom bombs, iran has cotton candy sugar factories because of sanctions. therefore the system is used against native iranians, with 50,000 gypsy clan in iranian government system. Cotton candy is for the breed in iran, not for defense

marc chagall saw the child too, socialism and communism, social democracy the traitors, is the red of annihilation, slow death, not a fast one, way of suffering, social thinking, stasi finance project for ducks proletariat

I asked Mrs. Quack and Mr. Ququru: what's that supposed to be?, both said we weren't, with a Styrian accent

Sonntag, 17. Januar 2021

birth of jezebel and annunaki spirit, the world is ruled by male and female jezebels

I am ready for a panel discussion on the subject of linguistics and neurolinguistics

parts of the iranian gypsy society want to build life with persecution, manipulation, show and murder, and poisoning.
like soroor shams and rahim amiri and gharib families, earned money without potential, intelligence, intellect and work. With illegal real estate and investments, the gypsies want to build capital dynasties alongside ayatullahs. they want to be above the roots of the intellect with fake academic titles. like the nazi monkeys in 1938.
Azadeh studied lingusitics, she has a master's degree, I am ready for a panel discussion on the subject of linguistics and neurolinguistics

tablet photo today in the forest.the problem is that caesar with his gorillas scares his academics out of envy

du scheißdreck wien mit scheißdreck wiener ayatullahs, a hansi franzi ayatullah hat emam ali moschee wien a no, du arschloch wien, scheißdreck rotes wien

well i also found fascism dictatorship club against god gene and ibex


Today i was in the forest taking pictures and handing out walnuts. I don't know why I bought walnuts, it was just a feeling, I believe that a deer is sitting next to us instead of a bird and when the deer takes a break then a Squirrel sits next to me

ancient persian ritual europe

ancient persian ritual in europe
The color of Rakhsh is described as "rose leaves that have been scattered upon a saffron ground" and it is first noticed by Rostam amongst the herds of horses brought over from Zabulistan and Kabul. In this first encounter Rakhsh is described as a mighty colt with the chest and shoulders of a lion and it appears to have the strength of an elephant. He is highly intelligent and his loyalty is legendary. No one but Rostam ever rides Rakhsh, and Rakhsh recognizes no one but Rostam as his master. Also, he is the only horse ever that Rostam could ride, since his great strength and weight would kill other horses.

Due to divine favor protecting Rostam, Rakhsh lives an unusually long life. Rostam and Rakhsh both die by the treason of Rostam's half-brother, Shaghad

i have the option of 16 professions with a monthly salary of 50,000 euros, the austrian jew boycot politics international together with ayatullahs condemns me to 890 euros and minimum health insurance

ده آخه ۶۰۰ ساله به نژاد ما میگن بدبخت بیچاره، کونده، این سنگ واسه ۴ میلیون سال پیشه، تئوری داروین رو قبول داشته باشی، اون موقع اسم ننت بود کوسه ماهی، ما تو مغازه سگ ماهی و کوسه ماهی میفروختیم، خانم ماهی.


آقا با آمدن امام خمینی، یکسری چوپون اومدن تهران، مثل بابا علی و حسین، از دهات قزوین، برادر بابا علی موند دهات، گفت تو برو من میام. آقا عمو علی موند دهات ولی بچه هاش رو فرستاد ایتالیا. محمود فراهانی هم رفت اینارو از سر مرز رد کرد برد بلونیا، البته، ایشون قبلش تماس گرفتن با سازمان امنیت ایتالیا، گفت دارم میرم چنتا از بیریخت هارو بیارم ایتالیا، اجازه هست؟ سازمان امنیت ایتالیا هم پرسید: خودیان؟ محمود گفت آره کونی ان. خلاصه، آقا وقتی ایران از ضایعات فرهنگی حرف میزنن، ما از ضایعات ژنتیک حرف میزنیم. طرف خرد و دانشش در حدی نیست که به اسم بچه الیت یا از ما بهترون بشینه درون شبکه بندی های تهران و یا اتاق فکر، و آن را هدایت کنه، آخه بچه چوپون، گاومیش، کوسکش، مادر جنده، تو یه کتاب نخوندی، بیا ۲۰ ساعت زر بزن، من ۵ دقیقه جوابت رو میدم بچه کون، تو رو چه به این حرف ها که: ما باید مثل اروپا با جامعه ژنتیک برخورد کنیم، جهود رو از بین ببریم. کوس مادر، دائی من رو سر خواهرش مسموم کردی کشتی، با شبکه بندی های مملو از هندی پاکستانی و گرجی و رومانی، اجنبی خارکوسده. فامیل های علی قریب و حسین و امیری و غیره هم طلبت، با رحیم پاکستانی خوب بلدین آدم بکشید

these genes are the reason for wars in the middle east, and meddling of Zionists and fascists in Iranian domestic politics:shah away, khomeini in, khomeini in and the intellectual away, ali khamenei away, neo fascism and neoliberalism in. network government like in europe and america with indo arian race

Dervishes of Qajar Era | 

my dear ladies and gentlemen, the three holy kings and magicians: baltazer, casper and melchior were from kabul, elam and tehran rey

if you see the asian semite below and elam, then you have to understand why austria and germany called from the 18th century the genetic cross; africa, asia, and native americans the bastard or asshole breed

angelic royal ibex tribe, the origin, elami semites in iran and scandinavia

abdolrahim amiri says:i bought my house and life in iran and vienna with secret sex clips and consumers from turkey, iran, asia, europe america. Today I have CIA and Iranian secret services as defenders and killers.we are the gypsy mafia global

In the 1970s, fascism had forgotten what they had stolen for another 30 years, it took them 60 years to know what they had stolen between 1932 and 1945, another 10 years until they paid it back, 80 years.they waited until the victims died, and the children got everything back. the ritual poverty dead should be performed. It didn't matter whether children live better. the victims should have died in concentration camps


ethnic origin and race in books is a world intrigue.there are only two races, himmler said jew and aryan race, i say the old man and the new man.Naming race with religion is a crime against humanity, anti-Semitism begins today in hospitals and laboratories

Fucking UNO fascism. Millions of euros under the table were donated to the UN for boycott of jews and fascism vienna, the illegal money was for a life without worries. with salaries between 5,000 and 25, the UN instructs hizbullah and vienna police to carry out poison attacks for diseases and cancer, in foodstuffs, apartments or tobacco.or cause of death unknown, because of millions of deals with ayatullahs and fascism

In the last 600 years, first the european women intrigue and then the man as commander killed half a billion men, women and children, on all continents, until today the genocide continues.these people install secret cameras for more murders, in america and europe:a man slaps a woman, he must be exploited and die. In a country with a statistic of 290,000 cases of domestic violence annually, because of alcohol consumption,not because of stasi psychological manipulation violence