Dienstag, 19. Januar 2021

آقا یک روز یکی از وین تلفن زد آلمان به آدولف، گفت: ببینم بلند میشی بیای اینجا یا نه!؟ گفت چطور؟ گفت بلند شو بیا حوصله ام سر رفته، یکم بخندیم و به این دنیا برینیم بره، آدولف تا اومد، یارو یک سری جهود هم میشناخت، به یکیشون تلفن زد گفت: ببین به این برو بچه هات بگو نجنگن ها، حوصله هرج و مرج وین ندارم، بگو برین کمپ والیبال بازی کنید، بعد خندید تلفن رو قطع کرد. آدولف هم هی تعجب میکرد، میگفت اینها چرا همه چمدون بسته سوار قطار میشن برن کمپ!؟، بعد گفت فریتز جریان چیه؟ گفت مگه نگفتم بیا یکم بخندیم، این من و این هم تو. جریان وین هم امروز اینه: ما میخواستیم اینهارو ببریم بالا، حرفی نزنید ها. منظور بالای دار بود

intrigue against jesús line

the money is illegal and was earned with göbel's and himmler's races ideology

BLACKMAIL: Zionism and fascism say: With the death of genetic miracles we will reduce taxes on capital, either tax reduction for rich people, or slave secret camera action for comparison

österreich beweist es immer wieder, es sagt: wir sind anti mensch und wir sind tiere

بیناموس ترین آدم ها رو نصرت به من گفت چه کسانی هستن، عباس و ناصر، گفت این ناصر یه جاکش بیناموسه، عباس هم یک بیخایه زن ذلیل مادر فروش، از خواهر من هرچقدر اتریش پول درآورده ۱۰٪ از آن داده شده به ناصر و سه برادر، ناصر به اندازه ای پول دریافت کرده از پروژه ضد دخترش، که تا ۱۰۰ سال دیگه هم نمیتونه خرج کنه. بیناموس مادر جنده نصرت گفت بهت نه من

vor 24 jahren sagte ein österreicher: wir haben genetisch etwas gefunden, wir wissen nicht was es ist, alles was wir nicht aushalten können töten wir. habsburger safavid metzgerei iran

people say: everything you say is not true, the financial project is not true, your father is not true.This is because it has been said for centuries:your story is not true, spirits are not true, supernatural and mythology are not true, mythical creatures are not true, your beliefs, smoke, water, fire are not true. that old civilization is not true.that's why we didn't do anything, because there was no reason to do anything

the breed has depression because we are the ghostbusters and we have the recipe for ghosts

the austrians today all have at home incinerators for race, fake material, lies, international hatred campaign for total existence destruction. collective mass work. because michael and ali khamenei said:these are jews

du scheißdreck du hund, du huansau du hundesohn, du arschloch du, du drecksau du, du schwein du tier, du abschaum du huankind, das ist deppression, du abschaum, deppression bis heute, unschuldige familien foltern und töten, du dreck du tier, du scheißdreck

if even the archaeologists in egypt find new chambers in the piramids, then anal sex arrives, 6 gents from MI6, 6 from mossad, and 6 agents from CIA.666 says:be silent or you are dead.Do you know why? because europe has been in deep depression because of the ancient civilization for hundreds of years, and from this position europe kills masses.today it is more modern with secret cameras

it's not about who is higher and lower,what do you want from us anyway? from iran and the middle east !?why does dog shit say:our society can earn money with race?

this is an elamite rock relief, genetic origin from persian ibex, probably 8000 before christ, i can also find this relief in vienna with equipment, 200,000 before christ

ask michael häupl, esterhazys, ÖVP, FPÖ, how can an accountant with 1,800 euros salary buy 5 houses through illegal activity in a democracy and the rule of law? 5 million euros without work only through secret cameras and stasi action

many foreigners received medals from adolf hitler, today many foreigners get a lot more than austrians because of their genetic origin.

Austria is filthy sick, radical, extremely racially mad to this day. I'm talking about parts of the middle class, the established middle class, the upper class, politicians, the police and the military with all the secret services.Austria does secret genes and DNA tests to know who to manipulate or show hostility.this disease killed 5,000 itanians on kefalonia, because this austrian sadism killed like animals. austria kills and controls iran, creeping mass murder with ayatullahs and gypsy clans, like gharibs amiris, shirazis and keyhanrads and others

am returning bastard race to europe with documents, it's you, not us

there is historical evidence that europe has been calling 5 crossings bastard studies for 600 years. but europe never said:
ape says ape pure race, to creation and ancient civilization bastard, out of envy, sadism with animal desire for mass murder.
today Austria no longer says or no longer writes, but Austria says:
we do not give citizens and human rights to opponents of ayatullahs. we turn these people into financial slaves on the internet. money and illegal actions is a germanic right against iranian bastard crossbreeding

our race is not a sadist

if pamela anderson comes to you and wants to marry you, then you should know one thing:she'll fuck you for 25 million stasi show, and before the divorce, two CIA cleaners come to clean up the traces of your death.this world only wants to earn money with be basrtards, gang stalking, stasi camera action apps, chatrooms and programs. advertising, product, communication, marketing, a self-sustaining train, actually my idea of 6 years with networks. the problem is just:i didn't mean ibex or goat trading for fascism, type 1 ibex to type 5 ibex targets. elam, luristan, asia, native american, african.preferred targets: political Iranian nationalists.for bastard race a good stasi show, europe race

Austria has made the private life of a political activist, with political acts and activities to financial plan and commercialized it. from an eu citizen and austrian citizen.Today Vienna says we kill and torture the victims for the money.street theater and conflicts in society every day

آقا این عکسم رو دیدم گفتم این به باربد نمیخوره، آخه بچه بودیم ملوک گفت اسمش رو بزارین امید، ننه آقا ملایری ما هم با عمه بتول گفت: علی رو باید بهش چسبوند، امید علی مال خودمانه. الان یاد امید علی افتادم

the sperm donor and biological father rummaged around in the ass of fascism and ayatullahs for a long time, his wife pulled out a few hundred thousand euros, that's what a man looks like after 20 years of drug consumption. at 46

طرف نه بلوغ عقلانیت حالیشه، نه تکامل یافتگی، نه خرد، نه شعور، نه فهم، نه دانش، نه ادبیات، فقط میگه من آریایی تو جهود، رد خونت رو پیدا کردم، ما بلدیم چکار کنیم، چرا نمیمیری؟. بعد میگی کیر تو روح اجدادت مادر کونده، شاشخالی سنده تاپاله، ریدم به کوس ننت، جاکش پدر، آئین سگ، نید سگ، کونده ننه، عن، سنده، پشگل ریده شده چی میگی کوسکش؟ بعد تازه مثل سگ به صاحبش نگاه میکنه میگه بی تربیت فحش نده، من آدمم تو نیستی، اگر بودی اینطوری حرف نمیزدی.

häupl intrique and envy. the killer and racist

free opinion expression has been killed in Iran for 40 years, with or without political activism or struggle:Austria, 3 secret services, police elit, the parallel sect and government set an example with this action: we kill your race, not the ayatullahs, it is us

elongated faces character of bagher soldier and king, magicians can be found in vienna even if you dig 20 meters.luristan was always there

monkeys become federal president in Austria, SPÖ monkeys. Fischer you corrupt SPÖ fascist, write two pages about Feuerbach and the economy of the 21st century, I write next to you, you are worth nothing. a nobody that ruined my life for 20 years

dirty fucking austria, dirty fucking animals, dirty fucking monkeys, dirty fucking ahrimanic creation

first austria then ali khamenei sentenced amir mohsen aslani to hang, not because of blasphemy, no, because of his genetic descent from johnas, and the age of his DNA

my calluses or horseshoes were filmed and photographed 15 years ago? for mass attraction, hate campaign. this is iranian european asian monkey envy, because these loafers are mass shoes for my feet