Sonntag, 24. Januar 2021

40 years of iran project is 25 years of project with my family, with deep roots in the iranian soil.stasi financial action in an EU country is mordern and unavoidable for iran! compare the resources of iran with indonesia and malesia, the economic progress and ranking. Iran has been turned into a desert landscape economically so that a poor society vote and agree with human trafficking and organ trafficking, and infant trafficking. Selling organs is a daily routine for a piece of bread. Vienna never needed money, Vienna only needs one thing: we are the master race

تهران بودم ۹ سالم، دیدم ناصر کج و کوله اومد خونه، دیدم یا امام زمان، باز تهران ریده به هیکل این، این حالا میخواد برینه به ما، آقا رفت دستش رو گذاشت رو تلویزیون، گفت داغه، مگه نگفتم اجازه تلویزیون نداری، گفتم در هوای ۴۰ درجه در کونه مهری خانوم هم دست بذاری داغه، چی میگی. شروع کرد مارو زدن، ما هم هرچی مارو میزد میگفتیم جیش، جیش، جیش، جیش، تا بلاخره شاشش گرفت رفت توالت، ما هم زدیم به چاک با دوچرخه رفتیم تیردوقلو خونه باقر. گفتم کون لقت چوس مغز. حالا امروز ۴ تا سازمان امنیت ایران و اتریش چوس مغز رو با سیستم آب بندی و ۱۰ سال آموزش کردن رهبر، اینکارو بکن اون کارو بکن این رو تهران بترکون، ما کار داریم، این پروژه تکمیل بشه، با پروژه های دیگه ۱ میلیون در میاری! خانه ی باقر کجاست؟

one stone and 300 photos, i'm elam. lord of time and his soldier

For 600 years hundreds of millions of mass murder and murder of native people in all continents were not enough. the only advantages of ahrimanic darkforce were:the idiots are at the forefront of evolution but have forgotten what they were and are; high tech breed with high spirituality.kurdistan, beluchistan, ahwaz, abadan, afganistan, azerbeijan, mazandaran, tehran, luristan

Vienna is a city of diversity, with almost 50 nationalities living in Vienna. SPÖ / ÖVP sit annually in the Bilderberg conference,the main topic is eugenics, god genes, ancient civilization. SPÖ and ÖVP provide lucrative offers and business,It is made tasty with a system and millions of euros of black money:find VMAT2 and other special god genes in your countries, we kill with the clown method and laugh

drakul line, elam artifact

اقا ۳۰۰.۰۰۰ سال دعوای جهود با ما فقط سر اینه: چرا انقدر خوشتیپی، نمودی مارو با تیپ، امروز هم با کیک هسته ای و موشک پروندن میگه: ایرانی ها آرزو شلوار جین دارند، ما واستون میاریم، یعنی بیلاخ ‏

Samstag, 23. Januar 2021

it says here that ghassemlou the kurd and barbad farahani the lure and elami are jews, after 20 years of DNA research in iran.the police's offenses against ģenetics and political activism is like trading 100 kilos of heroin and 100 kilos of police say:we have interpool, europool and international court of justice and the UN on our side, we can conclude new fascism treaties for secret cameras because of rana farahani and barbad. for ahmadinejad and us these are 1932 jews

the three tribes of old civilization and the new human with 26 centimeters

besides the islamic republic of iran, nasser farahani also works for his wife and the women collectives, the police women say: file a criminal complaint against your son, we can only do chemical experiments and gassing in prison. you don't want to give back 500,000 euros and we don't want to give tens of millions or compensation

this stone is a warning sign, these women are in politics geopolitics and genespolitics very brilliant:They cause crossbreeding because of cock size.they advertise masterfully and ambitiously, for 22 centimeters and larger, and talk about ecstas. women rights.the tribes should mate with others,

wiener molosser arschfickerei, du drecksau hur du, arschloch scheißdreck fotze, wiener scheißdreck weib du

Azadeh had an appointment schedule from Vienna's secret sects and secret services:we gave him something for aggressive behavior again, the drug only works if you use psychological violence, we need violence scenes for iran, europe and america

آقا این فامیل مارو نگاه کن، زری سر بریده، رعنا آدم کشته؟ من آدم کشتم، گناهی، پرونده ای، کاغذی، پرونده پلیسی، جنائی؟ ۵۰۰۰ نفر جمع شدن میگن ما پول درآوردیم، زیاد خوردیم باید آدم کشت، ما گناهی نداشتیم، اینها باید بمیرن، چیه جریان؟ ۱۵ ساله همه مخ گوزیده. فامیل ما هم ریده، ما پول نخوردیم، ولی بمیرن بهتره. محسن کریمی واسه چی اومده وین؟ از روز اول رفت تو نخ ما تا به امروز با ارازل و اوباش، عباس اونطرف، محمود ریده، قاسم شاشو، کلآ مثل اینکه باقر یه قر کمر واسه صدیقه نمیومد ما هم میشدیم جدی جدی امید علی کنار قاسمولوند

If they secretly administer dopamine, ritalin, adrenaline and other psychopharmaceuticals to healthy perpetrators in a stasi intrigue, then it leads to high levels of psychopathy.the impetus for murder, family murder and child murder will grow.sometimes chemical and artificial stress and depression are brought about in families,and after separation dopamine so that the enmity turns into a joy, or murder. alien sects

We have alien elite in Vienna, these alien have been convincing the world to kill innocent people for hundreds of years. the alien in other countries and continents manipulate the societies with viennese power pillars, alien sects

naturstein, joseph goebels, adolf hitler, ahriman

carbonado agrees with me

For 3.5 years the police have been supporting the perpetrators and terrorists, fascists and red fascists. the society is waiting for the green light, for the attack: where is the evidence we haven't done anything You insult us as a fascist, every day game until i kill 500 monkey brains, austrian, iranian

IBEX and envy

The strategy of the Iranian Secret Service and Austrian Secret Service with Ali and Azadeh gang is:through envy politics we lead society into stasi society and lynching. a long-term plan with 4 secret services and hizbullah, scientific and academic experiment, like 1932

In 2004 someone came to my shop with the inheritance of his father, with a collection of coins, antiques, watches and much more, he wanted to sell the thing quickly within two weeks. I sold for him and didn't take a cent. he was an ötzi, jazz musician and didn't want to stay in vienna for 3 weeks, he said: i am a musician and play jazz in mexico, without envy or envy society. Vienna is like a cemetery, what are you doing here? he said especially the jazz envy society is a killer. i said take the money and go back to mexico, i have a lot to do


Today I was in the forest with my tablet, I asked: what's wrong with these viennese monkeys !?all 5 said:why do you think we've been sitting here for a billion years !? an eternal question

austrofascism races torture and murder is based on several pillars in austria: freemasonry, women's lodge and mixed lodge, zionists "Wehrmacht Jews" lodge, 3 secret services, finance lobby mafia and basement nazis.the cellar nazis have children and grandchildren, employed in the UN

this behavior is a joint action, ayatullahs, sebastian Kurz ÖVP and häupl SPÖ: we do everything we want in vienna and iran, we experiment with chemicals and radiation, it is nobody's business. the experiments with rays and chemicals are coordinated from austria

Usually the application period for citizenship application takes 10 years, we got it after 5 years, 30 years later the state of Austria says:we do not recognize your citizenship, internationally you are not citizens for us, no matter what happens to you. that is nothing but austro fascism and passport 1932

the dirtiest and stupidest kind of fascism is austrofascism, worse than german fascism, because the ape envy has a critical red line in its genes.the women say:amiris, gharibs, shams, shirazis, fathis and many others are good iranians, brave iranian, the others are not necessary, we need tourist guides to look at the tribes, where did admiral amir ahmadi find this dervish creation? we have to find tribes, make experiments and examine paranormality

susi, tablet photo, raw

از این کسخل سنج دات کام ها هم زیاده، آقا دود بلند کنید ببینید کی داره حرف میزنه، از قیافش خوشتون نیومد بگید برو مادر قحبه، گوه بخور بیناموس