Montag, 1. Februar 2021

it's an ancient story: In a jezebel and djinn trap and intrigue there is always a black donkey waiting to marry you, of course as long as you are in the air

hundesohn richter, bastardrasse, rassist, drecksau, affe, abschaum, das bist du. "wir dürfen mit andere rassen geld verdienen und dann töten" dieses mal mit zigeuner rahim amiri und zigeuner ali gharib und soroor shams und ayatullahs

i hear too.It is unconstitutional and forbidden to earn money from the private lives of business people and political activists.if i bring the evidence and the collective doesn't repay the money plus damages to my family, then i'll cut heads. first the grandchildren, then the children and then the parents

sheep schizophrenia and falcon. i think because of this disease european fascism and ahirmanism has been killing millions for 600 years

a judge has a standard life of up to 160,000 euros annually, with 1.50 euro organic food a day situation and's not about money, but humiliation, torture, psychological torture, ethnic and minority persecution, hunting and murder, genocide.race from 1938 vienna, 3 tribes ahura mazda. fascism and racial murder

in the 21st century you have to cut off the heads of nazi judges, and slaughter the dogs, after 6 million luris and elami murders and looting, shit breed says we have the right to fascism and stasi murder method

the viennese judges say ayatollahs have the right to terrorize his family and we have the right to fascism, america and the eu supports us, with Angela Merkel

du huansau du drecksau, bastardrasse des woar a göld für di, kindermorde, net woar? heit a no in iran, des ist jo a göld für di, des warad besser wanns ayatullahs mehr tötaten, wir braucha'dn hunderter für charlie in restaurant, des teller brauch i, des geht net ohne a teller, scheißdreck richter

ich schick dich zum walhala du huankind nach 6 millionen luri und elami morde, du dreck du abschaum du mörderrasse

du scheißdreck österreich und scheiß österreicher, du hundesohn du rassenmörder du affe: judengold ist main gold, juden gold nur mit mord

garbage still says to himself master race, in hospitals, courts of law, police stations and public prosecutor's office, a garbage.
this garbage has been waging war against my person for 3.5 years:
why do you have so many genes, why can you do so much? Why? we are the male breed, we have international friends, we pay for our friends, there is no international court, all are our friends, we are the master breed, we still earn money from you

tablet photo, the 3 persian magicians, kings and prophets in the wienerwald, the wonder of wood, IBEX wood

stone slabs and old ghosts. is someone angry about me?

3 shops ruined, existence with international lies and hate campaign and bastard race austria: natural food costs 1.50 euros a day.Iranian bastard breed vienna, dog and garbage austrians and viennese, dirtiest son of a dog breed, says after 6 million genocides in europe and 10 million in iran: I need 100 euros every day for the restaurant, I am the master breed, plates and drinks should be served in front of me. dog breed, bastard breed judge, police, politician and secret service agent.

Albrecht Altodorfer. austria and austrofascism is not anti-jew, but alongside the jews anti-casper, baltazer, and melchior. therefore the iran business and austrian products are poison for iran, as well as the chinese imperialism and relationship to iran

for every action there is also a reaction, a step, a movement, a second. it is the same with light and photography

i asked anton:are you a djinn ?, anton said nooooooooo

the true holy prophet books with prophets handwriting. where are the manuscripts of imam ali and fateme zahra? We need the books and no trumpets with wrong rhythms and melodies, the ayatulahs

Sonntag, 31. Januar 2021

Zionists women ( wehrmachtsjuden) and Molossian women collective vienna, until today

messiah and emam zaman gate vienna austria, mechior, baltazer, casper white magic, gate opener

how many plates and cylinders in vienna and austria from melchior?

Austria should explain:why were dozens of iranians given the austrian medal of honor between 1952 and 1953 !?people that turned luristan into holocaust

this darkforce never ended:Austria Germany intrigue in Iran:Banana sellers, watermlenons sellers, and vegetable sellers are honorable people, 5 million luris and elamis are inferior.the same politics as vienna does with an accountant, kebab ali, drug hussein, and other uneducated gypsies iranian:you are valuable, everything is allowed with luris

a month ago i thought where should i go, iraq is contaminated with uranium ammunition, syria, iran, lybia, afganistan, kurdistan too. europe is forbidden because of stasi action and persecution, vietnam and thailand a mousetrap, honkong a cooking pot because of my blood and meat, america a cemetery for marmots

Chernobyl cannot be blamed for the uranium in Austrian drinking water, but it is not a natural occurrence either, but it is poisoning a long time ago because of holy water

500 grams of pasta costs 90 cents, organic tomato sauce 80 cents, that's 2 days of organic food, why do you go out on the streets with 917 euros? 30,000 people

Do you understand. an organic pizza is enough a day, the unemployed salaries are more than 800 euros 917 euros. but:the monkey demonstrates on the streets and says I'm worth more. i am not starving, but i can work and pay tax, i am worth more. what the fuck is that? why did you install secret cameras for my ruin for 20 years? international campaign for me that I should live with 917 euros?

that ayatollahs are part of the world intrigue, and that iran is integrated into the world system, proves:ayatullah rouhani said last week: why should we pay pensions, people have worked at some point and received their wages, what else should we pay. and the japanese economy minister says: older people have to kill themselves and die earlier, what's the point of your life !?by that the assholes mean humans and not ape society collectives

i can conjure up an organic pizza for 3 euros

waschbecken, elam und luristan falkon

I write English badly and incorrectly, but what else can I do?
you write english perfectly without mistakes what else can you do?

today, despite the ban, thousands of people demonstrated on the streets with the slogan Kurz must go. In my opinion these people are bandits that say:if we have to live on 800 euro because of lock down then we become murderers and revolutionaries, we are killers