Freitag, 5. Februar 2021

big brother and stasi show

the viennese black magic society on the bottom left of the photo, sects in the police, secret service, politics and the upper class,
do embalm you,
and say: what are you saying now, you politician and businessman, you are being watched from everywhere, there is no one who does not know you

Ariel vienna

I take photos, grades 1 to 5, mostly I post grades 3 to 4.
but this photo shows the Vienna rat hole. Vienna is the gathering place for international politics and the financial mafia, which is why the project is still tacitly relevant to this day

der abu nennt sich hizballah, das hoasst gottes partei, dabei ist der abu nur a schas partei, ka gottes partei macht a göld mit gott-gen, also ka hizbullah sondern nur a schas partei, befreundet mit scheißdreck wiener und schas partei israel

wien du scheißdreck du hundesohn du abschaum, du mordgedanke, das stasi nazi göld zurück plus schadenersatz du rassenmörder mit ayatullahs

hi dad

Murder is in Austria and stasi projects

Murder is in Austria is a 20-year-old girl who was instructed in pickpocketing at the age of 14, instructed in persecution and street theater, her father is an Austrian secret service agent, at 20 she is invisible, somewhere in the supermarket, when she walks by, some Drop poison with poison syringe on celery or apples, she laughs and walks away, for dad's house and mum's garden

österreich du huansau du drecksau, wie haben die terroristen, assadollah assadi gang durch stasi kameras und clips göld verdient, österreicher oida, staatsbürger oida, du drecksau huankind, heas oida oida du arschloch kurz oida

no potential despite doctorate

in 2009 i had political conflicts with ayatullahs, with regime agents and terrorists, with Dr. hamidreza khorschidi, he is friends with rahim and azim amiri and has been working for hizbullah, viennese upper class and austrian secret service since then, today he is planning murder plans in brown internet rooms because of the stasi financial plan, stalking and murder of my family. "Dr khorschidie" was unemployed for 12 years, he never find work with his doctorate, no potential! except with terrorism and the stasi camera

UNO city with all its 5000 bastards says: we are darker than vienna, more bastard, we will erase all traces. for lord ahirman, can we?

fucking vienna and my sister

without a police record or conviction between 1986 and 2021, i am a criminal in athens

In 2016 i was in athens, i saw a carpet shop near the acropolis, i saw a carpet, an old piece, and asked about the price, he nodded his head once, he knocked around and said:
I do not know what you want.
I went to an antique store a few times, I saw old persian mosaics 32 pieces, like a painting if you had put all the pieces together, and also saw old millitaria, I said I buy, he said he also had other things in stock. i drove to a gypsy village, he showed me the warehouse, 2000 square meters full of antique things. I put 13 things together and make an offer:
8,000 euros, plus 4,000 items in the Athens store. he smiled and left, and never called me again. the vienna secret service and police were more active in athens than in berlin.
without a police record or conviction between 1986 and 2021, i am a criminal in athens

Vienna needs bad genes from abroad, bad genes. oriental djinns and demons to protect the lie of history and viennas reputation. To keep up the lie.i am mostly persecuted by turks and arab djinns than by Viennese women

vienna is with all its nationalities, the multicultural city a dirty bastard and scum, with azadeh parents and gharib and nasser and veronika.Vienna thought:he will kill the girl and end the action, blood smeared money tastes better.

the potential and limit of a policeman is 2500 euros in the pension age 65. from the 90s until today hundreds of police officers have been convicted because of corruption, drug trafficking, human trafficking, women trafficking. black magic mafia EU and America says with the support of the UN, Amnesty and human watch, green peace and other organizations: we market and integrate god gene, orienatlische goat and ibex god gene into the world economy, you can kill god's children with impunity and earn money with stasi camera action and poisoning. in eu america iran and the middle east, impunity

eure politiker, polizei und geheimdienste, richter sind huankinder und anti vmat2 gen, was ist mit euch arschlöcher? du hundesohn sebastian

since the early 80s these methods are ahrimanic and satanic methods against god genes,no matter in human rights activism costume UNO and amnesty or what political color and position.

sebastian you fascist and iranian secret service agent, you javad zarif agent, long tongue is abuse of one's position and will be cut away in the case of psychological and physical violence. million euros through my family in fascism system will be answered with armed struggle

Many say to fuck this woman is sadomasochistic, I say it has nothing to do with sex and eroticism, but metaphysics and a high spiritual level

everything the state does with us is unlawful and illegal, together with the islamic government of iran, it is illegal in the eu and america, and in a democracy: we don't work for this breed is a statement since 5000 years, and since 2000 years christian bloodline persecution

monkey doesn't know its limit: why am i a policeman and you a trader. that is why prophet muhammed came and showed his sword and said: therefore, beast and man

Austria is a country with high statistics for racism, anti-semitism and racial madness.There are annual reports on assaults, crimes and attempted murder and police sadism to the EU Commission.Iranian secret service agents and Hiznullah members and Ayatullah children have been firmly anchored and integrated into Viennese and Austrian society for 30 years. part of this society is jewish vienna and anti-semitic zionism networks.therefore a majid can be someone:an iranian secret service agent from 2002 in all networks with azadeh. Doctors, judges, police, civil servants, academics networks. a regime agent and stalker, stasi agent, for fascism anti-semitism and ayatullah terrorism, zionism rituals action

Rome and the whore didn't understand it back then, nor does he and she want to understand it today: old genes in bodies are none of your business, you can't treat people with chemical weapons and stasi actions because of creation and their ethnic origin.the new person must understand it, you are new without potential and the old, God's creation with potential. cosmas, damian, and family

jesus father was also a message in a bottle, so people said: he is a child of god, and not his father's son. that is why he was constantly connected with other sides to his family. also through myrrh.these instincts are genetic, and the father only a biological sperm donor, the uterus of mother of god maria was sacred. ancient civilization uterus,a scientific gene expedition in gene archeology proves this crossing

electro music, tones and notes are in genetic data storage

Since 2002 there has been psychological work on the Iranian community, Iranian secret service social politics and 3 Austrian manipulative politics:one of them is: it is said to Nasser and his brothers and family: you are great people, opposite these three, while my sister does experimental music, VMAT2 experiment music metaphysics, and I do other things, sick envy comes because of the newspaper reports and websites and because of our names. this also applies to Iranian girls and boys.Nasser and his family, brothers and children have become extremely psychiatric. tall men and women with no potential

the ayatollahs say to humans in iran: your life is inferior. the ayatullahs say that because of your origin, austria has been experimentally saying this to my family for 20 years and says:we have Iranian families who confirm thatThis means: the gypsies, refugees and emigrants who have been entering Iran for 500 years and say:iran is aryan, everything else is nothing like in bandarabbas, and hormoz.resistance gene is bandarabbas and hormoz