Samstag, 6. Februar 2021

azadeh i kill because of fascism, you understand? i kill because of anti-semitism, fascism and slavery finance project, i also kill calra if need be, because of your ritual and attempted murder for the ahrimanic capital

nazi gold, the splendor of fascism without god genes

I built my house, what do you want, my house, my money, my persecution, my crime, my state and my city

du huankind wiener du abschaum. these dog sons are not a creation, the shit michi and others, but hideous creatures ahriman, shit wiener you mass murderer, you bastard, you scum, fucking police and dirty judges, murderers and bastards, genocide animals, scum and filth of history

do you understand why i say austria is a scum and an animal? that austria is the dirtiest inferior breed in europe, the police say we won't arrest anyone until Ali Azadeh or others die. he will never get rights, and he will never stand above us, he will just sit in a prison cell. this is inferior scum Austria with races, genes and DNA complex.

My answer to racism, anti-Semitism, ethnic minority persecution, attempted murder and lawlessness because of our origins is: you dirty inferior monkey race you austrians, you master race, genocide animals assholes

ali khamemei ist ein diktator, SPÖ ÖVP abschaum und drecksau herrenrasse, huankinder massenmörder tiere

scheißdreck michi i hol das göld asse, zuerst dein sohn und eure kinder und dann meine familie du abschaum rasse du spö drecksau hundesohn häupl

scheißdreck hundesohn rasse, scheißdreck ali ali rasse:

oh ali oh ali siehst du den nicht dass der ibex barbad über dich spricht?
sei ruhig bleib ruhig oh du hund du ötzi, in dürren blättern säuselt der wind.
oh ali oh ali willst du denn nicht dass er nicht mehr über dich spricht?
bleib ruhig bleib ruhig du hund du ötzi, sprich es aus und sag was du willst
oh ali oh ali i brauch a göld, wenig arbeit mit viel mehr göld, der ibex bringt uns a haufn göld.
bleib an die leine du hund du mein kind wieviel bring der ibex für di in wien?
a haufn ali a haufn göld, bieg das in tehran hin a haufn göld.
ok ok du hund du ötzi, in neben zimmer ist auch ein ibex kind, willst du zuerst oder soll ich jetzt hin?
oh ali oh ali ich fick das kind ich bin der hund ich will das kind 

vienna has no judges but racial murderers fascists with dozens of million euros stasi business

du scheißdreck rasse, du huankind: gastarbeiterkinder und iranische zigeuner sind mehr wert, verkauft die mutter und die schwester, persische ibex rasse, laos die lait bluaten, ihr sad die herren ross'n ihr türken und araber, tschuschen und kanacken, zigainer alis, ihr sad es wert, net die perser

die steine beweisen: wien ist ein scheißdreck rasse mit die ariels zusammen, und nicht die herrenrasse


der wiener scheißdreck richter, huren und bastarde, faschisten und rassenmörder drecksau rasse sagt: wir haben die dschuschen göld verdienen lassen als herrenrasse, wir hetzen die tschuschen auf dich, tötet euch gegenseitig, ok, mit ein metal stange in futlappen deiner tochter du drecksau scheißdreck richter wien

big brother is the old spirit that is watching you

dirty fucking viennese judge are alexander psychopathy scum nationalists: a dual citizen that says: I don't care how many people are killed in iran, is a human and honorable character, whoever protests is a subhuman

heas drecksau, wir sand heit in östereich, du bastard tötest aber seit 600 jahren im iran, mit ayatullahs, du scheißdreck hundesohn ötzi

hundesohn drecksau österreich die killer networks wien-global sind schlimmer als assadollah assadi's bombe

If the police don't arrest Hamidreza Khorschidi for illegal dealings with my mother and sister, then I will kill this regime agent with others. this is a murder business with killer networks, if he disappears I'll find the children of his brother and widow

soroor shams the killer and elam, a conflict with elam and luristan for centuries. during shah abba's time it was the heyday, austria safavid shared game with soroor shams clan. this is not an industry but a murder tradition

Shame on you, ayatollahs and austria america europe say: we integrate iranian native blood into world economy, with stasi show

Austria/UNO city is a bastard with its children and grandchildren: In 2010 the children of vernonika douda farahani weiss said:mum 5 million inheritance for 5 children is not enough, fuck the father of rana and barbad, we gamble on 12 million with the stasi show

the Viennese judges say:we have prepared the world population with lies and hate campaigns, we kill innocent goat and ibex with the police, nobody protests because of the integration of iranian ibex blood into the global economy

veronika douda farahani weiss has 5 children and 3 grandchildren and 8 million euros, that is fascism, 8 million euros and she needs another 500,000 from the state

Vienna is a fascist and Nasser Farahani is a psychopath,i broke off all contacts from 2002 until today. His last human cell was bought for 500,000 euro cash:kill this family, i didn't make any money

for austria says human rights international and regional is toilet paper, because of the ethnic origin of my DNA from austria. Austria says: we make money with secret camera slavery and don't answer because our unemployed are happy with black slave businesses too

In the 18th and 19th to the 20th centuries, many in Europe used mummies blood for painting and art, only that they were from Egypt was and is a lie

mystery solved, persian oriental handbag and latin america. root in austria

if your ancestors were in vienna and you have the 7th tribe horn, lama tribe, then europe's elite will go wild. especially the children because of the feeling of inferiority. the rich children with no potential, turkey breed tribe

an iranian girl has a life in the islamic state, the bastard race wants to take her life away there, it can't, there are too many, bastard race says ok, we do it with bastard austria and europe outside iran. rana is not allowed to have a life, she is native, she has a grand piano and plays chopin at 16