Freitag, 12. Februar 2021

apis and immorality

Bastard breed has a reason:Traitors started to fuck monkeys out of envy, so that monkeys fuck us, the result in 2021:we women have to kill cash, the stasi nazi fascism money belongs to us, he should die. he must not live

command center for geo and race politics, it was not possible with anastasia but with stalin, 10 to 20 million dead and forced migration

heas kambiz woar do, und hot sich des angschaut: wos said fü depperte lait, wos ist des do, haes hc bist deppert oder wos mit michl, wos ist den des heaaaasss wos mochst do, des dreck braucht ka mensch net, gsindl wos ist mit eich, lost die lait in ruh mit magie scheißdreck

elam his story and holy grail and water should be kept in the shadows and forgotten, because these were native european, elam luristan and others. this psychopathy against my family and others has a genetic basis, and genetics has an ethnic origin and history, because of history there is racism, fascism, antipathy and genocide

because of kambiz DNa and god gene, michael häupl SpÖ, ÖVp, FPÖ destroyed my life in vienna until 2005, from 205 internationally with fake material, fake documents, and fake photos and videos.this is sick sadism, psychopathic nationalism of immigrants / invaders between 2 before christ and 10 after christ.action with iranian gypsies. Nobody talked because everyone believed the lies with fake evidence

 ‎دو برادر ایتالیایی دراواخر قرن بیستم و اوایل قرن بیست و یک، ادعا کردند در کاوشهایی که در بیابانهای غرب مصر انجام میدادند، بقایای این لشکر گمشده را پیدا کردند و بدین صورت راز یکی از بزرگترین معماهای تاریخی جهان را کشف کرده اند! اما این هم باز پایان ماجرا نیست

kambiz, his horse and eagle

5000 to 25000 euro salary UN says:we bought houses through the illegal action, kill the family and victims, we lose our houses.few sheep many bastard breed international

do you know the difference between sheep and ibexes and deer? the sheep gets wolf teeth when it becomes a lumpenproletariat, ibexes and deer become forest residents and hikers. so it's with my father's brothers and family

Major hirschfeld, ibex und goat killer kefalonia, dai opa du unzucht fritzi, mit die nazi mama hure und wehrmachtsjuden in kefalonia, net woahr net woahr? heas oidaaaaa, sand ma des net fritzi? rassenmörder sand ma, oarschgeile ahrimanischer sand ma, elami ficker sand ma, wir foarn elamis mit oarsch ins gsicht, des sand ma, arschloch fritzis sand ma.

wurzelrasse geheimdienst fritzi, und die alte schwarz magierin

the left hand elam, a stone 300 photos. in the louvre museun is mankind's greatest treasure collection, art:I once saw rich famous children there, and watched the family for an hour, and asked myself:when do the parents order their children to eat the bricks and tiles of the house. like termites. because there is nothing of the genes of these artists in our children !?

europe, america, iran, turkey, china, israel, and other countries are contemporary witnesses and the evidence for stasi camera action, vienna is still a living proof through daily nerves and street theater, to ask me to prove it because of the stasi camera system is attempted racial murder, political activist, and businessman murder. police government, the judges, secret services are poison killers and prison killers because of millions of stasi capital

tell azadeh amiri: 20 years of gang stalking stasi work and financial project, show,is worth for you to die for, for your brothers and family.we like to live, you are apes. dies, your life is worthless, risk for what ?, get famous and rich by shit? without potential and know-how

karl marx and industry, capital. The intellect and intelligence DNA and genes cross: mr wild boar, mrs parrot

the outstanding mineral, political and social behavior of the aristocracy and ahrimanic anunnaki capital, and the lackeys djinns and apes. image 1 of 300

today i'm sitting at home as a former political activist and stasi victim. instead of falling into depression and falling into psychosis, I say every day:you monkey you you primitive blonde blue-eyed mass murderer, you chimpanzee, you blonde racial murderer, you psychopath of history, who made these stones? you? the neanderthal?

SPÖ hiznullah, ayatullah stasi system doesn't work without stasi agents, 2014 was the time for Iranian woman with 30 percent German becomes SPÖ district councilor, with more salary, just for this one night. the other a mailbox businessman

i often had various discussions on different topics, newspaper comments were very popular, the result:

Donnerstag, 11. Februar 2021

Dachau 2021. my sister has been working non-stop since 2015, ask austria why because of international reputational damage and the stasi program.

dachau 2021 wien

austria says: after 20 years of stasi camera action we have even deeper anti-semitism, deeper urge to racial torture, and preference for 1932 anti-racial laws, even our leftists, greens and communists agree with us. prophets blood line and blood line old civilization for us is dachau 1942, burn, burn. because we are subhuman and inferior to this race

hostage taking and 500 deaths are also possible, you can often see that in the news

Azadeh Amiri occasionally checks with the international public prosecutor and the UN whether the traces on the internet have been deleted or are there. as a dual state stasi agent, azadeh amiri demands the erasure.
because of the 8 illegal properties. 5 million euros.
is that possible international data protection authority?
hostage taking and 500 deaths are also possible, you can often see that in the news

sarcasm, the stolen sword, imam ali sword, and jesus sword

I am still exposed to the unlawfulness, danger to life, risk of murder and risk of persecution. cameras search for me all over town.austria vienna is in attempted murder with his behavior and upholding of laws 1932 against my person and family, together, with ayatullahs and human rights activists in vienna

مهمان ‏نواز

آقا یک شب یکی زنگ زد گفت بیا شام خونه من، گفتم باشه، بعد امر فرمودن آشپز سراغ داری واسمون غذا درست کنه؟ یک حالی بهش میدیم، گفتم چشم، زنگ زدم به یک ایرانی که آشپز رستوران لوکس ایتالیایی بود، گفتم بیا بریم، گفت کجا گفتم آشپزی دیگه. خلاصه، رفت خرید کرد دید یا امام زمان، این میخواد مارو بکشه، آوکادو گرفته با میگو، پستو، ده تا پانزده مخلفات دیگه، پرسیدم جریان چیه؟ گفت غذا جریان داره، تو نمیدونی. شب شد و ما رفتیم مهمانی با یک آشپز. مهمان نواز شروع کرد ذغال برای منقل آماده کردن، آشپز هم غذا درست کردن. دیوانه ای که ما هستیم یک دعا خوندیم: یا امام این زودتر میخواد مارو بکشه یا آشپز؟ خلاصه رفتیم نشستیم رو مبل، آشپز اومد تی، وی روشن کرد، و مهمان نواز رفت آشپزخانه چایی دم کنه، بافور هم گذاشته بود رو منقل داغ بشه، همینطور که نشسته بودم یک دفعه زیر دلم درد گرفت، گفتم نه تو بمیری، تو میخوای من رو  بکشی یا امام!؟ دویدم برم دستشوئی دیدم: اه، مهمون نواز وایساده بالا قوری داره میخنده هی با خنده سرش رو تکون میده، یک پودر هم داره یواش یواش میریزه تو قوری. از دست شویی برگشتم، یک دفعه مهمان نواز گفت؛ چائی با هل خیلی خوشمزست، از دوبی اوردم، گفتم جدی؟ جون من اونجا نگفتی خلیج همیشگی عرب؟ آقا نشست با بافور دود کردن، دود کردن، دود کردن، رفتم چایی اوردم، گفتم بفرما، گفت مرسی، گفتم بخور، گفت بزار بست تموم شه، گفتم بخور، گفت ذغالم افتاد من رو هول نکن، گفتم بکش بالا شروع کرد خندیدن، گفت سرد شد بزار برم داغش رو بیارم.  یک چیز ما از این زندگی فهمیدیم: آشپز که نامرد باشه، مهمان نواز بی ناموس، یا امام برات میشه درس عبرت، میگه گودیدی با این زندگی بی تربیت دیوانه، اگر من نبودم برینم به روده های جناب، تا بحال مرده بودی، خلاصه این شد که ما شدیم مسلمان معتقد


From 1938 to 1945 these people died of deep faith in one thing
they were ready to die for this belief if they got enough time. This bastard is also ready to die today for one thing:
we are always allowed to exploit and kill jews, we don't talk or give any evidence, we deny, we want to exploit other DNA jews from asia and the middle east. with turkish arab and iranian gypsies.
young and old police officers are ready to die, doctors, women and girls, politicians, secret services, the upper class, have no problem with dying when the nazi gold safes are full

the woman cannot cook, and neither can her mother, what are 5 houses in iran for? where is the potential?my recipe: putti meat oregano, olives, phialadelphia and sheep cheese, garlic spagetti

azadeh amiri says:everything i did was for my parents to buy a house, it became 3 in austria and 5 in iran, divided into family names of that the whole thing is fixed, panic was caused in vienna:we can finance houses, authorities, police, secret services, judges, politicians and monarchs through the use of jews. with millions of viewers.1932 model.Earning money without know-how, without potential and level and class

my uncle was 25, an antique dealer, and bought a house with two floors. with an old farm, tara lived and studied here before tara emigrated to paris and america. I sat in front of these old foundation walls for a week, old stones arranged for a well. my uncle was amazed and said always: look at me look at me, i laughed and said the old man is always here, he goes and comes, he goes and comes, today he is here again with my friends. I showed him the photo later, he said; you're not blind, but apparently lonely, tara said leave him, otherwise he'll be annoying with tandorosti photos