Donnerstag, 18. Februar 2021

my birthday party with old friends

illuminati magic and euphoria in society

hundesohn drecksau, scheißdreck, affe, nenadertaler bist du höher? ohne Recht


یک زمانی ماقبل از تاریخ جامعه یک میلیون نفری در آرامش و عشق و دوستی و محبت زندگی میکردن. همان گفتار نیک، کردار نیک و پندار نیک، اهریمن اومد اینطور گفت؛ ببین بچه تو بلد نیست، یعنی بچه این از تو بالا تره؟ چیه هی زر میزنه اینکارو بکن اون کارو بکن، ما بلدیم و ما هستیم، به بچت بگو بره ازش کار یاد بگیره بعدش طرف رو بکشه، بگو خودت رو بکش بالا نذار گوسفند بره بالا، بگو بزنه بکشه طرف رو. قوچ و بز و گوسفند رو ما آبگوشت میکنیم، استخوانش رو هم میدیم به سگ گاز بزنه. همینطور هم شد و این بود آغاز برده داری، نابودی فرهنگ، ژن، علم. حالا از این یک میلیون ۸۰۰۰ نفر فداکاری میکردند ها، برای آسایش و رفاء اجتماعی، بدون نظر و هدف به ثروت و سرمایه. حالا امروز هم طرف میگه بچه های ما نتونن خودشون رو بکشن بالا میخوایم آدم روی زمین نمونه. خوب نمونه، تو سر از کجا در میاری؟ میگه نو لیبرالیسم مصرف کننده داره، اونم ماییم، به شما احتیاجی نیست، حالا یکی نیست بگه: نو لیبرالیسم از کی تا بحال فداکار بوده که به هستی تو احتیاج داشته باشه یا پایبند به ارزش های انسانی، میگه ۸ میلیارد حیوان ریخته در این دنیا، برای این دنیا یک میلیارد "انسان" کافی است. میگه ما هم ثروت داریم یا ثروتمند میشویم، ما ۸ ساعت رولکس بدست میبندیم برای خدمت به سرمایه داری. لول، ما را نمی کشند. بعد سوال میکنی میگی؛ بینم قرو قاطی مگه نژاد تمیز و پاک اهریمنی داری کسخل؟ گریگوری دیوانه

آقا ما فعلآ داریم با سنگ شوشتری میرقصیم، هنوز قرمساق بازی با بالت و جاز دانس ندیدن. ‏

huankind österreich, drecksau abschaum wien. OHNE RECHT

The money was in my 16 jobs and businesses, the senseless whores collective ape brain Vienna, unproductive shit machine
sells my family, potential for houses and luxury and restaurants, vacation, together with UNO city bastards

25 years of the eye, and the prophet as an observer, innocent sister and brother, children of ahura mazda

you understand, my standard in 2002 was 30,000 euros a month, until 2008 the goal was achieved, international ruin. Then once the girl takes a 20,000 euro loan for my business, and the father steals my antiques afterwards with the Iranian gang and police so that I cannot repay it, then in 2013 again 25,000 euro credit, with no chance of business, job or projects, everything was filmed, for other continents and countries: he is a cheater and thief. this is how a 1,800 euro family became a 5 million euro family

The problem with this scum in the 21st century is: these grandmother, mother and granddaughter reach other mothers grandmothers and grandchildren around the world via the internet and secret cameras, they reactivate the ahrimanic gene for collective action, and parasitic behavior

the passion of grandma and granddaughter.why doesn't he die? we love him

In 1932, Vienna also established this culture with Adolf: you are worth more than the race, worth more than traders, businessmen's, politicians, scientists and others, you are not sheep. plunder and buy your clothes and houses.Today is the Viennese police, secret services the Gestapo, the SPÖ the NSDAP, with the support of Ayatullahs, Europe, and the UN

world view and philosophy of life:I am not a sheep, I steal keys, I ruin, I organize, I kill to live better.

for 20 years the islamic government of iran has been working against its opponents with jew lobby europe, america canada, australia:financial project stasi decomposition method, poisoning and silence. illegal anti-human contracts, the black money managers and presentants of the islamic government worldwide is vienna, SPÖ / ÖVP

balthazar schizophrenia and jezebel collective and dragon formation

the lie about history and archeology turns the persians, the middle east, south and north africa into shadow creatures. if there is no root and no history, ahriman and darkforce turn you into shadow existence. with 16 jobs and 38 projects

ali gharib the terrorist, hussein, sasan darvish zadeh, family amiri spread in vienna, europe america: twice we gave him chemicals he is not death, we tried insolin poison for his liver. The networks laughed about jews family in vienna, this reporting is a farce and decoration, because the regime cannot be arrested, but in Europe and America terrorism can be arrested

Mittwoch, 17. Februar 2021

the viennese shows his behavior on the streets: we see this drawing on your side every day, the world gives us the right, america, U.N.O, england iran gives us the right. we will exploit you to the last drop of blood, we will loot, kidnap, and burn you. like these 3 tribes in mauthausen, amnesty , zara and human watch and the EU commission gives us the right

The fact is, I can earn a million euros a month with poker, just the only thing: Viennese and Iranian secret services would pay one million euros a month to manipulate the program, to say: you can't play well

Austria says: there are official statistics, we have 313,000 millionaires, I say there are 500,000 millionaires and there are other statistics in the brown area. there are 5 to 10 billion euros, austrian black money on swiss accounts, get it back. austria is not interested, austria needs money, with "jews" family sales.

the police want to establish mass murder with support in europe, and to establish loot and theft. This Ahrimanic 1932 system is made possible by globalization, unemployment, and mismanagement, society or large parts of society should agree to family murder, genocide, murder of women and children for 200 to 500 euros per month. example is: look at amiris they are iranians and have become millionaires through our action

you know..... In 1938 Nazi doctors said to 3 tribes in Mauthausen, your life is not worth it to us, you have no meaning for us, because with you our lives become meaningless. today the viennese hospital nazi doctor also says it: if you get sick and come to us then you die, no mercy: With your life, our life becomes meaningless. there are hundreds of thousands of my varieties and races, crossbreed in iran, still!

the stone from last posting. with better equipment i can film and take pictures in hd. from the inside. the roots of ibex deer and other tribes, earth 3 billion years ago

Keeping the tribes pure is not racism or anti-Semitism, it means chemistry, avoiding conflicts.

in vienna mauthausen, vienna austria drove dozens of thousands to suicide with wehrmacht Jews. 7 years of psychological and physical torture. today vienna U.N.O and ayatullahs deny the whole action of the last 20 years so that a girl with 5 years of psychotherapy kills herself, you have no rights, it's too late, it's over. you daughter of three magicians and kings and saints

this is an old alien ritual against a brother and sister, UNO says: i shake my ass, i shake my ass, groovi groovi, funky funky, hey jazzi in paltalk you were crazy, and the viennese is the classic: radetzky march of the police

the blood thirst has no limit, ali khamenei hizbullah and ayatullahs, 16th century sinti and roma iran search in europe, america for traces genetic minorities and ethnic minorities, and hand them over into the hands of capital fascism for murder and stasi method, financial project, women and children first says the ayatullah in iran. i'm only austrian citizen, my sister too. elami artifact, 8 tribes goats and ibex

elam and babel

heidis stalker gen und die berge

whore of babykon vienna. that is the reason that vienna will destroy a family with all its might, as a thank you presents to ali khamenei: thank you for destroying our natural enemies in iran, you can keep the stasi money too, ali keep killing jews for austria, austrians are your best friends and austrian fascism is proud of you

babylon tower vienna