Donnerstag, 18. Februar 2021

if I find the material from my mother and sister when the state says: our people had the right for this action, then i break every inch of the bones of austrian celebrities, with magic, it's called metaphysics, every piece of stone an accident

the subject of this financial campaign was: illegal entry, burglary theft installing illegal secret cameras for the most intimate situations.UN fascism austro fascism, EU and america fascism says:you can only earn money with jews if you fuck his mother and sister, and then even more if the jew is dead.UN and Amnesty are offended: why is the innocent family from iran in vienna not yet dead, money is our right, jews money

I haven't had a single crime in my police files or court files since 1986 to 2021, UN City Vienna says:the only crime committed by ali and azadeh, family shams and amiri is that they did not kill you.

I picked this woman home in October, she was friendly, she asked:can I help you, I said maybe. the amusing thing is:she wants spiritual sex every night, like in horror thriller: lick me, lick me, and shows a vagina with worms instead of pubic hair, i laugh and say no, no, go to pürstl i show you the photo every day, go to pürstl. she also laughs and leaves

Vienna judges and police secret services, jews lobby and public prosecutor says: Because of 100 million jews gold slave business and our real estate we will only obey the fascism laws of 1932, with weapons, teeth and violence. The EU parliament and the UN are our allies. Ayarullahs kill this inferior race every day, we plunder and kill gently with Heinrich Groß's poisons

In 1998 the SPÖ and ÖVP said to toudeh aksariat party and rahim amiri, soroor shams, gharib family:suck our testicles, not his testicles, 3 shops make you inferior and lower race, our testicles make you rich people through these 3 shops. the politics of austria and europe in iran with romana tribes, since 1500-2021

my friend kazem

what do I hear in my ears, what do my eyes see? my hear‌‌‌, is the master of mythology, seeing, is the window to mythology, all i am is from fairy tales and mythology, therefore digging is not allowed, "it" says: you remain only a fairy tale

tablet editing, guido von list's photo, black magic

this mutant crocodile and dog is a half sleeping monster, vienna shows itself with azadeh amiri, all hospitals, prosecutors, judges, lawyers, and police officers. murderers, looters and hunters

In Austria there were no contracts with my family and my person, only my political activism and terrorism, the dirty society of Vienna, looters and thieves say: whatever terrorism is allowed to do, we are also allowed, against "jews". it is our country. this society and this pile of shit is a sinking ship with UN employees.

for 600 years the world has suffered because of europe, because the super child of 3 tribes + 5 is not or was not aryan. and that's because at that time when the stone was created there were no Aryan tribes.when will the murders in iran stop, you austria?

Vienna was rubbish under the Habsburgs before the first world war, and even more today.the antipathy of social democrats against the house of habsburg was:you shouldn't show something that you are not, mercy, pity,1932 followed

these animals in vienna are murderers, he drinks blood from the bowl, these viennese are waiting for the opportunity to murder me with european bastard networks, for the next victims from iran in europe

besides azadeh i also had an uncle, he was unemployed between 1998 and 2013, he never found a job, the pressure was high, so that he has been walking around with a beggar bowl since 2008, SPÖ and everyone gives him between 100 to 1000 euros, hundreds of people on the street, monthly, for maintaining the stasi decomposition system, psychological torture, physical torture and isolation, and 100 million euros stasi nazi cash register

well, wishes were expressed 3 months ago

panHis favorite place to stay is Mount Lykaion in Arcadia! no he has been with me for weeks and we drink tea and coffee and we talk about the immature "human"He names a university professor from the humanities faculty in Vienna:a howling black donkey with a title

my birthday party with old friends

illuminati magic and euphoria in society

hundesohn drecksau, scheißdreck, affe, nenadertaler bist du höher? ohne Recht


یک زمانی ماقبل از تاریخ جامعه یک میلیون نفری در آرامش و عشق و دوستی و محبت زندگی میکردن. همان گفتار نیک، کردار نیک و پندار نیک، اهریمن اومد اینطور گفت؛ ببین بچه تو بلد نیست، یعنی بچه این از تو بالا تره؟ چیه هی زر میزنه اینکارو بکن اون کارو بکن، ما بلدیم و ما هستیم، به بچت بگو بره ازش کار یاد بگیره بعدش طرف رو بکشه، بگو خودت رو بکش بالا نذار گوسفند بره بالا، بگو بزنه بکشه طرف رو. قوچ و بز و گوسفند رو ما آبگوشت میکنیم، استخوانش رو هم میدیم به سگ گاز بزنه. همینطور هم شد و این بود آغاز برده داری، نابودی فرهنگ، ژن، علم. حالا از این یک میلیون ۸۰۰۰ نفر فداکاری میکردند ها، برای آسایش و رفاء اجتماعی، بدون نظر و هدف به ثروت و سرمایه. حالا امروز هم طرف میگه بچه های ما نتونن خودشون رو بکشن بالا میخوایم آدم روی زمین نمونه. خوب نمونه، تو سر از کجا در میاری؟ میگه نو لیبرالیسم مصرف کننده داره، اونم ماییم، به شما احتیاجی نیست، حالا یکی نیست بگه: نو لیبرالیسم از کی تا بحال فداکار بوده که به هستی تو احتیاج داشته باشه یا پایبند به ارزش های انسانی، میگه ۸ میلیارد حیوان ریخته در این دنیا، برای این دنیا یک میلیارد "انسان" کافی است. میگه ما هم ثروت داریم یا ثروتمند میشویم، ما ۸ ساعت رولکس بدست میبندیم برای خدمت به سرمایه داری. لول، ما را نمی کشند. بعد سوال میکنی میگی؛ بینم قرو قاطی مگه نژاد تمیز و پاک اهریمنی داری کسخل؟ گریگوری دیوانه

آقا ما فعلآ داریم با سنگ شوشتری میرقصیم، هنوز قرمساق بازی با بالت و جاز دانس ندیدن. ‏

huankind österreich, drecksau abschaum wien. OHNE RECHT

The money was in my 16 jobs and businesses, the senseless whores collective ape brain Vienna, unproductive shit machine
sells my family, potential for houses and luxury and restaurants, vacation, together with UNO city bastards

25 years of the eye, and the prophet as an observer, innocent sister and brother, children of ahura mazda

you understand, my standard in 2002 was 30,000 euros a month, until 2008 the goal was achieved, international ruin. Then once the girl takes a 20,000 euro loan for my business, and the father steals my antiques afterwards with the Iranian gang and police so that I cannot repay it, then in 2013 again 25,000 euro credit, with no chance of business, job or projects, everything was filmed, for other continents and countries: he is a cheater and thief. this is how a 1,800 euro family became a 5 million euro family

The problem with this scum in the 21st century is: these grandmother, mother and granddaughter reach other mothers grandmothers and grandchildren around the world via the internet and secret cameras, they reactivate the ahrimanic gene for collective action, and parasitic behavior

the passion of grandma and granddaughter.why doesn't he die? we love him

In 1932, Vienna also established this culture with Adolf: you are worth more than the race, worth more than traders, businessmen's, politicians, scientists and others, you are not sheep. plunder and buy your clothes and houses.Today is the Viennese police, secret services the Gestapo, the SPÖ the NSDAP, with the support of Ayatullahs, Europe, and the UN

world view and philosophy of life:I am not a sheep, I steal keys, I ruin, I organize, I kill to live better.

for 20 years the islamic government of iran has been working against its opponents with jew lobby europe, america canada, australia:financial project stasi decomposition method, poisoning and silence. illegal anti-human contracts, the black money managers and presentants of the islamic government worldwide is vienna, SPÖ / ÖVP