Samstag, 27. Februar 2021

آخه بیناموس، آخه بی همه چیز، زورت به ما نمیرسه چرا گربه زبون بسته رو میکشی، آخه بیشرف، آخه بی همه چیز، آخه دیوث. لا اله الا الله، بعد تازه میگه: ما چرا بلد نیستیم باربی و دولفین از دود بیاریم بیرون؟ ها؟ ما آدم نیستم، نه؟ ما بلد نیستیم نه؟ شما آدمید، بچه های ما دیوانه شدن. مرتیکه

bibip, flip flip

austria germany europe were 600 years shame of history because of mass murder, today  a collective of 15,000 rich children and their families say:
the race doesn't matter, today we know what himmler meant:
there is aryan race and god gene race, oriental god gene.
therefore the deer and ibex are the public enemy  number one

the bastard breed vienna hides all evidence, this breed is not a jew killer, or was not a jew killer, only VMAT2 killer to this day. hide evidence and kill with police and politicians and doctors

Natural stone, natural formation, without cut. VMAT2 art and production. "magic" from balthazar, caspar and melchior in vienna

why are bastards allowed from; VMAT2 race to earn money like 1932, despite human rights charter and data protection laws and civil rights

got today. the world of casper and melchior

National Socialist god gene killer SPÖ, anti-Semitic ÖVP: the world intrigue with black magic mafia global and vienna was: i got an address for buying antiques, mrs palazolo, her father was an austrian doctor, jewish descent without religion. The man was a collector, a god gene human being, you bitch mamas and bitch father wanted to know whether I notice or show something, or know something, fuck your children, pedophile SPÖ bastard race, childern fucker

you mother fucker, europe america and freemasonry, wehrmacht jews says: we sacrifice the flesh and blood of god genes for the wealth and welfare of the community. like cosmas and damian. money is more important than technology and healing for the poor

got today, elams holy water and the view to ahrimanic materialism

We have become international targets with zero euros, without rights and are in mortal danger because of SPÖ anti god genes fascism and ÖVP anti-Semitism

مینا جنده کوس تاپاله هم میگه: مشکل ما فقط سلام نیست، مشکل ما کمونیست ها ژن خدا پرستی است

60% of the iranian society is characterized by poverty, bastard land austria manipulated the tehran society for 15 years with networks.networks that were set up with secret camera action . bastardrace austrians taught the poor and the rich: we let you earn money from our god genes carrier slaves, earn money. if mother, daughter and son file a criminal complaint against us, kill them, we have no money

چاقو ‏کره مربا

آقا یکبار نشسته بودم با خسرو رستوران ترکی، دیدم هی داره میره زیر میز، هی میره زیر میز، گفتم نمنه؟ گفت شوخی نکن پشت پام داره تیر میکشه، گفتم اون چاقو مربا رو بده بینیم، دیدم داره نگاه نگاه میکنه، گفتم ده بده مرتیکه ساواکی، آقا با دست لرز چاقو  رو داد به ما، گفتم بلندشو بینیم، بلندشو، هوم. ۲ متر مثل دیوار بلند شد وایساد جلو ما، خلاصه دو خط انداختیم پشت پاش، گفت: پسر، تو خدایی، چیکار کردی؟ پیشه خودم گفتم خفه شو دیوث، ما زندانبان هم میشدیم میشستیم با ارازل اوباش سیاسی سیگاری میکشیدیم، مادر قحبه های روانپریش شاهی

Holy grail......elami and luri god gene carrier, the bone structure, genetic structure, DNA pattern was also on crete, kefalonia and other islands. the children and women were brutally destroyed by austrians, 60% of the wehrmacht and wehrmachtsJews were academics, doctors and judges. the officers were from austria and vienna

The fact is that the bastard race, doctors, judges, scientists after child murders, child experiments, women and men murders and experiments and mass murders, child murders found a warm place in the SPÖ.without files, without penalties, without negotiation, without remorse. So it happens that an SPÖ has been commanding its clubs and organizations since 2006 to constantly monitor and film sex scenes of god gene, private life. from mother and daughter. for stasi psychological manipulation and war, behavior change and fate change. former fascists today atheists

ahrimanic capital fascism finds us today in maternity wards, through the umbilical cord, if not there then later in a hospital through our blood test

آقا امروز یه کارت پستال قدیمی گیرمون اومد، گفتم یاد رفیق شفیق سوشیانت بخیر، جانا چه دهنی از این چشم اهریمن نمودیم

البته این بدن و پیکره دوتا پستون هم داره ما باهاش ۱۵ سال تو پالتالک والیبال بازی میکردیم..، ببین چیکارمون کردند

طرف میگه مارکس و لنین برای چی پس نوشتن، برای کی نوشتن، ببین ابولی: مارکس به طبقه کارگر دو تا پا داد، انگلس یک دست راست و لنین یک دست چپ، گردنش استالین بود، سرش هم مائو. خلاصه مو هاش هم چپ کونده امروزه که از ترس سیخ شده، چون سرمایه دار اهریمنی ۱۵۰ سال پیش گفت: بیا اقلآ یه هیکل و پیکره بهت بدم تا برینم بهش، ارزشش رو داشته باشی ‏

scheißdreck linke drecksau schweine europa amerika, türkei iran, huankind bastarde, rotfaschisten bitch mamas abschaum, drecksau hundesöhne, dreckige rotfaschisten huren und bastarde. es lebe mazdakimsus, fuck marxismus, fuck lenninismus

facebook 2017, du huansau huankind altfaschist österreich/wien. anti gott gene bastard. massenmord psychopatie, folter psychopatie, killer psychopathie, stasi psychopatie, meuchelmörder ist für mich bastardrasse

got today, god gene production set

satanism says: nastrovje oci chiornie

there are secrets and mysteries in history, about bastard austria and its history.
god genen has a behavior pattern, thought module and social behavior, physical characteristics,
or let's say old races and civilization. accordingly 6 million were selected, without genes and DNA tests.
today the anti god fascism is called SPÖ atheism, communism and socialist atheists, or bruno Kreisky ex christen organization. the basic principle is not philosophy but bilogy, physics and existence of god genes, bastard race michi says: without god genes the world is free from god. In the cloak of human rights activism, the amnesty and UN anti god gene fascist says:
we don't kill, we administer gene therapy, or painless death, stasi sterlisarion system, target tracking, threats and torture, family blackmail. Fascism is called atheism today, and satanism says: nastrovje oci chiornie

the vienna police, austrian and iranian states, america sentenced me to secret camera show, and persecution. with these prerequisites in the report. today a policeman between 20 and 30 says: I kill for my motorcycle, the other says for the car, one says about cell phones, another says about gold earrings. the iranians in vienna are worse than others: we kill because of popcorn in the cinema. the whole mind control program is: everyone wants to be an insider

europe has been killing masses for 600 years, with secret society, america CIA and other organizations, because of DNA origin "unknown"

ancient asian wisdom

4 stones plus an ax, the librarian

for archeology, stone age tool, ax, or nut breaker, for unorthodox science, genetic makeup, DNA, culture and civilization, logistic, system, high tech

my DNA and that of my family is 40,000 years of persia, illegality, torture, murder, is hostility to persia, to great persia

born february 1975. due to DNA origin unknown from world art dealer turned into a 900 euro social case, 900 euro social beggar in vienna. photo today...