Sonntag, 28. Februar 2021

Millions of euros were sent to the UN accounts because of consumption, consumption was our property and our lives. UN causes worse fascism and god genes terrorism and mass murder:we have no money we give it back. stasi torture, concentration camp system consumers money

rahim amiri had 1,800 euro salary potential, and 800 euro pension, 5 million are ayatullah hizbullah terror and austro fascism money

Do you understand, Austria has laundered money for a kebab seller, teacher and accountant and taxi driver, so tomorrow they say:we were always rich, we have white documents here that we had the potential to earn 5 million euro, with clean business and potential, barbad had nothing in mind


between 1915 and 1932 he tried to distribute the capital with the war and to rebuild the economy, with work. it didn't work, the head was missing.
then they thought what we didn't have in mind, the jew has it in his pocket. and a lot of it, we exploit and distribute it after the second war

in vienna it is embarrassing to be anti ahrimanic, it is embarrassing to be a muslim. this logic is: watch the ahrimanic live (matrix). everything has its place, clean, nice bedrooms with nice moments, discipline, logic, knowledge, order and empathy, sympathy for each other. the only thing: Ahrimanic crime is not a sword and bloodshed, but corrupt financial system, black money and stasi financial project. A deal between wholesalers, negotiators and loss dealers and 10 million die without a sword. or in iran.the muslim is a sword, assassin, bomber and someone who chops off heads. Iranian Terrorism Today! you don't see any blood, only slave trade without dead so far, the target kills, not us. what only needed real estate and clean bedrooms

ahrimanic church kahlenberg, last resting place, vienna wall

gudrun was a woman who was ashamed to say in public: we killed humans, not animals, we are your friends. today there are more animals than humans, humans are our natural enemies,so said my father

the highlight of the secret camera action was: gudrun enjoyed watching us from 1998 onwards as we slowly get annoyed and impoverished.Gudrun Burwitz,born Himmler (born August 8, 1929 in Munich; † May 24, 2018 ibid) [1], was the only biological child from the marriage of Margarete and Heinrich Himmler.

the sheep has a shepherd. deer and ibexes, friends, and gods generals

jew killer zionist israel is an ape without god genes, not a semite, and someone who concludes treaties with the iranian embassy, with terrorist hussein gharib and rahim amiri so that my mother and sister become international targets because of their god genes and ethnic origin, dirty 1932 wehrmacht jew politics today in israel, filthy jew murderers

my incense mixture for liberation

elam und kiwara heidi

der ducki hat zuviel geld verdient, esterhazy sagt: bleib geschmeidg michi, töte michi, töte, töte doch töte fühle dich frei, fühle euphorie, wir fühlen es auch, sei euphorisch, töte, wir sind es wieder, wir sind es

two minutes ago, incense spices ritual, spices from cairo. fucking killer psychopathy vienna

basically the old religion iran is also the old civilization, or 60% of it, fascism has been implemented in iran since 1979 with this policy: who is not muslim has 50% fewer rights, women even less. religious minority in iran is genetic minority and ethnicity. europe's islam "fascism" with ayatullahs. the bastard state shows itself in austria: anti god genes fascism, no human rights

austrofascism, Austria says with his behavior: you do not deserve human rights, you are half-human and primitive, you are only half worth, like the people in iran, you do not deserve democracy and civil rights. I say with proof, you are a bastard breed, filthiest monkeys tribe and killer monkeys, and you as the darkforce have proven that dozen times, Austria is a scum of history, with its mass murder program. austria is shit and bastard

a man army only exists in hollywood, ironman, robotman, batman. in america and europe the elite say: either you work with our children in a team, 500 people in a team, or you die. in iran the ayatullahs say: either you say as a Persian you are shit or you die. iran is a colony of europe and america for 40 years, with the ayatullahs, for the goal: you're shit

the dirtiest country in europe is austria, the best friend of ayatollahs. this bastard makes accountants, kebab sellers, taxi drivers into honorable citizens and famous, against our race, perpetrators without external and internal values. to stay up to date these people do everything for the state, they also become the most primitive animals for notoriety until they die


one must understand
a part of society 18% percent has a very extensive academic knowledge,
nevertheless, very limited and for the breakthrough dependent on america and europe, as a collective, the reason:
genetic and his ethnic origin is under the pubic hair of our testicles, he kills because of weakness and a feeling of inferiority. the metaphysics

stasi financial action tribes, with iranian terror tribe, which is fascinating:the tribe of rich children has different thinking modules than their upper-class mothers.the lower race established middle class woman is dirtier than upper class woman

Do you understand?... ghassemlou case was terror, but also plunder. it was about politics and 35 million deutschmarks, black capital in a party account in vienna

500 dirty 100% killer and fascist women sit in Vienna and have control over 15,000 other whores since 1998.for this news, 120 times a year: we earn "marie". we buy houses, we are the weaker link in society, we need slaves for real estate

God gene

The God gene hypothesis proposes that human spirituality is influenced by heredity and that a specific gene, called vesicular monoamine transporter 2 (VMAT2), predisposes humans towards spiritual or mystic experiences.[1] The idea has been proposed by geneticist Dean Hamer in the 2004 book called The God Gene: How Faith is Hardwired into our Genes.

The God gene hypothesis is based on a combination of behavioral genetic, neurobiological and psychological studies.[2] The major arguments of the hypothesis are: (1) spirituality can be quantified by psychometric measurements; (2) the underlying tendency to spirituality is partially heritable; (3) part of this heritability can be attributed to the gene VMAT2; (4) this gene acts by altering monoamine levels; and (5) spirituality provides an evolutionary advantage by providing individuals with an innate sense of optimism.

world religions with god genes and without god genes.

Austria proves or wants to prove something with Viennese behavior:we were god genes killer, it's us, we don't understand joke, since the safavid time in iran. we are killers, as well as in concentration camps

these anti god gene laws have been around for a long time, ahrimansiche darkforce always bites us in the ass, and we always have to fart and shit so that their mouths are full of our shit."we have done everything, we have discovered everything"

in austria human rights organizations like amnesty and zara and dozens of others there is more fascism than in neo-nazi movement in germany. anti god genes fascism, in solidarity with bilderberg conference members.the whore and bastard says:the perpetrators are aryan race, and our austrians, who need a lot of money for a quiet life, we can't find any stasi protocol

آقا سال ۲۰۰۲ ناصر رفت، بدون مهریه، و با باقی گذاشتن ۱۷۰.۰۰۰ یورو بدهی، گفتم پس اینه، مادر ما اگر مرغ بود مهریه میداد، اینها فقط به آدم مهریه نمیدن، آخه ازدواج با مرغ یک شکیبایی و زیبایی در همزیستی داره، و خاطرات شیرین، خاطرات شیرین هم توطعه و پدر سوخته بازیست، پرداخت مهریه هم از رو ترس و واهمه از لو رفتن ‏است


آقا بچه بودم دیدم یک سرباز میهن شیمیایی شده داره نفس نفس میزنه، گریم گرفت، گفتم مهریه زن این رو حالا کی میده؟، فرداش رفتم مدرسه، گفتم آقا اجازه، آقا اجازه، گفت چیه دیوونه؟ گفتم مهریه شهدای راه اسلام رو بنیاد شهید میده؟ بعد رفت بیرون اومد تو با سه نفر دیگه، یکیشون آذری بود، گفت، بینم بابی منافق نیست؟ گفتم منافیق یاینه تزچه؟ گفتم ای بیناموس پاش بیا بیرون، ادا من رو در نیاری. آقا رفتیم بیرون یکی زد تو سر ما، گفت جبهه میری یا نه؟ گفتم نه، پرسید تزچرا؟ گفتم من برم جبهه جواب مادرم رو تو میدی، آقای یانی تچی؟ گفت برو گمشو دیوونه برو گمشو. خلاصه، اگر ما با سم شما مرده بودیم، تاریخ رو کی صاف کاری میکرد، ترکمون؟بیناموس، جاکش، هرکسی یک سرنوشت داره، ای دست به سم نامرد بیشرف ایرانی، مادر قحبه وین، بی تفاوت، قاتل، کوسکش، ژن تخم سگ، بی عرضه، بی خاصیت.


این جوامع ما کوچک و بزرگ ماتریکسه، هزار هزار ماتریکس، جوابش هم در سنگ هست: ژن، و زیست جامعه شناسی. حالا یکی میگه، د بده، ۲۰۰۰ نفر میشینن د میدن، یکی میگه ص بده، ۵۰۰۰ نفر جمع میشن، خلاصه الفبای جریان اینه. ‏